Did Jesus rejects O T God’s ways?

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Greatest I am

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Did Jesus rejects O T God’s ways?

For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.
--Heb 8;7

Many believe that Jesus cancelled this following.

My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of my lips.
—Psalm 89:34

This means that God’s covenant is no longer ever lasting, if indeed it ever was, as he is shown as breaking it rather often in the O T as he goes about negating our free will by killing many of us and ignoring the dominion he gave us.

We see Jesus rejecting O T God’s rather draconian and genocidal tendencies against sinners. The new attitude Jesus preached is to now love all sinners and of course, he would not kill or send to hell those he says he loves. This is not at all like the O T God does.

Is this God, now under the name of Jesus evolving?
Changing his ways after realizing that OT God was going against scripture?
Is Jesus trying to teach O T God that---

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Did Jesus recognize that murdering and genocide as a way of teaching lessons was not working and perhaps should never have been done?

"I, even I am the LORD and beside me there is no Saviour." Is.43:11

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.---John 14;6

Jesus seems to now be completely rejecting the old O T God and placing himself above what was the Trinity and usurping their power to judge. Rather more like a Gnostic Christian Jesus than the traditional Christian.

Many literalists and fundamentals seem to cherish the O T genocidal God and they do not reject him the way Jesus seems to.

If you are a literalist or fundamental, should you too reject the O T God and embrace the softer gentler and kinder Jesus?

If so, then you would also need to reject the notions of an end time where Jesus is to return to hurt non believers as well. This way, the hell that Jesus was to do away with can also be discarded as non existent and give success to his sacrifice.

The old tribal ways are thus rejected and we all inherit the kingdom of God as a loving God would want instead of some of us being sent to eternal torture or death.

After all, doing so would give meaning to this----

Hosea 1:10
Ye are the sons of the living God.
Ps 82:6 I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.

Because we can all believe that a loving God would never condemn his son when, as we know, God can cure any defects and an omnipotent God with infinite persuasion powers would not have anyone whom he cannot convert.


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Diggin Deep

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Genesis 18:20-32

God isn't trigger happy and his only answer to sin was not genocide. The Old Testament is chock-full of stories that paint God as a loving and compassionate father, not the Dirty Harry image that sometimes comes to mind. And while God doesn’t deny the existence of consequence, he personifies mercy more than malice, grace more than getting even.

Abraham’s was able to bargain with God. Was it surprising to see God accept, comply and give in to Abraham’s request? Did you expect Him to draw a line in the sand and ignore Abraham? Hebrews 13:8 says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. His character doesn’t change somewhere in those pages between Malachi and Matthew. The most basic (and, likely, the most complex) characteristic of God is that he is simply love.


GoldDust Woman

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Jesus didn't "cancel" the OT... however, His life, death and resurrection changed the rules, if you will. We now live under grace.

You can't just take Hebrews 8:7 and leave it at that. You must read on further. The explanation begins in Hebrews 8:7, yes, but, you must continue reading. Hebrews 9:1-28.

Diggin Deep

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You speak of God and Jesus as if they are two completely separate people. Let's identify who Jesus was and is...

The name Jesus Christ well describes his predestined purpose. The name Jesus is the Greek form of the name Joshua, which means "Yahweh is salvation." Yahweh is the national name of God to the Hebrew people. The word Christ is the Greek form of the word Messiah, which means the anointed one. Jesus Christ is the salvation of the LORD and he is anointed by God to save those who are lost.

Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit (the virgin birth) and was destined to save His people from their sins. This is very important because it is the basis of the doctrine of salvation. Not only does Jesus save (provides salvation to all those who believe), he also is the best picture that we have of God (See Matthew 1:23). Consider what the writer of Hebrews says of Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 1:1-3 (NCV) 1In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways. 2But now in these last days God has spoken to us through his Son. God has chosen his Son to own all things, and through him he made the world. 3The Son reflects the glory of God and shows exactly what God is like. He holds everything together with his powerful word. When the Son made people clean from their sins, he sat down at the right side of God, the Great One in heaven.

Knowing what Jesus is like will enable us to know what God is like. This is why Jesus could say, "If you have seen me then you have seen the Father" and "I and the Father are one." See John 14:7,9. So we see that Jesus is our salvation, the anointed one of God, and the image of God on earth.

Diggin Deep

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You haven't learned his game yet? LOL

I've learned his game by watching and reading his posts. He posts the same exact posts on numerous other forums. I understand that by replying to him, it only fuels the fire so to speak. However, reading his posts have also helped me re-evaluate my own life and where I stand. Some people may never step foot in a church or open a bible. If the only thing someone reads is negativity and "parts" of scripture used to prove their point, then they may never truly understand what that religion and it's beliefs are truly about.

You can't knock him, he obviously knows more about religion and christianity than most christians do.

Greatest I am

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Genesis 18:20-32

God isn't trigger happy and his only answer to sin was not genocide. The Old Testament is chock-full of stories that paint God as a loving and compassionate father, not the Dirty Harry image that sometimes comes to mind. And while God doesn’t deny the existence of consequence, he personifies mercy more than malice, grace more than getting even.

Abraham’s was able to bargain with God. Was it surprising to see God accept, comply and give in to Abraham’s request? Did you expect Him to draw a line in the sand and ignore Abraham? Hebrews 13:8 says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. His character doesn’t change somewhere in those pages between Malachi and Matthew. The most basic (and, likely, the most complex) characteristic of God is that he is simply love.

The usual literalist fare.

Jews do not read Abraham literally and you think you should. Sigh.
You then have to believe in magic and miracles and that genocide is just good house keeping.

Let's see what the authors of what you believe think shall we?




Greatest I am

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Jesus didn't "cancel" the OT... however, His life, death and resurrection changed the rules, if you will. We now live under grace.

You can't just take Hebrews 8:7 and leave it at that. You must read on further. The explanation begins in Hebrews 8:7, yes, but, you must continue reading. Hebrews 9:1-28.

It al comes down to you trying to profit from the murder of an innocent man eh?
That is not what Jesus asks of you.

Matthew 10:38
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Notice that you are to carry your burden. Not ride a scapegoat Jesus and have him carry you and your burden.

These speak to the morality of your stance.




Greatest I am

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I've learned his game by watching and reading his posts. He posts the same exact posts on numerous other forums. I understand that by replying to him, it only fuels the fire so to speak. However, reading his posts have also helped me re-evaluate my own life and where I stand. Some people may never step foot in a church or open a bible. If the only thing someone reads is negativity and "parts" of scripture used to prove their point, then they may never truly understand what that religion and it's beliefs are truly about.

You can't knock him, he obviously knows more about religion and christianity than most christians do.

Yet you take this stance with your genocidal God with the invisible flying sperm that targets other men's women. Tsk tsk.
Now that is a bad case of Stockholm syndrome.



Greatest I am

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Call it what you will, Dana. I find him intriguing... he makes me think and study. :thumbup

I hope you study your position on Jesus and his vicarious redemption.

Why have you forsaken me.
Because you do the immoral thing.

Ezekiel 18:20
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Your wickedness is on you. Not Jesus. Step up girl.


GoldDust Woman

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It al comes down to you trying to profit from the murder of an innocent man eh?
That is not what Jesus asks of you.

Matthew 10:38
And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

Notice that you are to carry your burden. Not ride a scapegoat Jesus and have him carry you and your burden.


I've never considered it as a "profit" from the murder of an innocent man... it simply is, what it is. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to worship Him, in hopes of being a better person each and every day.

Trust me, I do carry my own burdens... there have been 2 terribly difficult burdens in my life, however, my love of the Lord has helped mend my heart. I couldn't imagine trying to do it alone.

Greatest I am

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I've never considered it as a "profit" from the murder of an innocent man... it simply is, what it is. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to worship Him, in hopes of being a better person each and every day.

Trust me, I do carry my own burdens... there have been 2 terribly difficult burdens in my life, however, my love of the Lord has helped mend my heart. I couldn't imagine trying to do it alone.

It was your own character. Take a bow.

Keep the faith but move your morals.
I think that that is the message here--------.



Diggin Deep

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The usual literalist fare.

Jews do not read Abraham literally and you think you should. Sigh.
You then have to believe in magic and miracles and that genocide is just good house keeping.

Let's see what the authors of what you believe think shall we?




Yes I do belive in miracles and have witnessed many. It is not for me to question God or his methods. What inspires me is to know that what God desired most is to have a relationship with His people (me). In order to do that he had to give us a way to Him, He had to sacrifice Himself, that was through his only Son (God in man form). And that wasn't so we could count on Him to carry all of our burdens for us, but that we might come to Him with our burdens so that He could help us carry them.

Diggin Deep

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I hope you study your position on Jesus and his vicarious redemption.

Why have you forsaken me.
Because you do the immoral thing.

Ezekiel 18:20
The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Your wickedness is on you. Not Jesus. Step up girl.


No one is saying that we as God's children aren't responsible for his/her own actions. We are responsible for not only our sins, but His death! The blessing is that God gave us a way to repent for sin and still have a relationship with Him without "genocide". We could debate sin, who's responsibility it is, and how wrong it is for us to accept a gift given by our God, but the bottom line is that God gave us a gift and it was at the sacrifice of His only Son...that is the way it is.

Humans had to pay for their own sins. My sin nature destined me to the 'second death' or destruction. Therefore, only a human being could atone for a human being. However, a mere human could not die for the sins of all humans. We could only "pay" for our own sins. After all the wages of sin is death. There needed to be something that transcended the limited human nature so that the one sacrifice would atone for the sins of all people.

The one sacrifice that would accomplish this is the sacrifice of Emanuel or God with us, namely Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was human in the sense that he was a human being and not a mere phantom of a man, as some believe. He had a body and all of the temptations that went along with humans (See Hebrews 4:15).

So because of Jesus' humanity he could die for humans and because of his deity his sacrifice could account for all humans and not just his own.

To Be Continued :)

Greatest I am

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Yes I do belive in miracles and have witnessed many. It is not for me to question God or his methods. What inspires me is to know that what God desired most is to have a relationship with His people (me). In order to do that he had to give us a way to Him, He had to sacrifice Himself, that was through his only Son (God in man form). And that wasn't so we could count on Him to carry all of our burdens for us, but that we might come to Him with our burdens so that He could help us carry them.

Do we carry our heroes or do we ask them to carry us.

If all else fails. try thinking about what you dodgma is teaching you.


Greatest I am

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No one is saying that we as God's children aren't responsible for his/her own actions. We are responsible for not only our sins, but His death! The blessing is that God gave us a way to repent for sin and still have a relationship with Him without "genocide". We could debate sin, who's responsibility it is, and how wrong it is for us to accept a gift given by our God, but the bottom line is that God gave us a gift and it was at the sacrifice of His only Son...that is the way it is.

Humans had to pay for their own sins. My sin nature destined me to the 'second death' or destruction. Therefore, only a human being could atone for a human being. However, a mere human could not die for the sins of all humans. We could only "pay" for our own sins. After all the wages of sin is death. There needed to be something that transcended the limited human nature so that the one sacrifice would atone for the sins of all people.

The one sacrifice that would accomplish this is the sacrifice of Emanuel or God with us, namely Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was human in the sense that he was a human being and not a mere phantom of a man, as some believe. He had a body and all of the temptations that went along with humans (See Hebrews 4:15).

So because of Jesus' humanity he could die for humans and because of his deity his sacrifice could account for all humans and not just his own.

To Be Continued :)

Ok. Your God is your Santa.


Diggin Deep

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God simply wanted his children/people back. He created the human race in his image and in his likeness. However, we became not like God but like the evil one because of our sin nature. The nature of God was replaced with the nature to sin, which is in opposition with God. How could God acquire the hearts of his children and bring them back into agreement with him? Replacing the sinful nature of humans with the Holy Spirit could do it. The reason we sin and oppose God is because of the sin nature that we have. Consequently, Jesus Christ did not sin because he did not have the sin nature that we are all born with. Remember, he was born of the Holy. We would be born from death to life via the Holy Spirit of God. That is, we would be born again as we are rejoined with our heavenly Father, the one that created us and everything else in the first place.

Jesus Christ was the agent of that salvation. We all were on our way to total separation from God, i.e., death. We were all destined to the bottomless pit that was meant for Satan and the fallen angels. God delivered us from that by offering Jesus Christ as the atonement sacrifice for our sins. The only requirement is that we believe in Jesus Christ that he is the son of the living God, that he died for our sins and was raised from the dead on the third day (See 1 Corinthians 5:1-4).

Our salvation is possible because of what Jesus Christ did, namely die as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus Christ paid the ransom for our salvation and therefore life. All we have to do is accept the payment that he made on our behalf and avoid having to pay for our own sins. If we do not believe in Jesus Christ then we are still destined to die for our own sins.


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I hope you study your position on Jesus and his vicarious redemption.

This is a good point. Vicarious redemption is a failed attempt to dress up the barbaric practice of human sacrifice. It makes no difference whether the Aztecs or ancient Hebrews were doing it. It's immoral and pointless.

Greatest I am

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God simply wanted his children/people back. He created the human race in his image and in his likeness. However, we became not like God but like the evil one because of our sin nature. .

Yet your God says exactly the opposite.
Ever wonder why?
And ever wonder why your thinking is completely opposed to his?

Well, there's one way to settle this, and that is, let's hear it from Yahweh himself. Today, brothers and sisters, we open the Good Book to Genesis chapter 3, verse 22:
22. And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
I think in 3:22 God spells it out loud and clear: yes, the snake had told the truth. Yes, in eating from that tree humans had become like God, by being able to tell good from evil.

I mean, hey, if you can't trust the LORD himself about it, who can you trust, eh?
