Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
What I am afraid of though is dying alone, dying without achieving anything in this world, dying in horrible circumstances (being murdered would suck - however I haven't contemplated suicide on the plus side).
If you are afraid of dying in some unknown but horrible scenario you are wasting a lot of worry imo. While "worry" can sometimes help anticipate a situation and avoid an undesirable outcome, this kind of generalistic "worry" accomplishes nothing and on some level it holds you back. What kind of achievement are you afraid of dying before achieving? I'm curious about what scale you are using. It could be anything from not dying alone, to the cure for cancer.
I am not scared of an untimely death, at least I don't worry about it. That might be different if I lived in a war zone or high crime area. And right now I'm not scared of a natural death because I mentally got it registered for about age 85 giving me another solid 30 years to enjoy myself.
However, you must put yourself in the position of imminent death to really qualify the statement. Easiest example is terminal illness. If not happening to you right now, you can only imagine how you'll react. I know logically every living creature on the planet faces the ending of their lives whether they know it or not.* Death is part of the life package. For all of you who are certain that God will scoop you up for the grand after life party, good for you. Not saying you have a realistic basis for comfort, but the end result is you are comforted.
From a philosophical aspect, I really hope that consciousness or at least some of the wisdom gained over the course of a lifetime continues on after physical death to benefit you as an entity or something-er-other. Otherwise what exactly is the point? True, there may be no point at all!
*I don't believe animals like dogs and cats are aware of the concept.
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