but the reason I made the thread was because I received a PM from Veronica about how some other member didn't like the jokes I made. Here I got infracted (since changed to a warning) for joking around with Alien Allen--calling him a douchebag (and truth should be a defense here!!! :24

with a smiley after it. So its not me taking it seriously--I don't give a fuck what other people say to me, but obviously if I'm going to get warned, then presumably infracted and banned, that's got to be taken seriously, don't you think? So its totally consistent with my thread. If people would fucking mind their own business, 90% of the warnings/infactions/banning wouldn't happen. They happen because we got a few whining members who don't have enough self esteem to deal with a joke and they cause 90% of the problems. Its other people taking things too seriously is the problem--I don't take what people say seriously--I do take infractions and bannings seriously.