Again, for the third or fourth time, I ask: who decides what's fair? Personally, I think the fact that the top 10% pay 70% of the taxes is more than fair. Hell, if I was one of those 10% I'd say it's downright unfair.
Me! If I pay 25% of my income in taxes, I would expect the same for the mega rich. That is fair.
Did you skip the part where I showed 30 something % of people paid NOTHING in taxes? If you wanna play the fairness card, how is it fair that they DON'T pay anything and you do? Fairness is a totally subjective concept.
I would love to comment on that, but there is nothing there. It shows who doesn't pay taxes by filing status. But that's it. Who are these people? How much money do they make? Why aren't they paying any taxes?
I know my daughter paid 0 taxes last year. She worked part time while going to school, she filed her income taxes and got it all back. So how many of those people are kids, students, part time working mothers? Like I said, I would love more information.
It was in the news not to long ago that one third of all US corporations did NOT pay taxes in 2005. Are they included in those numbers?
And I'll say this again too: The tax system was created to pay for the necessary expenditures of running a government. Not redistributing wealth.
Who said anything about redistributing wealth? I want everyone to pay their fair share. If the wealthy paid into the system at the same as everyone else, then all of our rates would go down. I'm not looking to have the wealthy pay the same rate as me to grow the government coffers, but to reduce my tax burden.
Everyone keeps talking about reducing the tax for the wealthy because they are the ones that create the jobs. Well consider the fact that we are a capitalistic society and for every rich person that will balk at paying taxes and employing more people, there are 3 more ambitious people waiting to replace him and make their own money. If there is a buck to be made, there will always be someone to step up and make it whether it's taxed at 13% or 25%