DL - I agree that the employees of the Catholic Church should have been suspended and let go. Sadly, I am unable to view the other attachments on this computer.
I understand your stance and even agree with you on some points or at least understand why you believe certain things that you do. I agree that a relationship with God starts in a person's mind and heart, not in church.
I feel that in today's world, a lot more people tend to only see and focus on the negatives of religion and church. People tend to focus on the Christians who have made bad judgements and call them hypocrits. But then again, that is all most people ever see, hear and read. Non-believers have a sterotype of Christians that because we have a relationship with God, we are to be "perfect" and that we act like we have all of the answers to life's problems.
I can assure you that not all Christians, Catholics, etc. agree with what their church does. I can assure you that more believers care more about their personal relationship with God than they do about their church affiliation. Why do think so many Christians have left their churches to form non-denominational churches that welcome everyone regardless of their belief? I can assure you that many Christians are more open-minded than you give them credit for. That many are able and willing to admit their flaws and mistakes. If we didn't make poor decisions, mistakes, commit sin then there would be no need for God.
I personally wrestle with the aspects of the O.T. Many questions that you brought up in your threads. However, even though I have doubts and questions about God, The Bible and church, that doesn't keep me from believing. It strengthens me and helps me understand what it is I believe. Ultimately, even though I have doubts and do not personally agree with everything God did in the O.T., I can't escape the fact that He offered Himself as a sacrifice to the world as a way for me to have a relationship with Him...to stop the need of destroying mankind and starting over and over again.
The only thing that comes to mind is, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference." I can't begin to understand every aspect of God or The Bible, but that doesn't keep me from still desiring a closer walk with God or a deeper understanding of His Word.