Assisted Suicide: What Do YOU Think?

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For those of you who don't know me

I am a junior in high school and for my junior paper, a major English assignment on either literary analysis or a controversial topic. I chose the controversial topic because it would be easier to write about if I could find a topic I wanted to do and an opinion I could formulate. Now. My stance on assisted suicide is that it should be legal. This is my opinion simply because in the last year I had to watch my grandfather, a man I loved very very much, suffer for over a year until he died of many health problems.

My mother told me he frequently asked "why couldn't he just die?" and I held his hand and watched him stare at a wall vacantly. I knew on that day that the man I had looked up too, loved so much to listen to his stories and talk with about things ranging from religion to the facts of life, was gone. While I had not been there when he died I felt a tremendous loss when my mother brought myself, my sister and my brother into her room and told us that at 12:00 that morning, my grandfather died.
I remember feeling so incredibly helpless at times because I couldn't do anything. I wouldn't be able to function in school because I would just start crying because I knew he was in a hospice so far away, suffering. He even once fell out of bed, an 80 year old man and wasn't found for 2 hours as he screamed for help. that that's over. What do you all think of this. I would like to make a note that this is for civil discussion. I don't want to get myself or anyone in trouble or anything. I would just like to know people's opinion on the topic.

To reiterate I am asking if you all think if someone you know is suffering and their pain is not being alleviated should they be able to die if not able to commit the act themselves, with help?

(If any mods have a problem with this thread please contact me with your concerns. Thank you. I like this site, love it and don't mean to break any rules. And if I do, I am sorry and I will accept the punishment.)
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i agree in principle BUT i fear it may be too hard to prevent abuse

Read up on the Robert Latimer case, a landmark Canadian legal case.

IMHO Latimer is a prime example of why we cannot allow people to arbitrarily make life/death decisions for those that have no voice


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Porter said pretty much what I was thinking. I think it should be legal, but I suspect it'd be very complicated to try and regulate, because of the potential for serious abuse.

Some people are coherent enough to voice their own wishes, like those with severe physical disabilities or illnesses, and their only problem is in needing help to carry them out. But there's the murky grey area of people who lose the ability to communicate for one reason or another. It can be very painful to watch a relative slide into a state where they're no longer mentally present, but at what point does someone become justified in making the decision to actually end their life?


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Cons aside, I too think it should be legal.

It's legal for us to put our pets down to put them out of their misery.

It should be legal for us to decide how we end our lives.

I'll give a reference to something. My Grandmother was dying of Congestive Heart Failure. She'd been moved to a Hospice. She had a large DNR sign over her bed - on Hot Pink paper no less. PS & I were visiting that weekend. Just as we were walking into her room she had passed over. The orderlies were running for the crash cart. I stopped them and pointed to the sign above her head.

Sign or not, they were going to revive her. Why? Cuz she had great insurance and they'd be able to continue to suck off of it.

I swear I was put there at that very moment for that reason. It's all about money. Money, money, money.

If I am dying I want to go out on my terms. My Grandmother's situation proves that you can have a DNR hanging over your head and they'll still try to bring you back if they can suck more money out of you.

So yeah, it's my opinion that assisted suicide should be legal.


Number 2, Rafael!
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I think it should be legal if the person can no longer enjoy a quality of life befitting what a person would normally enjoy, but that's a fine line in itself because what is a good quality of life? It's a very touchy subject really.


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I also believe in assisted suicide and know EXACTLY what you are talking about Ryder ... in fact your description of the situation with your Grandfather is very familiar.

Rather depressing but very important topic.


Miss Piggy
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I think it should be legal, and in a way it already is. It may depend on what hospice your loved one is in, but with both my Mammaw and Pappaw they didn't set any cap on the pain medication (both died from cancer) so they likely both OD'd on pain medicine rather than suffering for weeks on end. That's pretty much the point of hospice is to ease the suffering of those who are near death.


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For those of you who don't know me

I am a junior in high school and for my junior paper, a major English assignment on either literary analysis or a controversial topic. I chose the controversial topic because it would be easier to write about if I could find a topic I wanted to do and an opinion I could formulate. Now. My stance on assisted suicide is that it should be legal. This is my opinion simply because in the last year I had to watch my grandfather, a man I loved very very much, suffer for over a year until he died of many health problems.

My mother told me he frequently asked "why couldn't he just die?" and I held his hand and watched him stare at a wall vacantly. I knew on that day that the man I had looked up too, loved so much to listen to his stories and talk with about things ranging from religion to the facts of life, was gone. While I had not been there when he died I felt a tremendous loss when my mother brought myself, my sister and my brother into her room and told us that at 12:00 that morning, my grandfather died.
I remember feeling so incredibly helpless at times because I couldn't do anything. I wouldn't be able to function in school because I would just start crying because I knew he was in a hospice so far away, suffering. He even once fell out of bed, an 80 year old man and wasn't found for 2 hours as he screamed for help. that that's over. What do you all think of this. I would like to make a note that this is for civil discussion. I don't want to get myself or anyone in trouble or anything. I would just like to know people's opinion on the topic.

To reiterate I am asking if you all think if someone you know is suffering and their pain is not being alleviated should they be able to die if not able to commit the act themselves, with help?

(If any mods have a problem with this thread please contact me with your concerns. Thank you. I like this site, love it and don't mean to break any rules. And if I do, I am sorry and I will accept the punishment.)
The right of a competent adult to make decisions regarding his/her own body must never be infringed. No caveats, no exceptions. Health or age should never be a factor in this. If a person wishes to die, and is considered to be competent, then no one has any standing to prevent it.

That said, your description didn't indicate that your grandfather wished to die, only that your mother wished that his suffering would end. ijs


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I think it should be legal. Perhaps to avoid the issue of speaking for someone who has no voice, it should be one of those things that's written into someone's will. Similar to the "Do not resuscitate" request.

The Man

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I am for it generally speaking if its obvious such as bad cancer etc.
In general suicide is illegal..But IMO that is aimed for those that are depressed and the sort.
I could see some tough calls on this..a guy loses a leg and wants to die..I disagree in a few months he will be glad he is alive more than likely
How about a guy that lost his hearing?...A man diagnosed with cancer but inst willing to try chemotherapy?
So for me its not a simple yes or no
Just tossing some ideas out there for you..."When is it ok to decide to die"
Your Post is great Ryder..and I am sure your work will be the same as well


Between darkness and wonder
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I am against any form of suicide, whether it's assisted or not. I believe every human being has a journey to go through in this life, both spiritually and physically. Having said that, although your grandfather was suffering, the time your grandfather continued living was important for his spiritual journey.

The Man

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I am against any form of suicide, whether it's assisted or not. I believe every human being has a journey to go through in this life, both spiritually and physically. Having said that, although your grandfather was suffering, the time your grandfather continued living was important for his spiritual journey.

I felt that way at one times as well..but havering known people die from not being able to breath and watch the suffering made me take a different position....They cough cough cough...then cant even do that.

Let the morphine do its thing to make life a little more pleasant..eventually a point is reached enough morphine is too much.
Suicide?...or just mere overdose?
Who is to say?;)


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I am against any form of suicide, whether it's assisted or not. I believe every human being has a journey to go through in this life, both spiritually and physically. Having said that, although your grandfather was suffering, the time your grandfather continued living was important for his spiritual journey.

I think this is a wonderful statement. This is why I think it should be up to the individual person.

If Godsloveapples is not for suicide in any way, then she doesn't have to commit suicide ... or if someone she loves is contemplating it, then she can talk to that person about it.


If someone does wish to commit suicide then it is their individual right to do so and so the decision rests in their hands.

NOW ... if a person is unable to speak due to their condition and no one really knows what their wishes are ... that's a bit more complicated.
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In Memoriam - RIP
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I am against any form of suicide, whether it's assisted or not. I believe every human being has a journey to go through in this life, both spiritually and physically. Having said that, although your grandfather was suffering, the time your grandfather continued living was important for his spiritual journey.

Really I'm pretty much the same way.