Debate time: Global Warming

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Goat Whisperer

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But the globe warmed long before we were here. So to say "we" melt the ice caps is a stretch I'm not willing to make given the evidence. Heck, what happened after the last big ice age that suddenly turned the planet into a thriving paradise again? Whatever it was had to have been natural since we obviously didn't do it. There's just too many questions without answers for me to jump on the "we did it" train.

I'm not saying that we are going to end THE world I am saying we are potentially ending OUR world as we know it. The planet will survive on it's own. Some amazing species like the seals, the polar bears, and of course the humans will most likely go extinct. Which is what I am trying to convince you to save.
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Goat Whisperer

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Okay. Let me tell you something about scientists. They do not have a consensus about anything! Not even the law of gravity; they have been debating that for centuries now. Right now there is a probe up in space (Gravity Probe-D) collecting evidence to end the ongoing debate. Scientists also don't have answers for everything. You know that whole fun Mento's & Diet coke experiment? Where you put the mentos into the diet coke and it all explodes? Have you ever gotten a clear reason WHY that occurs? You haven't? That's because no one knows still! Science takes a while to figure stuff out and laws and theories from hundreds of years ago are still changed today. That just the way science works, so saying that there is a consensus is a lie, and saying there isn't one is irrelevant.

I can tell you something that isn't being overly disputed: Co2 is a green-house gas. That green-house gases do raise the earths temperature. And that humans are putting a hell of a lot of Co2 into the atmosphere in an extremely fast amount of time. 300 million years of carbon collecting underground and being placed back into the atmosphere in less 200 years has a pretty damn significant effect, that is not disputed.

Goat Whisperer

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Oh and a point I wanted to make about the argument above ^^^ is that science takes to long for us to simply 'wait' for the answer of global warming to be clear, because science is never finished, and we will never get the answer in time to stop global warming from happening.


DT3's Twinkie
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Okay. Let me tell you something about scientists. They do not have a consensus about anything! Not even the law of gravity; they have been debating that for centuries now. Right now there is a probe up in space (Gravity Probe-D) collecting evidence to end the ongoing debate. Scientists also don't have answers for everything. You know that whole fun Mento's & Diet coke experiment? Where you put the mentos into the diet coke and it all explodes? Have you ever gotten a clear reason WHY that occurs? You haven't? That's because no one knows still! Science takes a while to figure stuff out and laws and theories from hundreds of years ago are still changed today. That just the way science works, so saying that there is a consensus is a lie, and saying there isn't one is irrelevant.

I can tell you something that isn't being overly disputed: Co2 is a green-house gas. That green-house gases do raise the earths temperature. And that humans are putting a hell of a lot of Co2 into the atmosphere in an extremely fast amount of time. 300 million years of carbon collecting underground and being placed back into the atmosphere in less 200 years has a pretty damn significant effect, that is not disputed.

We don't argue about gravity anymore...If you need proof of that....jump out a window:D

As a man of science myself, I know what we actually do....We nod our heads in agreement with each other, then leave and talk all kinds of shit about how stupid the person giving the lecture was;)

Goat Whisperer

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Let's pretend like I accept 100% of your argument as gospel. I don't, but let's pretend. You have yet to scratch the surface of the arguments against.

Why does the hottest decade on record pre-date WWII, and the massive build up of human activity since?

How can you look at the following data and expect me to take the argument seriously that this is our doing?




I said that I could rip apart that other part of your debate and I basically did. Then I asked if you wanted me to go through the rest of your debate, and after you invited me to with this post. I did. And I made a pretty substantial argument on it as well. Now then, you said that you didn't think my first rebuttal was 100% true, so please if you would be so kind; tell me what is wrong with it and then give actual CREDIBLE evidence to back it up. I used un-biased numbers from NASA. What will you do? I hope you won't just use google or wikipedia again. Cuz guess what? Anyone can make up a pie chart with fake numbers and post it on the internet. And anyone of those charts can be found as 'proof' or 'evidence' on a google search. Even though the numbers are completely false and incorrect like yours were.

Goat Whisperer

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We don't argue about gravity anymore...If you need proof of that....jump out a window:D

As a man of science myself, I know what we actually do....We nod our heads in agreement with each other, then leave and talk all kinds of shit about how stupid the person giving the lecture was;)

Oh no there are scientists that still debate the law of gravity and there really is a probe wasting money and resources finding evidence up in space right now to prove it right or wrong for and for all!


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Global warming is a joke. And I make it a goal to burn as many fossil fuels as I possible can afford to just to spite all the activists. :D

Until I see concrete proof that humans cause global warming, I won't believe a word of it, nor will I care.

Goat Whisperer

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Good to know. It's kind of like syaing;

Until you know for certain your car will get into a wreck, your not going to buy insurance.

Did we know that Hitler had a Nuclear Bomb?


DT3's Twinkie
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Good to know. It's kind of like syaing;

Until you know for certain your car will get into a wreck, your not going to buy insurance.

Did we know that Hitler had a Nuclear Bomb?

Actually yes, namely because we hired a few of his scientists away from him:ninja

Just trying to keep this thread historically accurate:D

Goat Whisperer

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I think I am going to care about something that could destroy so many things; including my Emma heads lively hood. Until I see concrete evidence that it isn't real.


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Bri, i wouldnt get ya knickers in a twist...i think all of the male species are anally recitative at the moment...everything that comes out smells of bs.;)


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I think I am going to care about something that could destroy so many things; including my Emma heads lively hood. Until I see concrete evidence that it isn't real.

The problem is, with all the environmentalists that point to a tiny change in temperature and claim it is our fault, I don't see how it would be possible to DISPROVE global warming. All the crazies are bound to find some sort of statistic that convinces people that global warming is real.

Regarding your example of not buying insurance, well, that's just ridiculous. Car accidents happen all the time, so of course I would buy insurance. We don't have other planets to look at and say "oh look, global warming happened there, maybe we should buy global warming insurance". If we did have other examples like that, I'd be a believer. But we don't, and we also don't have proof that any increase in temperature (if there really is one) is due to humans.

Goat Whisperer

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The problem is, with all the environmentalists that point to a tiny change in temperature and claim it is our fault, I don't see how it would be possible to DISPROVE global warming. All the crazies are bound to find some sort of statistic that convinces people that global warming is real.

Regarding your example of not buying insurance, well, that's just ridiculous. Car accidents happen all the time, so of course I would buy insurance. We don't have other planets to look at and say "oh look, global warming happened there, maybe we should buy global warming insurance". If we did have other examples like that, I'd be a believer. But we don't, and we also don't have proof that any increase in temperature (if there really is one) is due to humans.

There is tons of proof for AGW to be real. You of course have only looked at one side; so you wouldn't know. It's half and half, it could be us, it couldn't be us. But do you really want to risk it?

BTW it isn't a ridiculous, how many car accidents have you yourself been in? I haven't been in any, but I still buy insurance. Also, there is a first time for everything. Usually when it's a bad mistake there is only one or two of those mistakes occur. That's why we study history.

Do you want several generations ahead of us learning about the collapse that came from global warming and the years of disasters that followed it? I don't.


Back By Unpopular Demand
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There is tons of proof for AGW to be real. You of course have only looked at one side; so you wouldn't know. It's half and half, it could be us, it couldn't be us. But do you really want to risk it?
So by your own admission, it can't be proven for certain. So how can you say someone hasn't looked at both sides? It's ridiculous to expect someone to look at something you admit is uncertain and expect them to reach the same conclusions you do.

Do you want several generations ahead of us learning about the collapse that came from global warming and the years of disasters that followed it? I don't.
I also don't want them to learn that we spent billions upon billions of dollars on a futile effort at changing a natural planetary occurence.

Like I've said before, I'm all for doing the environmental right thing. But can't we just do it because it's right? Don't try to sell me on some junk science to convince me it's the right thing, I have my own moral compass.


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There is tons of proof for AGW to be real. You of course have only looked at one side; so you wouldn't know. It's half and half, it could be us, it couldn't be us. But do you really want to risk it?

BTW it isn't a ridiculous, how many car accidents have you yourself been in? I haven't been in any, but I still buy insurance. Also, there is a first time for everything. Usually when it's a bad mistake there is only one or two of those mistakes occur. That's why we study history.

Do you want several generations ahead of us learning about the collapse that came from global warming and the years of disasters that followed it? I don't.
Every single argument I have ever seen that attempts to "prove" global warming has been just as easily created as it has been disproved (and by disproved, I don't necessarily mean wrong, but at the minimum, it doesn't end up proving anything). If you have one you'd like to share, be my guest.

Also, if global warming is so positively true, why are there 31,000 American scientists saying it is not?
Home - Global Warming Petition Project

And saying it's half and half is just your guess. I say it's 99% to 1%, but does that make it true? No. Really, it doesn't matter what percentage may or may not be true, that's not the point. The point is, no one has proven global warming has anything to do with what we as humans are doing, so we shouldn't stop what we are doing.

I hate being inconvenienced and have money taken away from me for some initiative that I do not agree with. It's basically a loss of my freedoms because some idiots convinced people that global warming is real. I will say it could be, but I'm willing to take the risk. If others are not, well, that's up to them. They can walk every day to work if they want (which, by the way, actually creates a larger carbon footprint than driving, but that's another story). Anything to do with "stopping" global warming should be funded by charities, and people that actually buy into the bogus theory should give to the charities. And things like incandescent lightbulbs should NOT be outlawed. If I want to buy an incandescent lightbulb, and someone wants to sell me one, then I should be able to do that.

Oh, and the car accidents example still is ridiculous. We know that car accidents happen. We do NOT KNOW that global warming happens - some people only guess that it does.