I don't think exposure to alcohol has that much to do with "binge culture"
In my opinion, I think it has more to do with the long and hard working week. It's a fact that Briton's work harder and longer than anyone else in Europe (I think we're the only European country that opted out of the 35-hour working week EU directive), so is it any surprise that come the weekend, people want to let off a little steam?
That's not true at all, we work the same hours in Spain as you do in the UK. For far less money too. FAR FAR less money.
It's a complete myth that Britons all work harder and longer. France's productivity is higher for example, though they work less hours, maybe 1 less a day. They're just working smarter than Britons.
I've worked much harder and much longer with fewer paid holidays in Spain than the UK. The standard working day in Spain is 8 - 9 hours, just like the UK. We generally don't get paid overtime here either, even though it is expected of you, just as in the UK.
The working conditions are pretty comparable in most European countries. Britain comes out very average on various working hours and workload statistics.
The whole "we Britons work harder than everyone else" is more to do with the bizarrely masochistic outlook Briton's have about adult life. Being stressed in Britain is mostly considered a good thing, it shows you're working and busy and you're all grown up. In France, Spain and most other sensible countries being stressed is considered VERY bad.
So no, nothing to do with work, and everything to do with outlook.
In Britain, alcohol is a method of escape and a stress relief. In France and Spain, alcohol is a beverage to be enjoyed at any time. They drink here for the taste, not for the effect. Brandy in the morning anyone? Yes, that's a common breakfast drink amongst blue-collar adults in Spain. Wine at lunch? Definitely. Beer at work? No problem. Cramming 10 pints down in 3 hours of an evening because of ridiculous licensing hours? No, we'll leave that to the Brits, thank you very much.
Drink is stupidly cheap in Britain too. A pint in Spain is around 3 - 5€ (depending on the drinking hovel you're in) compared to what, 2GBP in Britain. That's probably a big difference too.
There are a lot of factors at play, but attitude towards alcohol is the main one, not working too hard.