Not even a day later...and over 15,500 views.
Does it register somewhere in cyber-statistic-land that OTz gets this many hits a day?
:24: I need to make more threads like this
So, back to Cloverfield. I wanna give up some information, because it seems that a lot of people I've talked to about it lately are confused as hell. The origins of the monster are rather confusing, but the viral marketing campaign helps a bit. From what the sites say, along with J.J. Abrams(The producer) mentioning this in an interview, the monster has been in the ocean for thousands of years. Near the end of the movie(One month before the attack), you see an object fall into the ocean. It's been confirmed as a Slusho(Company involved with the whole viral deal) satellite. The satellite apparently disturbed the monster, causing it to wake up, and be pretty much pissed off. Along with that, it's in a place that is confusing to it, and being attacked with tons of weapons. The best way to put it is it's just a bad fucking day for the monster. It's not like it just decided to go on a path of destruction one day. If you notice, near the end when Hud dies, the monster is obviously away from the major part of the city(You can see it and all the smoke in the background), which is where the destruction first started. My guess is that the only reason it would be in the park, rather than staying in the city, is because it is trying to escape what's causing it pain(The military), and just get back home, back to the ocean. I'm also willing to bet that if the military hadn't kept on bombing the shit out of it, it probably would have gone back to the ocean.
Something cool to note is that they've tied in the whole Bloop thing from 1997 with this movie, saying the Cloverfield monster is what made that noise.
To go into the long-ass origins explanation, I need to explain things first.
Tagruato is a Japanese company that owns many subsidiaries, one of them being Slusho. Slusho is the child company of Tagruato. Slusho(The fictional drink mentioned in the TV show Alias and Heroes) is a soft drink company, of which Rob is the vice president. This is why he's moving to Japan. Continuing on, Slusho uses an ingredient from the bottom of the sea, called "Deep-sea Necter", under amazing pressure and extreme cold temperatures.
This is where Tagruato comes in. They are a drilling company(That also own satellites and companies and all that good stuff), used to get the necter for Slusho. TIDOwave, some activist group against the drilling, somehow caused one of the Tagruato satellites to fall or something(Still reading into all of this), and it lands in the ocean(Seen at the end of Cloverfield). Apparently, this disturbs the monster, waking it up. Some rumors going around are that the monster was an alien that was on the satellite(Obviously small to start out), and the reason it became so large is because Tagruato dumps toxic waste into the ocean from their drilling.
There's a lot more to all of this, but all the viral marketing, numerous rumors, and tons of sites make it a bit difficult.