and you dont?
he knows enough to actually take pictures
theres critique and there put downs,yours always tended to be put downs
i do and your messiah lordv actually likes what i do
Lord v likes what I do in macro, photos that will never be posted here.
Mine has always been put downs? Wow, I have seen others on here say exactly the same to guyzerr, yet he never complained about them posting photos, so what gives?
And so do I take photos, I take concerts, fashion, portraits, events, macro, animals, do you or guyzerr take that amount? Nah, you and guyzerr's cynical remarks towards me as to say that I have to post photos here in order to prove I can take photos, is really cynical, and I wish you both would stop it. If you don't want to improve your photography, carry on your cynical remarks, I don't care :thumbup