Maybe you should take an interest in the topic your debating. Instead of coming in here and making uninformed and factually baseless statements.
Maybe if you knew some facts about the subject, you might just have a different view altogether.
I have put forth my opinion on this subject. I have based them on fact and my knowledge of the criminal justice system.
And, I have also put forth my opinion on your views. You have made no effort to look at simple facts before you state your opinion, and you even mention yourself that you have failed to take them into account.
That therefore, makes your views sound very unintelligent and warped.
Sorry to be so harsh. But I'm just being honest with you.
You know I actually edited because I didn't want to seem rude, but it's all good you got the post before I edited.
However, the fact still remains you should never get into a debate if you can't accept the fact others will have different opinions and you will not be able to change those views.
BTW this isn't an opinion I based yesterday. I have in the past studied bits of the criminal justice system. No I don't have a degree and I don't know everything about it, but this opinion was formed years ago. I stated I do not know everything today and nor do I care to know at this point.
Also please tell me where to find fact on whether or not something like this would actually work...seeings how it's not been done and all. HMM I'm talking about in the United States. Don't tell me to go look up info under a 3rd world country that has no idea how to run a justic system as we do today.