I love you in a Mennonite way Quilt lady.
Right now my " active " pics consist of about 14 gig but I wouldn't put 'em all on at once. We won't talk about my " inactive or archived " stuff. That's a hell of a lot more.
So from what I can tell so far 16 otta do it. Any other pipers wanna add a note or two feel free.
The iDevice I have today uses only iTunes to transfer stuff.. If you decide to buy this do not delete anything you put into it..
As far as I can tell iTune still forces compression.. This is how it makes space very compact..
Oddly enough the Camera folder has normal size pictures but they cannot be accessed easily.
You do not have Music, yet, nor Video, so those formats will not get compressed as it does with those at this time..
This is not a problem if you keep them from iDevice to iDevice but is if you ever get fed up and want a change.
You give up all rights to Your property when you put them on an iDevice in essence unless you stick to Apple products and even then you could lose applications if they deem them Not Apple friendly even if you pay. Just had a friend have one deactivated on his iPhone that I was trying to use on my device for BC Ferries which is no longer active but still in the Apps store..
Also most connections to an iDevice is proprietary.. Hence a charger for mine was $34.00 for what was really a cheap $5.00 adaptor. It may look like a standard plug in for USB but it will not work in a generic adaptor. I managed to get a combo pack for $28.00 for wall plug-in and car charger.
Hardware wise my device leaves a bit to be desired of. The signal drops often and on the WiFi and the Screen is very touchy, although clear. I would by far not say it is the best screen on the market as the good / bad features can out weight each other.
The battery life is horrible.. I am told this is the new norm now and if you want good battery life, turn off all applications.. :24: