Tech not YET. I had my iodine xray thingy today. And i sneaked a peak at the monitor. (i looked online for hours one night to be able to see what it would look light if it was cancer or not, etc) and there WAS 2 round mass looking things that were black NOT LIT UP at all! So that would of meant they were 'cold'. And If i understand what I read correctly, it means cancer.. But the doc has to review the results and get back to me. So I dunno how long that will take. They said 3-4 days.. so prob early next week I will know something.
Im freaking out.. I know I shouldnt of looked, But I wanted to be prepared. Those 2 spots were plain as day! No mistaking them for anything else. They were big..
V, you are not certified to read those things, so don't be freaking out b/c you googled how to read it. These people go to school for YEARS to read those films...if it was THAT easy to read them, everybody would do it.
And i know i cant read them medically.. I just was looking for what they showed online and I saw it. However, YES I am waiting for the doc to tell me something definate. It could be nothing .. But it could be something.
For all you know, they inverted the colors for some reason and they were hot. And not all cold nodules are cancerous. They just have a higher chance (no more than 20% from what I've read). And having multiple nodules lowers cancer risk, from what they told me. Like Natasha said, no use getting worked up over it yet.