Camp Fallujah Goes Back To Iraqis

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I can't believe it. I'm amazed that they can do this. When I left there in February of last year, we were still taking mortars 2-3 times a week. They even thought one had a chemical warhead (turns out it hit a chow hall trailer full of potato chips and the dark smoke fooled them :D ). And now the place is ready to turn over to the Iraqis? It's amazing. :clap - Last One Turn Out the Lights: Marines Quietly Begin Leaving Bases in Iraqi Cities - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News

WASHINGTON — When Marine Maj. Gen. John Kelly deployed to Iraq in February, the violence had fallen so low in Anbar province that he began figuring out how to start closing bases and prepare to go home.
In the last 10 months the Marines in Fallujah have done what was unthinkable before the surge began — they have quietly transferred out of one of Anbar province's largest cities. FOX News has learned in an exclusive interview with Kelly from Fallujah that 80 percent of the move is complete. In February there were 8,000 Marines living at Fallujah base. Now there are about 3,000 left. By Nov. 14 there will be none.

"We will shut down the command function here and I will move; my staff has already started to move," Kelly, the commander of Multinational Force-West, told FOX News in an exclusive interview via satellite. "We will turn the lights off here."

They will hand the Fallujah base over to their Iraqi counterparts on Nov. 14, having relocated themselves and thousands of combat vehicles to the desert base of Al Asad to the west. Marines will no longer be seen in city centers such as Fallujah — a major step toward leaving Iraq, and one step closer to Iraq's goal of having U.S. troops out of its population centers by mid-2009 — one of the key points enshrined in the Status of Forces Agreement being reviewed on Capitol Hill today.

On Wednesday, to little fanfare, the Marines quietly closed down Al Qaim base near the Syrian border. Now it is run by Iraqis.
In Fallujah, where the U.S. Marines once had three large mess halls to feed troops, they are now down to one. The Marines have quietly disassembled the entire infrastructure of the base.
"We probably had several thousand of those large metal containers — tractor-trailer containers," Kelly said. "I bet we don't have 200 of them here now."
Of the thousands of vehicles once parked at the base, now there are only 300 left. Their transfer occurred at night, between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., over the past 10 months so as not to disturb Iraqi drivers and clog the roads.
They dubbed it "Operation Rudy Giuliani" because they were cleaning the streets up and returning Fallujah to normalcy — taking down barbed wire and tearing down checkpoints and Jersey walls that made Anbar look like a war zone.
"There is almost no barbed wire left anywhere in Fallujah," Kelly said. An Iraqi no longer sees barbed wire when traveling in and around the city.
Between 300 and 400 concrete barriers that divided the city were removed by Navy Seabees.
One of the big changes Kelly made when he took command in Anbar was to remove fixed checkpoints, and Iraqi vehicles no longer had to pull off to the side when a military convoy was on the road. His troops risked car bombs, but the gamble paid off in what had once been Iraq's most dangerous province. The new road rules instantly lowered the tension between military and locals. Soon he transitioned to moving military convoys only at night, so they would not encounter locals. This also stymied many of the insurgents laying IEDs or roadside bombs, which they often had done at night.
Another change for the better since Kelly arrived in February: He pushed the central government to provide more fuel to the people of Anbar, so the mostly Sunni population is now happier. In February, Anbaris were receiving only 8 percent of their allocation of fuel from the central government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Now it's 90 percent — eliminating one of their main gripes.

But perhaps the biggest sign that the situation has changed for the better for Sunnis living in Anbar: With the help of the Marines and the Iraqi police, nearly 100 percent of the eligible voting population were registered a month ago to vote in upcoming provincial elections.

"They seem to add another political party every day," Kelly said. "We didn't have a single security violation of any kind. They're at least going to give the electoral process a shot … at least going to give democracy a chance."
The Sunnis, who fueled a large part of Iraq's insurgency, boycotted the last election for Parliament with only 3 percent of Sunnis participating. Now they feel they have a stake in the government.
"This is an amazing indicator as to where this province is," Kelly said.
He and the Marines no longer use violence as an indicator of how much progress they have made. Two years ago they had 400 attacks — roadside bombs or shootings — at U.S. forces every week. In February it was down to 30 attacks per week. Now it is down to under 12 attacks per week. There hasn't been a Marine death in a few months.
Troop numbers have dropped, as well — down by 40 percent since February. About 26,000 Marines still serve in Anbar.
"In Anbar there is no longer an insurgency," Kelly said. "Unless someone does something stupid (for instance, if the Coalition were to accidentally kill a large number of civilians), this place will not go back to the way it was."
In football terms, Kelly says, the Marines are "in the last 10 yards of this fight."
"Could it go back? I don't think so," he said firmly. "We are winning this thing."

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very good news

wonder how the left will spin this one
Even they can't spin this part :D :

He and the Marines no longer use violence as an indicator of how much progress they have made. Two years ago they had 400 attacks — roadside bombs or shootings — at U.S. forces every week. In February it was down to 30 attacks per week. Now it is down to under 12 attacks per week. There hasn't been a Marine death in a few months.

Peter Parka

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Dont get me wrong, I think its great that things are getting sorted now, I just dont think you can trully call a war a success when its gone on for years, cost thousands of lives and the objective hasn't been met.


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Dont get me wrong, I think its great that things are getting sorted now, I just dont think you can trully call a war a success when its gone on for years, cost thousands of lives and the objective hasn't been met.
Did you see the part about their almost 100% voter registration? I'd call spreading democracy into what was once a brutal dictatorship a success, regardless of the original objective.

Peter Parka

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I dont, seeing we wouldn't have gone to war if that was the objective. There are lots of countries that dont go along with democracy but I dont see us making any plans to invade them.


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I dont, seeing we wouldn't have gone to war if that was the objective. There are lots of countries that dont go along with democracy but I dont see us making any plans to invade them.
So you wouldn't have supported a war if the objective was to topple Saddam Hussein? A known perpetrator of brutal genocide? Were you also opposed to going after Milosevic? And I guess you also think we should do nothing about the situation in Darfur, too?


DT3's Twinkie
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So you wouldn't have supported a war if the objective was to topple Saddam Hussein? A known perpetrator of brutal genocide? Were you also opposed to going after Milosevic? And I guess you also think we should do nothing about the situation in Darfur, too?

We won't...not after all the up and coming military funding cut backs:ninja

We'll be henceforth using an elite wing ofThe Boy Scouts to handle any further aggression abroad

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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So you wouldn't have supported a war if the objective was to topple Saddam Hussein? A known perpetrator of brutal genocide? Were you also opposed to going after Milosevic? And I guess you also think we should do nothing about the situation in Darfur, too?

No, I wouldn't, Saddam was no threat to us and it's not our job to police the world and dictate how they should run their country, I prefer more subtle methods than bombiing the shit out of a country.


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No, I wouldn't, Saddam was no threat to us and it's not our job to police the world and dictate how they should run their country, I prefer more subtle methods than bombiing the shit out of a country.
Hiter was no threat to the US. I bet you're glad we policed him a little.

You're welcome, by the way.


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So you wouldn't have supported a war if the objective was to topple Saddam Hussein? A known perpetrator of brutal genocide? Were you also opposed to going after Milosevic? And I guess you also think we should do nothing about the situation in Darfur, too?

I think the reason a lot of people are uncomfortable with the decision to go into Iraq is because:
a. we hadn't finished what we'd started in Afghanistan and that is still proving to be costly not only in dollars but our troops' lives
b. we were given the reason of weapons of mass distruction then "oops sorry" it's because Saddam and the Osama are in cahoots..."oops sorry...I'll come in again." Right, he's a genocidal dictator who needs to be taken out. When you're lied to repeatedly about the rational behind it, you sort of throw your hands up after awhile.
c. while there have been successes in Iraq, this has gone on far too long, cost far too many lives, and still there isn't a real resolve to it yet...meanwhile Afghanistan goes on and now there is the possibility of conflict with Iran because let's face matter where you stand pro or con on the war, it wasn't as well thought out as it should have been.

That said, and I know you and I are on opposite spectrums politically, I think going after Milosevic was the right move and I would actually like to see us have the resources to do much much more in Darfur...because frankly, their situation is far more dire than the Iraq we invaded in 03. However, I think right now we just don't have said resources because of the missteps we've made regarding Iraq.