Dream Vault

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The place where dreams live on forever (or until the servers crash :p).

I intend to treat this thread as my dream blog. Feel free to put your own here too.

This thread initiated by my first ever OTz dream last night. Rather boring but it was OTz so here goes.

19th October 2009

I dreamt I'd thought of a Facebook like extension to vBulletin as regards status posts on your profile and where people can leave comments. It seemed a good idea in this dream of mine and Thornless supported me on this. I ran it by V and she seemed to like it too and hence it was implemented. Fun and joy for all with FB for vBulletin. Then I woke up.

So- rather boring first one but I'm sure there'll be bizarre or more interesting ones, I've certainly had those...
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20th October 2009

I had quite a few this night but the only one I can remember is my mum telling me to 'wake up' as it was nearly time for work. She was at my flat near where I work rather than the house we used to live in.

She's been dead a number of years though so I've no idea why I would suddenly dream of her.


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23rd October 2009

Dream 1

So it feels like I'm playing some weird kind of game/real life campaign based on the Microsoft game "Age Of Empires". I'm looking at a web page and shows a normal thread but with emphasis drawn to Controller's name in a post of his. Controller seems to be orchestrating the battle. Scene cuts to the battlefield where various units are fighting and I'm one of them. In the heat of battle I knock an enemy to the ground and stab him in the back of the neck with a fork. Dream ends...

Dream 2

I'm in a really dirty room. This room looks like it is used to look after children with special needs. Suddenly one of the helpers asks me to grab a child no more than about seven or eight by looks and place him on a commode quickly as he's about to crap himself. I look around at the happy faces and feel pleased to be involved with this work... then I grab the child and place him on the commode- but just as I do so, somehow the child craps himself before doing his business... Lots end on the floor, some splashes onto my mouth and I forget everything about looking after these kids but have a desire to do nothing else but run to the bathroom to get rid of this disgusting mess before I accidentally swallow...

I run and find a bathroom after going up a spiralling tower... bathroom is also dingy and I find a big dodgy looking suited man with a black hat. Then I wake up.


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ive never seen this thread before.. i have plenty of weird dreams.. cant remeber lastnights but when andys alarm went off i apparantly said "its in the box".. i will keep you updated however


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ive never seen this thread before.. i have plenty of weird dreams.. cant remeber lastnights but when andys alarm went off i apparantly said "its in the box".. i will keep you updated however

It's in the box. Hmm :)

Please do though with dreams, always interesting to look back over em in the future.


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24th october 2009

it was pretty strange.. i was in a cublicle.. much like the changing rooms in a swiming pool and some on was shooting at all the doors of the cublicles wiht a machine gun.. going up and down all the doors killing every one inside.. i got shot a few times.. yet didnt die.. then they started dropping granades and shit into the cublicle and i had to keep tryin to kick them out out before they exploded.. i had ot pretend i was dead so theyd leave me alone.. :s
i realise this is highly inacurate... but hey that wa smy fucked up dream last night.. was kinda scary :(


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Violent dreams can be scary indeed. I've had a few violent ones for sure. Sometimes they do seem to have their roots in things we've done. Sometimes not. Odd, how our brains work things out.

I had a couple last night. Can't remember them though. :(


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29th October 2009

So yesterday (Wednesday) I went to the pub with friends as part of a weekly pub quiz. We were six yesterday and hopeful. We barely had time to finish a pint before there was a powercut in the whole street. Quiz over, pub closes early.

Dream must have been born out of that: Dream 1

I come home from the pub and notice all the lights are out in my flat. I decide to get ready to drive somewhere and lock up the garage after taking my car out. Next to my garage there is a very wide driveway with a concertina style gate... this was open. I was a bit scared as this household with their driveway next to my house had some dogs that would attack. I quickly closed their concertina gate and just about closed it I think before the dogs came at me.

Dream 2

Location... another local pub. It was now very dark but warm out still as groups of people were outside and drinking. I've a vague recollection of great unease as everyone except a few close friends there were racists and would suerly attack me if they noticed my skin colour. I recall hiding behind a tree or side on to a lamp post before the dream was over.

Dream 3

This one the most vague. A recollection of being in some sort of fighting force and seeing a giant hulk like man recovering due to leg injuries inside a green gelatinous cube. I recall our fighting force having battled and beaten this man before but taking nothing for granted as this man was recovering and would soon pop out of the cube to fight again.


Toes in the water...
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I must have dreamed about work because at one point I was talking to Matt and said- how are you doing today? what can I help you find?

I wish I could remember my dreams as well as you


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Sometimes my recollections are similar to yours where I only remember one or two things. Probably about 50/50 as to whether I remember them or not. Even then, like the last little lot - may seem wordy but I haven't remembered tons about them. It's easier said than done but if I try and think of the details of the dream as soon as I'm conscious with a view to noting them (e.g. here), I can remember more detail. It's no guarantee but may help even if you don't of course note them anyway.

Some of course you wouldn't want to note anywhere and should remain private :)


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3rd November 2009

Dream 1

I'm running down a dark street - wait, it's almost like an underground tunnel mixed with a street. It's dark, I'm holding some very tasty food and some people are chasing me getting closer and closer, shouting and whatnot. They have some kind of light and they can see me. I'm afraid but suddenly find a pedestrian stairway to climb to more light and safety.

Dream 2

I'm back at the house I grew up in. We had an extension extending into the garden but the one in my dream is massive. I go in for a look and suddenly find a rather large production line inside this factory making ice cream of all kinds but home made and very tasty. I'm impressed with the fact it's a business with a unique niche and then I wake up.


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i now live next to a shop that i used to work in.. not that particular shop but another one in the chain.. and my manager gave me one measley shift next week. i had a dream that i went in and spoke ot the manager and asked for a job and he was all snobby and told me thye werent looking.. i told him that id already worked for the chain and had worked my way up the ranks.. he told me i could start the next day.
this is odd cos i hated working there


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16th November 2009

I'm a member of some sort of army/police division and there's a massive assault on a building of ours by a resistance cell of some sort. I'm in a corridor where my ammo is running out and I run back to the main room - a massive hangar like room.

In it, hundreds of gun emplacements similar to those automatic gun emplacements in the movie Aliens are firing away, blasting those black clothed resistance cell members as they come in through air vents etc. A thin smoke and smell like gunpowder is in the air. I dive behind the safety of the gun emplacements and then wake up.


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25th November 2009

The scene is work. I work for a bank (in my non slumber life) and here in this dream there was a meeting going on at my bank. There were a few folk around. Dana was in my dream too but I didn't see him. He was supposed to be at this meeting but never turned up.

A guy with those really thick glasses that make you look like you have massive eyes was there too.

Anyway, someone from the Bank of England brings in a selection of new bank notes. They seemed about a4 size.

I kicked off. These just wouldn't do, far too big and inconvenient. Spectacled guy was emotionless but had a contrary opinion. We just didn't see eye to eye on this one...

After remembering feeling angry that these folk in the meeting just weren't understanding my perspective, I woke up from this exciting dream of bankers and oversized bank notes.


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1st December 2009

It was early evening in a big city. It felt like a Canadian city. It was dark with minimal lighting. I was near some sort of park in this random city where there was a man made waterfall I was trying to get to.

I had my camera with me and thought to myself "I have to get to this waterfall for the best view of the Christmas lights coming on!". I found the waterfall alongside a path at the edge of this park and just as I got to it and was looking back to the main part of the city - the Christmas lights came on.

A vivid multi-coloured glow pervaded the normally dark and miserable evening and the whole city was filled with hope for Christmas. I don't recall taking pics although I remember trying to - I was just amazed at the lights.

Then I woke up. Today was the day we decorated our desks in the office too.


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9th December 2009

Hmm. Most are mere flashes of random things rather than a complete dream. Let's see if I can remember...

Sitting in an African village near a campfire with other villagers around. It was evening. I was with a delightful young African lady whom I kiss.

I'm in a city somewhere, near a car park. Scene changes into me being near the coast of this city. I'm not floating way above and see a ferry moving to an island lighthouse. I'm in a helicopter and with no roof and I'm exposed to the elements. The blades seem low, too low almost as I duck whilst flying to the island lighthouse. I want to get there to land and take pictures as it seemed a wonderful scenic opportunity.

I'm flying back to the city. I stop at some traffic lights - why I don't know as I'm in a helicopter. I overhear a random conversation and move on before the lights change to green.

A pub, very crowded pub surrounds me. I feel self-conscious - my attire is not suited for this pub. I'm not sure what I'm wearing but it's not good. I get looks - I make my excuses and leave.

A club of some description presents itself. I enter and it's dark and moody. Two receptionist at this club are present. The attractive one is wearing a headband inscribed with some Punjabi letters. I can't make out what it says as I can't read Punjabi. I look through my coins and hand over the entrance fee but I hold back a 50 pence piece I could have used - it's shiny new and has a wonderfully unique design of some leaves.

Randomness over...
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11th December 2009

Blogging time, before I forget. Such a weird one.

Dream One

I'm in my village within Derby where I live. I'm at the steps of a giant organisation - out of step with the feel of the village I live within.

I need a job... I enter and damn... this is one fine building. It seriously is the most beautiful building I have seen. Velvet and plush material everywhere, on chairs, curtains. Gold and finery evidences the opulence within which these folk work.

I think to myself - no way will they ever give me consideration - but I'm my normal confident self as they casually invite me to another plush floor where the bosses are gathered. They want to pay me big bucks... for something. I feel odd as I've been at my current job (that I've lost) for so long...

Dream Two

I'm in a hospital or school... long corridors. I'm on a horse - there's a horse race within this school. Off we go! I'm going fast, the sound of the hooves is thunderous as I scamper to victory.

Now there's another race... this time I appear to have a slower horse. However, I am determined and I know that if I keep my cool as I know these corridors (or so I think) - then I'll be fine.

I'm gaining... creeping closer and closer to the leader when suddenly... disaster strikes! I make an error of judgement just as I'm about to catch the leader. I go around a corner on my horse and about to go down some stairs when my horse falls... end of my race and dream.