Belief Census- Where are you in the mix?

Religous Beliefs- Where do you stand?

  • Tradional Christian- Whole Hearted Belief

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Tradional Christian- Hegging My Bets

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Misc Protestant- Whole Hearted Belief

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Misc Protestant- Hegging My Bets

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Muslim- Please specifiy whole hearted or hedging bets.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Agnostic- Hope there is an afterlife.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Agnostic- Who knows?

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Athiest- Afterlife is possible, but don't believe in God.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Athiest- Dirt To Dirt, an eternity of nothingness to greet us.

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Other- Please specify.

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters

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I'm an athiest but have been considering converting to an agnostic. In case I come back I wanna be a seat on a girls bike.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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For your consideration: We Are All Hindus Now.

The Rig Veda, the most ancient Hindu scripture, says this: "Truth is One, but the sages speak of it by many names." A Hindu believes there are many paths to God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another, yoga practice is a third. None is better than any other; all are equal. The most traditional, conservative Christians have not been taught to think like this. They learn in Sunday school that their religion is true, and others are false. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me."

Americans are no longer buying it. According to a 2008 Pew Forum survey, 65 percent of us believe that "many religions can lead to eternal life"—including 37 percent of white evangelicals, the group most likely to believe that salvation is theirs alone.

Then there's the question of what happens when you die. Christians traditionally believe that bodies and souls are sacred, that together they comprise the "self," and that at the end of time they will be reunited in the Resurrection. You need both, in other words, and you need them forever. Hindus believe no such thing. At death, the body burns on a pyre, while the spirit—where identity resides—escapes. In reincarnation, central to Hinduism, selves come back to earth again and again in different bodies. So here is another way in which Americans are becoming more Hindu: 24 percent of Americans say they believe in reincarnation, according to a 2008 Harris poll. So agnostic are we about the ultimate fates of our bodies that we're burning them—like Hindus—after death.
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