Why do you hate the Canucks so much?

It started in 1989. I was young and impressionable and the Flames were playing the Canucks in the first round of the playoffs. The Flames were heavy favourites and the Canucks came this close to taking them down. At that point I didn't have any hate yet but the seeds were sown. Over the next few season the rivalry grew and I remembered the team that trying to rob the Flames of their glory.
Then 1994 happened. The Flames and Canucks played each other in the first round again. The Canucks had annoying players and this time the they were victorious and things escalated. That fall I moved to Vancouver in pursuit of higher education. I met some Canuck fans. There was no more rivalry. This was now WAR. I've never looked back.
2004...playing in the first round again. The Canucks had more annoying players. This is the most traumatic playoff hockey series I have ever born witness too. When the Canucks tied it late in game 7 I was inconsolable and I think my Mom thought someone had died. My sister later said that the intermission between the third period and overtime felt like a funeral. The Flames did prevail and I could breathe again. No wait, I couldn't. The Flames decided to make a Cup run that year and I died so many times I thought I might be a Winchester. But there is nothing worse than losing to the Canucks in the playoffs. Nothing.
And finally the first round in 2015 (they meet in the first round a lot). Game 6 of that series might be the single most awesome game I have born witness to. The Flames were down 3-0, came back to tie it, then were down 4-3, and finally won 7-4. Matt Stajan's game winning goal was EPIC. I wish I had recorded the game because I didn't really watch it properly live. The Flames won the series and then went on to lose miserably in round two but that's a different story.
That doesn't really explain WHY I hate them, but that was a lot of typing so I'm going to post it anyway. I guess I hate them because I just do. And because their fans are *insert impolite and rather unproper adjectives*. Btw, my spell check keeps trying to tell me that "Canucks" is a misspelled word. Take that, Canucks.