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The Man

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Nice.... Egypt closed the border on Gaza ages ago...and you blame that on Israel. ..why don't your punk buddy terrorists shoot rockets at Egypt....Oh that is right they are not Jews....Lets blame the Jews for Egypt having sanctions and border control.
Your terrorist buddies need to take that up with Egypt not Israel...You suck the bullshit up like a starving fly
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The Man

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Now you want to quote Hitler as well....You know the one that actually planned on expanding.
Lets see we gained Alaska and Hawaii. ..which neither was by appears as if his crystal ball was wrong.

The Man

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Nice.... Egypt closed the border on Gaza ages ago...and you blame that on Israel. ..why don't your punk buddy terrorists shoot rockets at Egypt....Oh that is right they are not Jews....Lets blame the Jews for Egypt having sanctions and border control.
Your terrorist buddies need to take that up with Egypt not Israel...You suck the bullshit up like a starving fly
You just as well shoot rockets at your pk govt as they don't allow you to go to Israel..using your logic


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Nice.... Egypt closed the border on Gaza ages ago...and you blame that on Israel. ..why don't your punk buddy terrorists shoot rockets at Egypt....Oh that is right they are not Jews....Lets blame the Jews for Egypt having sanctions and border control.
Your terrorist buddies need to take that up with Egypt not Israel...You suck the bullshit up like a starving fly

It was both Egypt and Israel....and even now Muslim countries are in 'conspiracy' with Israel against Palestinians, and this fact alone refutes and nullifies that Muslims are favoring Muslims in as much as Palestinians are concerned. It also proves your apartheid and religious bias and bigotry over the whole issue....

The Man

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It was both Egypt and Israel....and even now Muslim countries are in 'conspiracy' with Israel against Palestinians, and this fact alone refutes and nullifies that Muslims are favoring Muslims in as much as Palestinians are concerned. It also proves your apartheid and religious bias and bigotry over the whole issue....
Hamas is a terrorist organization...Hamas is the govt of Gaza..thus why the border control..its that fucking simple.
Egypt controls the border on them for the same reason...and rightly so its their border they can do what they want with it...Just as Israel is...every nation needs to control its borders as it needs fit..Since when does one nation get to tell another nation that it can not have border control.
Keep the garbage coming.


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Hamas is a terrorist organization...Hamas is the govt of Gaza..thus why the border control..its that fucking simple.
Egypt controls the border on them for the same reason...and rightly so its their border they can do what they want with it...Just as Israel is...every nation needs to control its borders as it needs fit..Since when does one nation get to tell another nation that it can not have border control.
Keep the garbage coming.

what a fuckin ass hole are you when you say
Egypt controls the border ,....and Israel goes bombing the innocent!!

Hamas is a political group and shame on Israel for battling against a political entity ....
Israel and the US and their cohorts are adding to terrorism,,,,,and that's a pity!


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Incredible news! President Obama freezes Hellfire missile delivery to Israel.

Ha'aretz says: According to a senior U.S. official, the decision... was intended to make clear to Israel that there is no "blank check" from Washington in regards to the U.S.-made weapons the IDF makes use of in its Gaza operations. More:

Wall Street Journal says: A senior Obama administration official said the weapons transfers shouldn't have been a routine "check-the-box approval" process... The official said the decision to scrutinize future transfers at the highest levels amounted to "the United States saying 'The buck stops here. Wait a second…It's not OK anymore.'" More:

The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is urging everyone to phone the White House now at 202-456-1111 to thank the Obama administration. There will certainly be a huge backlash from the Israel Lobby over this! Read the full action alert:


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Keep the garbage coming....seems to be all you can find

how would you like this for dinner??

It is fresh, I just hunted him down


The Man

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Broken images..even a second grader would catch on to the cause after is has been explained several dozen times.

The Man

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what a fuckin ass hole are you when you say
Egypt controls the border ,....and Israel goes bombing the innocent!!

Hamas is a political group and shame on Israel for battling against a political entity ....
Israel and the US and their cohorts are adding to terrorism,,,,,and that's a pity!
You really do struggle dont you...Neither Egypt or Israel want any of the fuckers entering.
This happened soon after the known terrorist group Hamas was voted in and become the Govt of Gaza...Terrorism from Gaza soared soon after Hamas become the Govt in Gaza..The world shut em one wants anything to do with seem to be the only one to support them..the other Palestinian areas don't care about them either..Iran only cares as they both hate Jews so they supply weapons to Gaza.
People can control their borders Maz..happens everywhere..Take Canada for instance..Canada denies entry to a great portion of us citizens for minor crimes.
Mexicans enter the US illegally....Your own nation Pakistan will allow you to travel anywhere in the world but Israel...written right on your passports....Why do you hate them so much when you cant even go see em lol

The Man

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Every dog is proud of his dunghill,,,,the Jews boast about their being the Chosen People...what a cliche to insult followers of Christianity and Muslims...damn this narrow mindedness of the Jooz
WOW...some reason to hate them hey Maz as they claim they are the chosen ones.
What religion doesn't claim they are the true followers?...With you ignorant ass logic almost almost all people of religion should be slaughtered including your own.
The more you try to justify your hate for Jews the worse you look....I told you recently about painting your own image...and it does appear to be one nasty image you are painting of your self.
You hate for the Jew has consumed you since the Israel crisis....If one did not know better he would think that a couple of Jews have sexually abused you..They may have...your hate is deep Maz and unfounded using simple logic for reasons you have will simply have to do better and give a reasonable explanation for your hate.


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WOW...some reason to hate them hey Maz as they claim they are the chosen ones.
What religion doesn't claim they are the true followers?...With you ignorant ass logic almost almost all people of religion should be slaughtered including your own.
The more you try to justify your hate for Jews the worse you look....I told you recently about painting your own image...and it does appear to be one nasty image you are painting of your self.
You hate for the Jew has consumed you since the Israel crisis....If one did not know better he would think that a couple of Jews have sexually abused you..They may have...your hate is deep Maz and unfounded using simple logic for reasons you have will simply have to do better and give a reasonable explanation for your hate.

I never said I hated Jews,,,,,I only said I hate the terrorist and Israel has evidenced that it is..
If Israel is a Jewish den then ofcourse Jews will enter the discussion.

I damn terrorist Muslims as well....
It shows from your 'countenance' that you are a hate mongering bitching troll who likes to 'pollute' this forum and my threads in particular with your stinking biased and corrupt babbling


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You really do struggle dont you...Neither Egypt or Israel want any of the fuckers entering.
This happened soon after the known terrorist group Hamas was voted in and become the Govt of Gaza...Terrorism from Gaza soared soon after Hamas become the Govt in Gaza..The world shut em one wants anything to do with seem to be the only one to support them..the other Palestinian areas don't care about them either..Iran only cares as they both hate Jews so they supply weapons to Gaza.
People can control their borders Maz..happens everywhere..Take Canada for instance..Canada denies entry to a great portion of us citizens for minor crimes.
Mexicans enter the US illegally....Your own nation Pakistan will allow you to travel anywhere in the world but Israel...written right on your passports....Why do you hate them so much when you cant even go see em lol

Stupid ole man, why don't you understand Pakistan does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state,,,this is why it doesn't want its citizens to visit it...

Canada is so far the best country in the world which takes care of its immigrants and welcomes them with open heart.
Prejudices against immigrants and blacks have boosted up in America after 9/11 and that is a pity

If you don't have anything to say why you drag other countries like Canada, Mexico and Pakistan or India into the discussion,?? I tell you those countries are much free of prejudices and phobias than you,.

Canada does good by denying entry to people committing even 'minor crimes' .....
those minor crimes could be minor in your eyes but the honorable Canadians or Pakistanis may be having a different view about them,,to them those may seem 'uncivil' anti social or even heinous! I suggest Canada disallows entry to rogues like you who think Israel has committed 'minor crimes' in massacring thousand of unarmed innocent Palestinian children and women sheltered in UN homes...
Shame on Israel and you...

The Man

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Stupid ole man, why don't you understand Pakistan does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state,,,this is why it doesn't want its citizens to visit it
That is because of hate..if it doesn't recognize it as a state then why does it list it as the only state you are not allowed to travel to.

Canada is so far the best country in the world which takes care of its immigrants and welcomes them with open heart.
Prejudices against immigrants and blacks have boosted up in America after 9/11 and that is a pity
If you don't have anything to say why you drag other countries like Canada, Mexico and Pakistan or India into the discussion,?? I tell you those countries are much free of prejudices and phobias than you,.

It was to show that I am also surrounded by border control and nations can control their borders how they you attempted to make it appear as if only Israel and Egypt had border control.

Canada does good by denying entry to people committing even 'minor crimes'

Actually they are pretty stiff regulations compared to the rest of the globe as far as allowed entry....the point is they can do it..its their border....get it?

The Man

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I never said I hated Jews,,,,,I only said I hate the terrorist and Israel has evidenced that it is..
If Israel is a Jewish den then ofcourse Jews will enter the discussion.

I damn terrorist Muslims as well....
It shows from your 'countenance' that you are a hate mongering bitching troll who likes to 'pollute' this forum and my threads in particular with your stinking biased and corrupt babbling
Its pretty obvious.
You bless Hitler for the slaughter of Jews even though you deny the holocaust.
You support Hamas in regard to firing rockets at the Jewish areas of Israel.
You do not support Israel having the right to defend herself.
You refer to Jews as big foots.
You claim Israel is an illegal occupation of the land because they are jews.
You painted your own picture Maz for all to see and now it is here on display....whats funny though is gave you the heads up that is was a bad idea to openly show hate,but you are so consumed with hate that you could not keep it contained and here we are...the more you post the deeper you bury this rate there will soon be nothing

The Man

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I damn terrorist Muslims as well
And here you lie before the forum again.
You openly have supported Islamic terrorists..arguing for them to have govt appointed land and be allowed to operate outside the law of its host..that pretty much allows terrorism without consequences.
You even claimed 911 was a hoax..stated there was no AQ as well as glorified how the Taliban are thriving in PK.

The Man

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Hamas is a political group and shame on Israel for battling against a political entity
Hamas is a known terrorist organization..which just happens to be the govt of Gaza..They have fired thousands of rockets at the Jewish areas of Israel.
The fact they are a govt entity makes it worse as it is officially war when rockets are fired from the govt itself....which has stated its mission is to extinguish Jews from the support this.


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Hamas is a known terrorist organization..which just happens to be the govt of Gaza..They have fired thousands of rockets at the Jewish areas of Israel.
The fact they are a govt entity makes it worse as it is officially war when rockets are fired from the govt itself....which has stated its mission is to extinguish Jews from the support this.

They call you terrorists you call them terrorists.'But the recent bombings of Israel killing hundreds of innocent children proves Israel and its allies are terrorists..
Only 67 Israeli soldiers got killed in the Israeli warring spree whereas Israel is bent upon killing innocent children and women in UN shelters and ought to be ashamed of it...