Years ago I read that at MS, for their Mac software dept, they had 1 tech per 100 Macs. In contrast for their Windows machines they had 1 tech per 25 machines. No surprise there.
That's the nice thing about macs, a little knowledge is all that's needed to keep them running, they make everything easy. They use a lot of Macs at Microsoft for development, because they make great development platforms.
You can run the praise of MAC all you want but they will soon barely run any software other then "Apple Approved" due to them snubbing Intel. They may soon find their only processor of choice being their own Clone that may not run or could well glitch other programs.
I can best build you a computer for about 500-700€ that can best yours and will run Windows and Linux with ease. Show me a MAC that can dual boot another operating system or even let you run other OS systems.. Better yet, show me one that can be upgraded for a new CPU without having to give up a first born ?
If you are a die hard Apple fan best you hold on to what you got cause it got as good as it gets..
No, those articles are seriously out of date. The first one relates surely to the A4 chip situation, hardly a snub at Intel. The second claims you can't buy Core i7 MacBooks, even though if you go to the Apple store they're right there, ready for purchase.
I'm sure you think you can build a computer that can "best" mine for 700€, but in what way will it "best" it? Will you get a glorious (and I mean absolutely glorious, you have to see it to believe it) 27" screen for that? Nope. Will you have the Magic Mouse? The Apple bluetooth keyboard? Nope. Will it have Bluetooth connectivity? FireWire 400/800? Built in iSight camera? A beautifully designed chasis? Nope. Infrared media remote control? Nope. Mac OS X? Nope. iLife?
And that's a good point: iLife. Macs are worth it for those alone.
Oh, and ALL macs can be dual boot thanks to Boot Camp. With ease. And they've been able to for a couple of years now. Heck, someone even got Windows Mobile running on an iPhone. Not to mention Linux and a straight Unix install. My iPhone is even set up as a webserver running Apache...
See, this is the thing, all criticisms leveled against Macs come through not understanding.