Bees are real active right now!

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Jackass master

Old and worn out
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Yesterday we split our hive and found that it was way overloaded so we added another super to it. Had a good amount with some queen cells transferred to another hive. Today when the wife went to check them she found a swarm on the ground. While we were attempting to gather them into another hive I noticed there were a ton of bees on a nearby small tree. We set to work gathering them and once the queen was in the new hive they marched on in. We semi blocked the opening with some grass we pulled and left them be for a while. When we went back right before noon there was a huge bunch of bees on the ground so we set a hive without the bottom over it. While doing that one of the little bastards stung me on top of my head. Shame on me for not wearing my suit because it was so hot. We decided to go check the bait hives I put up last week and the one for sure has bees going in and out of it. The other one either has some scouts checking it out or they are robbing some of the honey we put in each one. At that point we decided since it was hot and we need foundation material we would drive down to the beekeeping supply house and get some items. Bought a hard hat and veil for the hot days and some queen phernome for the other bait hives. If it works out we should end up with at least 4 hives and I am going to Ohio next week to get 4 more packages of bees which will take us to 8 hives total. We have a lot of work to do to increase the size of the bee yard before then. I want a gate I can drive the skid steer in through as the honey is heavy as hell. We will put 6 strands of electrified high tensile on the outside and 4 more inside. This is a pic of what the bear did to a local guys hives last weekend. They need to get hit hard or they can destroy a lot of work and money real quick.
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The Man

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Yesterday we split our hive and found that it was way overloaded so we added another super to it. Had a good amount with some queen cells transferred to another hive. Today when the wife went to check them she found a swarm on the ground. While we were attempting to gather them into another hive I noticed there were a ton of bees on a nearby small tree. We set to work gathering them and once the queen was in the new hive they marched on in. We semi blocked the opening with some grass we pulled and left them be for a while. When we went back right before noon there was a huge bunch of bees on the ground so we set a hive without the bottom over it. While doing that one of the little bastards stung me on top of my head. Shame on me for not wearing my suit because it was so hot. We decided to go check the bait hives I put up last week and the one for sure has bees going in and out of it. The other one either has some scouts checking it out or they are robbing some of the honey we put in each one. At that point we decided since it was hot and we need foundation material we would drive down to the beekeeping supply house and get some items. Bought a hard hat and veil for the hot days and some queen phernome for the other bait hives. If it works out we should end up with at least 4 hives and I am going to Ohio next week to get 4 more packages of bees which will take us to 8 hives total. We have a lot of work to do to increase the size of the bee yard before then. I want a gate I can drive the skid steer in through as the honey is heavy as hell. We will put 6 strands of electrified high tensile on the outside and 4 more inside. This is a pic of what the bear did to a local guys hives last weekend. They need to get hit hard or they can destroy a lot of work and money real quick.
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Jackass master

Old and worn out
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Started working on the bee hives today. I decided to get my one big butchering kettle out so we could boil a bunch of the old frames to get rid of all the old wax and any chemicals the old guy used to treat a mite infection. Was not bad when I lit the fire under it but about the time I got the water boiling the sun came out. Then it just soared the temps and by 12:30 it was up 87.Worked till about one and quit as it was just too hot for that kind of work. Will go get posts tomorrow after a morning of boiling some more.

Jackass master

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Got enough hives filled with fresh frames for the ones I am getting next week. Working on more so we have supers ready to put on all the hives. Will check the bait hives next weekend and hopefully have a bunch more to bring in to the yard.Been too damn cold and windy to boil any more frames so I am putting foundation material in as many as we have boiled

Jackass master

Old and worn out
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Hauled about 20,000 more home from about 400 miles away today. Got stung once while loading them and one more time while putting them in the new hives. Hope they stick around and start building brood

Jackass master

Old and worn out
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The Russian variety we just got is known for being more passive. I just caught another swarm today and put it in a hive. We now have 10 set up in the bee yard and the one bait box looks real promising for another one. They are all over the honeysuckle which is everywhere up here and blooming like mad. Sure smells good and should make some nice honey in the hives that are established. Next up will be the clover and what alfalfa is left. Seems a lot froze out or else we have a mole infestation.

Jackass master

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Finally got a few pics uploaded. After another day of boiling frames and painting some more boxes we were beat. Just as I started supper we got a call to go get a swarm from the Beekeeper group. We loaded up and went and got another good sized swarm. Now up to 11 hives and still have not checked the bait hives.
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Jackass master

Old and worn out
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It is a lot of work rehabbing all the hives and getting established but should be rewarding come fall harvest time. At this rate I may need to go for a motorized extractor next year.

Jackass master

Old and worn out
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It is a lot of work rehabbing all the hives and getting established but should be rewarding come fall harvest time. At this rate I may need to go for a motorized extractor next year.

Today will be bee work all day as they want rain for 3 days. Have to put new foundation material in over 100 frames to have enough supers(big boxes) to add to all the new hives. Old guy who sold us the hives called and has some books and other things that we will pick up on our way to the monthly bee meeting tonight. Cleared the sod off where the new fence line will go and need to start digging post holes.