Emotional Bias
This is just a little thing that has been floating around at the back of my head for a couple of days. 99% of the population would most probably kill a number of strangers to save a loved one, such as a mother of father. I would personally kill 3 strangers to save my mother, there is no doubt about it. But in my act of killing a complete stranger, you have already placed more value on one life over another. As you so easily decide that your loved one has value, so too can the stranger place more value on his loved ones. It’s a conflicting situation. Everyone places value on one life over another. As I see it, you have no right to place more value for a loved one than a stranger. If you were placed in the situation where you had to decide between a loved one and two strangers being killed, you should in fact place the two stranger’s lives over your loved ones life. So a stranger has as much value as your loved one. So when we immediately place value on a loved one, is that emotional greed?
Is there anything I am overlooking?
Your comments………………..