Britney on 72-Hour Mental Lockdown

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I feel sorry for Britney and all of the children.

First off, the girl was pushed on the stage at the ripe old age of 6. Her parents wanted a 'star' so she was one of those show biz kids with a stage mom who put her into every thing possible. Her big break was on the Mickey Mouse show, She was a mouseketeer.
From there her dancing and singing abilities caught the eye of that perverted freak who also launched the back street boys, He's in jail now btw.
Not a nice man. God only knows what horrors she went through as a preteen/teenager.
It's no secret that show biz is particularly hard on women. They either want to starve you half to death or boink you half to death or both simultaneously.
As well there are plenty of agents/producers/ short 'pimp type people' who make a living out of exploiting you. And they are always right there with no morals or scrupples, wouldn't think twice about drugging you or pretty much anything for that matter. It's pretty much no holds barred with those kind of people.
Now toss the paparazzi into the mix, These are people who literally hide in bushes and lurk about, lying in wait their entire goal in life is to get a bad shot of you. One that they can sell to the tabloids so that they can have a field day. Oh yeah, the tabloids..... These rags will print anything, even made up BS about you. They don't care about being sued because they make more money from their lies than you can recoup via a lawsuit. So the lies continue. (I blame all the half wits who purchase these magazines. Why would you pay for this kind of filth?! You have to be stupid to want to read this?!)

Now as if all that isn't enough to make you lose your have to deal with predatory type people who are the lowest of the low.

People like Kevin Federline who will do anything to slease their way up close to you, then lie to you and tell you they "love you," The truth is all he wanted was a payday. And keeping custody of the kids guarantees him a large amount of child support.
Granted, I doubt if Britney is a capable parent at the moment. But I don't think Mr. "K-fed" is in anyway shape or form a better parent. Right now he's just in good with the media because he sold his 'story' to several rags. So he may be the apple of the media's eye at the moment. But it will get old. Pretty soon he wont have any more crap to sell to them. It's almost poetic. When he's lost his usefullness the media will start their onslaught on his arse. It will be him whose face is plastered on every rag tabloid in the country and he'll be the one whose parenting skills are questioned. Need we be reminded that he already has 2 kids that he dumped when he started boinking Britney. "Sorry kids, Daddy found a woman with real money." He dumped them hard core.

The real losers here are those poor innocent babies.

Who wins? No one.


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I can't imagine having people flashing cameras in my face EVERY time I wanted to go somewhere .. ANY time I went on a date .. when I wiped my ass .. when I just wanted to run down to the convience store for a coke and it took me 45 minutes to get out of my drive way because there are 100 people crowded around the exit.

Having everyone scrutinize every little thing you do (good or bad), seeing my face plastered all over the tabloids .. having my kids see every bad thing I have ever done or will do (no one is perfect).

I can't imagine people begging me for money, expecting this and that from me .. the pressure to "still be big".

I am quite happy .. being able to walk normally to my car, get in, drive away, go to the mall or a club or a retaurant or my kids school .. and not have someone following me around like a rabid dog in heat every single day.

People taking pictures of my kids, following them around, scaring them .. ALL the time.

I would HATE their lifestyle. All that money can't be worth the constant aggravation they have to deal with. NAH UH noooo way

But there's so many celebrities who don't have this problem. The one's who don't go out partying and making spectacles of themselves. When's the last time you saw a papparazzi shot of Sarah Michelle Gellar? Nic Cage? I could sit here all day and come up with celebrities you don't see in the National Enquirer.


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Only because they don't go out and do anything. They have to hide and plan and sneak around .. so that they aren't discovered in the public eye.

When Sarah Michelle Gellar was dating her husband her complete personal love life was splattered ALL over the tabloids .. they almost destroyed her and Freddy with it too.

Nic Cage is the same way. He's getting old tho .. he doesn't go out a often .. but his last relationship/marriage .. everything regarding his personal life .. splattered across the papers.

I couldn't deal with that. My private life is MINE and mine alone .. it's NONE of yours or anyone elses business unless "I" choose to tell you about it. For someone to stand outside my house and photograph me, or dig through my garbage or who ever I'm dating's garbage is outright disgusting. They don't have that luxury though .. they are expected to just "deal" with it .. and when they fight back .. they usually end up getting sued for simple acts of self defense. Sometimes they go to far, but its usually because of how frustrated they are.

Me, personally, the money would not be worth it.


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Celebrities know when becoming a celebrity they will be in the public eye. Is that an excuse to act like a complete ass and get special treatment? No!
Britney is just another celebrity nut who thinks because she is famous and has money she can do whatever she wants.


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I thnk Brittney is a very sick person .. she shoul dhave gotten help long ago .. but no one coexed her into it .. and now she is in a downward spiral. Once people start down the road she's veered onto .. it's usually a long way to the bottom. She's just about there, might just BE there actually. They announced on the news she has lost all visitation with her children.

That is really sad.

Money like these people have, especially at such young ages when they are not guided by their parents .. leads to such behaivor .. it literally consumes them and then spits them back out once they are dried up.
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You guys are forgetting that Britney was put on the stage around age 6. She didn't have a choice really. Her mother and every one around her wanted her to perform. So she did.

She didn't go out partying and carrying on at age 6, Her life was in turmoil by the time she was a pre teen. All her adult antics are after the fact. I think she went nuts a long, long time ago and we're just now hearing about it because she is acting out.

YouTube - Chris Crocker - LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!

Peter Parka

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Mental illness is just that, an illness, it affects people from all walks of life! Hope she recovers and can be a good mum to those kids, they need a good mum!