Caffeine vs THC

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YOU brought up caffeine in beverages. I merely corrected your statement. Sorry you're so sensitive.

Good God... you're still copping an attitude.Knock it off already and remain civil.

This whole statement is one big fat contradiction. durrrrrrr

I didn't contradict myself. My statement was extremely clear. I said...

IF you don't smoke it, then I'm not interested in your opinion. Since you have smoked it, the statement wasn't for you. You, instead, decided to tiptoe around it because you were mad that I supposedly "assumed", even though I knew, that you do/have smoked pot.

So because of this, you just come to the assumption that I smoke marijuana. Right?

Remember that? I never had to come to the assumption. You told us a while back that you did. But you came in here and didn't bother answering the question. I didn't have a problem with your correction, other than it reeks of your usual bad attitude.

You're suddenly interested in staying on topic though wondering why I smoked pot?

No, I've been interested in staying on topic since I started the thread.

I starting smoking pot to piss off my parents. That's why. And I don't give a fuck who smokes it or if it's ever made legal or if you think THC is the demon's sperm. Don't care.

First sentence, fine. underlined part... not so fine. This isn't a debate on THC and why I choose to stay away from it. This was my wanting to find out a pot smokers personal opinion on it, not a me vs attitude roundabout waste of bandwidth you decided to turn it into.
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Why couldn't you even let all this go? A member of staff subtly told everyone here to knock it off by closing the original thread. And you come and create another? Pretty disrespectful imo. If you just wanted to say your peace with that acd0 member, you could've just pm'd him.


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I think I was a caffiene addict at 6. My Southern mother thought iced tea was better for us than Kool-Aid, which it probably is, but maybe not for kids.

I don't drink coffee, but I drink iced-tea all year round. First thing in the morning, too. Even when it's zero degrees outside.
tea is naturally caffeinated though right? It's totally different...


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We need to have Stella and Original James get a room!!! LOL! :D

Ahhhh--forget that--Stell and Mulder should get a room!!! :cool

You can have her. I don't have time for attitude like that.

lmfao james, youre something else.

you can become dependent on caffeine. weed, well, ive never known anyone that has absolutely HAD to have it. now, when someone wakes up in the morning and doesnt have their coffee or whatever they take in that has caffeine, they tend to get caffeine headaches because their body is used to it. it happens to my dad, mom, and sister.

um... are you actually going to answer the question I asked or skate around it like Stella did? I didn't ask you for the adverse side effects of caffeine. I know what those are. I want to know what pot does for you.


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but i guess everyone has their own opinions on this matter. im sorry you dont see things my way and i really shouldnt even be talking to such a narrow minded individual like yourself (james). so thats it for me, no more debating with you on this issue. obviously i cant sway you in any way, and obviously you cant sway us in any way. so, theres really no point.

Seriously, if you're going to spew asshole remarks like this, then just leave. There is a reason you're on probation. I didn't start this thread to debate with you on it. I simply asked your opinion and views, I didn't do it to judge you or call you a fucking moron, I asked because I'm curious. This isn't just a debate forum, it's a philosophy forum as well. Not everything needs to be put under the microscope and debated.

I will never smoke pot, because it doesn't appeal to me. I've been around it and I hate the smell of it.

Since you're going to sit here and be immature about this shit, then just leave the site. I'm tired of people like you who can't even answer a question without being pricks about it.


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benefits of smoking pot: enhanced concentration and relaxation. i can blaze all day and hack code alllll fucking day and just be in the fucking zone. there ya go.

and this, yeah... your opinion and I value it, but come on... prove something to me here. You're giving me a hidden glimpse at your opinion of what it does... something you can't even prove here.

Perhaps the amount you have used has dulled your senses to it's effects?

That being said, I know marijuana is going to affect everyone differently. I had classmates who did better on tests when they blazed before going to school, but were otherwise zombies and never wanted to do anything but smoke.


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james called me a prick!!! can someone give him an infraction?!?!?!?!
just let it go dude. fuck, like i said, its pointless for me to argue with you on this. fuck it. lets just be done.

and you called me narrow minded, while being on probation for unnecessarily doing it previously. If you're going to come into my thread where I have done nothing but ask a question and fling shit around, expect it back.

You don't seem very relaxed to me, you're always defensive whenever someone who doesn't do pot asks an innocent question about it. Seems to me you get riled up easily, so much for your relaxing theory, eh?


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and yes, you are right, i guess guess im not too relaxed when something i firmly believe in is attacked.

I never once attacked you in this thread.

I asked a question.

Your first response skated around the effects of caffeine; not what was asked.

Then you came back telling me self descriptions of your views on weed. actually answering what i asked, in a way... but at the same time you did it sarcastically and rudely.

next post right after that... you called me narrowminded without reason.

Then you whined when I never specifically called you a prick, I simply made a blanket statement of how defensive people act when they perceive to be getting attacked and cornered by someone who merely is trying to have an adult conversation with someone.

You make light of the fact that I don't mess with illegal shit, trying to crack jokes as if it's 'uncool' to not feel the need to spend time in jail, pay fines, or lose what they've worked so hard to achieve and accomplish.

You're defensive and riled up. You claim pot relaxes you, but it doesn't seem the case when anyone even remotely talks about it.

Seems to me that you don't even really need it to relax. I can put my mind to something and accomplish it spectacularly, and I don't need to be stoned to do it. This just makes me wonder if you're using this "relaxation and heightened concentration" as an excuse to use it when you don't need it to relax and concentrate.

It obviously doesn't have as much of an affect on your body much anymore due to proven medical testing results of how THC affects your brain and functionality, due to using too much? Potency not strong enough? Due to being used to the effects?

What could it be. I bet you could go a week without it and do just as good at work and in your private home life. Seems to me that 'relaxation and concentration' are just your overall excuses for wanting it... I didn't say needing it, just your wanting to be stoned. But in the end, I bet you'll go through withdrawals for this 'altered' state of mind you enjoy being in so much.

I mean hell bro, I had 3 hours of sleep last night, now it's 1:30 am, I have to be up at 7, I can't sleep and I'm still not jumping down peoples throats. I know I'm an irritable guy, but if you toked up tonight after work and you're like this, I can't even remotely imagine how you think it relaxes you.


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Come on, seriously. My thread gets locked and this one is still running? That's pretty unfair. At least mine was on topic ffs.


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i know. you attacked marijuana.


my reason is that you arent willing to open up your mind to see the potential good in marijuana.

Because I'm ASKING YOU TO GIVE ME THE GOOD BEHIND IT. You haven't given me any real, provable good facts behind using it. You're just giving me your self-perceived reasons for using it, which tells me absolutely nothing... perceptions and realities while in an altered state aren't always correct. It's the same as being drunk.

In the end, anybody can concentrate and relax. You don't need to be stoned or drunk to do so.

not "talks" about it. attacks it. "omg weed is bad ill call the cops its illegal". maybe you should try it and relax.

Sorry, but I can't take the chance of being arrested, paying fines, fees, & court costs I can't afford, and/or possibly losing my house. You don't seem to understand that the town I live in is a small town where everyone knows everyone else. My father is a prominate figure in this community, last thing I need is to start doing illegal shit.

You never once asked how I really felt about pot and others' using it. You just perceived that I was attacking it. I actually agree with Denvers stance on it and think it will cut down on costs to taxpayers, courts and communities. I just choose to stay away from it simply due to it's illegality and my tendancy to hate being in trouble with the law.

stop attacking my proven method of relaxing and concentrating and i wont be hostile with this subject.

I didn't attack it, I'm discussing it.


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Want facts and not opinions? Google then.

And not anybody can concentrate or relax. That's why there's meds for that sort of thing for those who need them.


DT3's Twinkie
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Want facts and not opinions? Google then.

And not anybody can concentrate or relax. That's why there's meds for that sort of thing for those who need them.

I think we should all be able to agree, that there is a fundemental difference between using medication the way it was intended, and abusing it.

Just for the record. I find alternate ways to relax, other that medicating to excess.


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Stella: If I googled facts and figures on Marijuana, pot heads will just argue that the government has a vendetta against weed and that the facts and figures are skewed to fit the governments "weed is bad" standpoint. So whats the point? I want the facts from a USER. What it has actually done, in a positive or negative light, for that specfic user.

What you just said to do is like asking a Ford owner how he likes his car, and this Ford owner tells me to look up the facts on the car on

That does nothing for a discussion.


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I think we should all be able to agree, that there is a fundemental difference between using medication the way it was intended, and abusing it.

Just for the record. I find alternate ways to relax, other that medicating to excess.
I wasn't referring to getting high in my previous post. Was referring to anti-anxiety medications for those with anxiety disorders and the like.

But we digress. I believe the topic is strictly for caffeine and THC.


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Stella: If I googled facts and figures on Marijuana, pot heads will just argue that the government has a vendetta against weed and that the facts and figures are skewed to fit the governments "weed is bad" standpoint. So whats the point? I want the facts from a USER. What it has actually done, in a positive or negative light, for that specfic user.

What you just said to do is like asking a Ford owner how he likes his car, and this Ford owner tells me to look up the facts on the car on

That does nothing for a discussion.
I'm not sure I'd consider personal stories from other pot smokers as factual evidence. But w/e.


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:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Am I the only one who puts weed in my coffee in the morning?

:eek :eek :eek
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