dragons....fact or fiction?

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There is a lot of historical data that suggests they are real. South America, Asia, Europe,, almost every civilization has recorded accounts of dragons. There are statues and drawing, etc

There is as much evidence that dragons existed, and perhaps more, than there is that Alexander the Great did ;-)
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if mean the winged, fire breathing, gold hoarding kind, then no they never existed.

if you mean "dragon" as in just a large lizard, then I guess Dinosaurs could fit the bill.
I have to agree with AEF here, which really chaps my ass! :24:

:jk you do make some good points from time to time. ;)


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i think the acutal idea of a dragon is purely mythical.

However I cant help it but imagine that some chap somewhere found dinosaur bones, and ultimately came up with the idea of the dragon.



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i believe dragon are real.

First they are talked about in several cultures and all of them line up.
Second during marco polo's trip to china he wrote about seeing emporers with pet dragons
Third scientist have discovered that certain dinosaurs were able to breath fire after eating a rock. (read dragon riders of pern the author did alot of reaserch)

and lastly dragons are too freakin cool not to be real. case closed

All Else Failed

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i believe dragon are real.

First they are talked about in several cultures and all of them line up.
Second during marco polo's trip to china he wrote about seeing emporers with pet dragons
Third scientist have discovered that certain dinosaurs were able to breath fire after eating a rock. (read dragon riders of pern the author did alot of reaserch)

and lastly dragons are too freakin cool not to be real. case closed

First they are talked about in several cultures and all of them line up.

All cultures have similar mythical creatures, that doesn't mean they are real.

Second during marco polo's trip to china he wrote about seeing emporers with pet dragons

^^ This is most likely myth surrounding real events.

Third scientist have discovered that certain dinosaurs were able to breath fire after eating a rock. (read dragon riders of pern the author did alot of reaserch)

^^ No, dinosaurs could not breath fire. dragon riders of pern is a fucking fantasy book. You fail.


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All cultures have similar mythical creatures, that doesn't mean they are real.

^^ who says similar mythical creatures arnt real

This is most likely myth surrounding real events.

^^ How do u know whether it is a myth or not

No, dinosaurs could not breath fire. dragon riders of pern is a fucking fantasy book. You fail

^^actually they could they have found that the duck-billed dinosaur(sorry i dont know the scientific name) can infact breath fire.

So i still am right.

All Else Failed

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All cultures have similar mythical creatures, that doesn't mean they are real.

^^ who says similar mythical creatures arnt real

This is most likely myth surrounding real events.

^^ How do u know whether it is a myth or not

No, dinosaurs could not breath fire. dragon riders of pern is a fucking fantasy book. You fail

^^actually they could they have found that the duck-billed dinosaur(sorry i dont know the scientific name) can infact breath fire.

So i still am right.

^^ who says similar mythical creatures arnt real

Science. You should read up on it sometime.

^^ How do u know whether it is a myth or not

Because there is absolutely zero evidence for the mythical type of dragon ever existing. You can't just say something exists just because you want it to be real. Are we seriously arguing this or are you kidding?

^^actually they could they have found that the duck-billed dinosaur(sorry i dont know the scientific name) can infact breath fire.

Um, no. It couldn't. Show me scientific journals with your proof, wait, I'll save you time: there are none that attest to your belief.

So i still am right

No, you still FAIL


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Science. You should read up on it sometime.

science also used to think that if u put wet rags in a room overnight it would magically turn into a rat.

Because there is absolutely zero evidence for the mythical type of dragon ever existing. You can't just say something exists just because you want it to be real. Are we seriously arguing this or are you kidding?

there is also absoulutly zero evidence supporting life on mars. but it cant be called wrong until we search all of it. so u cant say dragons are fake until u disprove it.

Um, no. It couldn't. Show me scientific journals with your proof, wait, I'll save you time: there are none that attest to your belief.

are u sure about that


All Else Failed

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Science. You should read up on it sometime.

science also used to think that if u put wet rags in a room overnight it would magically turn into a rat.

Because there is absolutely zero evidence for the mythical type of dragon ever existing. You can't just say something exists just because you want it to be real. Are we seriously arguing this or are you kidding?

there is also absoulutly zero evidence supporting life on mars. but it cant be called wrong until we search all of it. so u cant say dragons are fake until u disprove it.

Um, no. It couldn't. Show me scientific journals with your proof, wait, I'll save you time: there are none that attest to your belief.

are u sure about that

science also used to think that if u put wet rags in a room overnight it would magically
turn into a rat.

No, that is what we call "superstition" and "folk belief", which is not science. Do you even know what the scientific method is? Quick, look on wikipedia!

there is also absoulutly zero evidence supporting life on mars. but it cant be called wrong until we search all of it. so u cant say dragons are fake until u disprove it.

Actually there is evidence of water on Mars, which might have supported life at one point. fail fail fail.

No see the burden of proof is not on me to prove that dragons are fake or not, its up to the person professing their belief that has the burden of proof on them. So, come on, show me your hard proof of dragons. I want to see ones with wings and hoards of gold!

are u sure about that

Incredibly sure. If dragons were real, or if there was even a small scrap of evidence that they might have existed, there would be well documented scientific journals on the evidence. There isn't.


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No, that is what we call "superstition" and "folk belief", which is not science. Do you even know what the scientific method is? Quick, look on wikipedia!

I do understand the scientific process and there was a scientist in england during the 1800 who actaully followed the processes and came up with those results. the fact is that science is not a deffinete its changing constantly new theorys make old theorys obsolete.

Actually there is evidence of water on Mars, which might have supported life at one point. fail fail fail.

No see the burden of proof is not on me to prove that dragons are fake or not, its up to the person professing their belief that has the burden of proof on them. So, come on, show me your hard proof of dragons. I want to see ones with wings and hoards of gold!

ok but they dont have proof yet so until they find proof does that mean it doesnt exist? no. it just means that we cant prove it yet.

if u are arguing then u have just as much burden to convince me that its fake as i do to convince u that there real. that is how an argument works u cant just continually say prove it prove it. and not be expected to put forth some evidence supporting ur theorys.

Incredibly sure. If dragons were real, or if there was even a small scrap of evidence that they might have existed, there would be well documented scientific journals on the evidence. There isn't

just because there are no scientific journals does not disprove dragons.


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just because there are no scientific journals does not disprove dragons.

That's the problem with trying to prove something doesn't exist. There will always be those who will cop out by saying that we just haven't discovered it yet.

I did a little googling, because I'm a nerd like that. Apparently the guy who came up with the theory of the lambeosaurs' fire breathing pulled it out of his butt. It was one of many half baked theories as to why the lambeosaurs nose was so distinctly odd shaped. If you dug deeper than that, you'd realize that the skin and bone structure of any reptile would not be able to support burning temperatures without causing major trauma. And that there is no fossil evidence of those areas of the face being exposed to high heat temps.

And as for the rocks that they eat to make them breathe fire... I think they conveniently keep those rocks next to the mushrooms that make Mario inflate in size. ;)

All Else Failed

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No, that is what we call "superstition" and "folk belief", which is not science. Do you even know what the scientific method is? Quick, look on wikipedia!

I do understand the scientific process and there was a scientist in england during the 1800 who actaully followed the processes and came up with those results. the fact is that science is not a deffinete its changing constantly new theorys make old theorys obsolete.

Actually there is evidence of water on Mars, which might have supported life at one point. fail fail fail.

No see the burden of proof is not on me to prove that dragons are fake or not, its up to the person professing their belief that has the burden of proof on them. So, come on, show me your hard proof of dragons. I want to see ones with wings and hoards of gold!

ok but they dont have proof yet so until they find proof does that mean it doesnt exist? no. it just means that we cant prove it yet.

if u are arguing then u have just as much burden to convince me that its fake as i do to convince u that there real. that is how an argument works u cant just continually say prove it prove it. and not be expected to put forth some evidence supporting ur theorys.

Incredibly sure. If dragons were real, or if there was even a small scrap of evidence that they might have existed, there would be well documented scientific journals on the evidence. There isn't

just because there are no scientific journals does not disprove dragons.
I do understand the scientific process and there was a scientist in england during the 1800 who actaully followed the processes and came up with those results. the fact is that science is not a deffinete its changing constantly new theorys make old theorys obsolete.

PROTIP: Its 2008.

Yes, as we better ourselves scientifically we throw out theories for better ones, that is how science works, it continually gets better.

ok but they dont have proof yet so until they find proof does that mean it doesnt exist? no. it just means that we cant prove it yet.

if u are arguing then u have just as much burden to convince me that its fake as i do to convince u that there real. that is how an argument works u cant just continually say prove it prove it. and not be expected to put forth some evidence supporting ur theorys.

^^ MIGHT have supported life, MIGHT. I never said IT DID SUPPORT LIFE at any point, did I?

Life is a building block of living things, where there is water, there is life. See, thats an educated guess that could be turned into a hypothesis. Now you on the other hand sound like this: "Dragons are cool, I read fantasy books, I cannot provide any credible sources for my beliefs." See how that works?

No, you misunderstand burden of proof. If I say "Theres a purple dog outside" you won't respond by saying "WOW! They're real!" without asking for any hard proof of them existing to back up my claim. The burden is on ME to provide the proper evidence of my claim. Its not your business to provide evidence for something I claim to be true.

just because there are no scientific journals does not disprove dragons.

^^ Actually, something that doesn't have any credible scientific journals on it is a deadly blow to somethings credibility, since everything that has ever been scientifically researched or discussed is put through a serious scientific evaluation.


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I do understand the scientific process and there was a scientist in england during the 1800 who actaully followed the processes and came up with those results. the fact is that science is not a deffinete its changing constantly new theorys make old theorys obsolete.

PROTIP: Its 2008.

Yes, as we better ourselves scientifically we throw out theories for better ones, that is how science works, it continually gets better.

ok but they dont have proof yet so until they find proof does that mean it doesnt exist? no. it just means that we cant prove it yet.

if u are arguing then u have just as much burden to convince me that its fake as i do to convince u that there real. that is how an argument works u cant just continually say prove it prove it. and not be expected to put forth some evidence supporting ur theorys.

^^ MIGHT have supported life, MIGHT. I never said IT DID SUPPORT LIFE at any point, did I?

Life is a building block of living things, where there is water, there is life. See, thats an educated guess that could be turned into a hypothesis. Now you on the other hand sound like this: "Dragons are cool, I read fantasy books, I cannot provide any credible sources for my beliefs." See how that works?

No, you misunderstand burden of proof. If I say "Theres a purple dog outside" you won't respond by saying "WOW! They're real!" without asking for any hard proof of them existing to back up my claim. The burden is on ME to provide the proper evidence of my claim. Its not your business to provide evidence for something I claim to be true.

just because there are no scientific journals does not disprove dragons.

^^ Actually, something that doesn't have any credible scientific journals on it is a deadly blow to somethings credibility, since everything that has ever been scientifically researched or discussed is put through a serious scientific evaluation.

to tell u the truth i could care less about convincing people about dragons. but it was fun arguing with u. i respect ur views and all that stuff but im kind of bored with this so ta ta.


Glorified Maniac
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You can exaggerate anything to make it amazining
we had dinosaurs and we have comodo dragons
and they have their own island
the heart is magic
you can get to the heart with cutting
blowing fire has some theories of how they could really do it
dragon scales for armor
dragon lair with gold
dragons talk