Bin Laden Tape Warns Iraqis To Resist Unity

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Whoever compares Saddam to Hitler doesn't know history to be honest. They may be similar in ways that all dictators are, but they were extremely different in terms of how they came to power and what they did.

Hence the comparison. Both dictators gone wild. Difference being one was allowed to go more wild with devastating consequences before affirmative action was taken.

And for the record, I did make the comparison.
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All Else Failed

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Hence the comparison. Both dictators gone wild. Difference being one was allowed to go more wild with devastating consequences before affirmative action was taken.

And for the record, I did make the comparison.

You can only compare them in the VAGUEST sense. They were two totally different animals. If you're comparing atrocities, Hitler makes Saddam look like a girl scout.


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historical facts surrounding the vast amount of time that was spent prior to affirmative action being taken following getting the run around and deceptions from Saddam and his cohorts for so long. Poor Saddam. He should have gotten more time. Perhaps another 10+ years. Yeah, that should have been just about right.
The vast majority did. Remember how many of them lined up to vote? They had something like triple the voter-turnout of the US.

As I said before, I was there when Saddam was hanged. Words can't explain their emotions. The majority of them were excited/cheering for weeks. It even changed their greetings. Instead of saying good morning to us in Arabic, they would wrap their hands around their throat, make a gagging sound, say "Saddam" and give us a thumbs up. You'll never convince me they didn't want him gone.

it's easy in hindsight to say one should have not done this and not that. The fact is Saddam was giving the U.N the run around for many many years, even after he had agreeing to supervision, inspection and dismantling of his chemical, nucleur and/or other WMD program, before affirmative action was taken. What followed his agreement to the treaty in 1990/1991 was a series of interference and deception which was later revealed. True?

As far as action is concerned, well damned if you do and damned if you don't but how long must one wait before taking action to what seemed a clear disregard and series of deception. At least the US of A was brave enough to take action...eventually, while others prefer to stay on the sidelines and play it safe. Lest we not forget our old friend Hitler.

"Saddam was a nobody. He wasn't a threat to this country. He thumbed his nose at the US and his people ended up paying for it with their lives."

I guess if Hitler was in this period some may say it was better to have done nothing to prevent what did actually take place because others wanted to ignore what was happening...that he was a nobody.....and that perhaps he would never have done what he did.....because he just would not have. SMH.

Seriously though, it could be argued (effectively imo) that an efficient, pro-US democracy in the Middle East is in our best interests.

As you know, I do understand the other side that says we have no business being over there. But I can also see how, in the long run, looking at it unemotionally, it could be very beneficial to us.
Just calling it as I see it Tim.

And about Hitler/Germany and its amassed military might at the time, had their grand quest continued to go unchecked who knows the more devastation that would have occurred. Perhaps, just perhaps if action was taken earlier it would have resulted in the saving of the vast amount of life and destruction that occurred. It's ironic that it finally took hard decisions and action to stop the logically minded Hitler. It little to late for the Jews and countless others also. Pity it didn't come a bit earlier.

I don't know that you can say a country isn't "ready" for a certain type of government, especially with their voter turnout being so high (in the high 60's percentage, if I remember right).
