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You seem to be as 'innocent' and 'naive' like that

St. Louis Archbishop denies knowing that child rape is a crime
Does this headline, from The Raw Story, really surprise you?


What shameful dissimulation! One thing’s for sure: Archbishop Carlson is lying not for Jesus, but to save his own skin.

The backstory:

You can post that article endlessly, but it doesn't change the nature of your brutal Pakistani culture.


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you are simply repeating the dialogue of the editor of those photographs...don't you have sense?

Do you, mazHur.....posting rape articles after making a joke about rape so insensitive, it was removed from the Humor forum.

There is simply no way you are going to save face by denying the monstrous brutality of your culture by making jokes about rape.

The Man

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How Obama Lost Iraq And The War on Terror

By Shamus Cooke

15 June, 2014

The fall of Iraq’s second largest city, Mosul, to an al-Qaeda linked militia elicited a curiously muted response from the Obama administration. Yes, Obama “denounced” the terrorist invasion, but when the Iraqi government asked for U.S. airstrikes to repel perhaps the most powerful terrorist group in the world, Obama thus far refused, only hinting at some form of aid in the yet-to-be-determined future.

This is perhaps the first time Obama has initially refused such an offer from an allied government. Indeed, he’s suspected to have approved airstrikes in 8 other countries under the guise of fighting terrorism. So why the hesitation?

One might also ask why the Obama administration didn’t act earlier to prevent this invasion, since the Iraqi government has been asking for U.S. aid for over a year to combat the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which has been building its strength on the borderlands between Iraq and Syria.

One likely reason that Obama refused aid to his Iraqi ally is that he has other, much closer allies, who are funding the terrorist group invading Iraq. For example, since the war in Syria started, it’s been an open secret that Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia have been giving at least hundreds of millions of dollars to the Islamic extremist groups attacking the Syrian government.

This fact is occasionally mentioned in the mainstream media, but the full implications are never fleshed out, and now that the Syrian war is gushing over its borders the media would rather pretend that ISIS sprang from a desert oasis, rather than the pocket books of the U.S. allied Gulf States.

The Obama administration has consistently looked the other way during this buildup of Islamic extremism, since its foreign policy priority —toppling the secular Syrian government — perfectly aligned with the goals of the terrorists. Thus the terror groups were allowed to grow exponentially, as their ranks were filled with Gulf State cash, foreign fighters from Saudi Arabia and illegal guns trafficked with the help of the CIA.

The Obama administration hid the reality of this dynamic from view, calling the Syrian rebels “moderates” — yet what moderates existed were always a tiny, ineffectual minority. The big dogs in this fight are the Sunni Islamic jihadi groups who view Shia Muslims as heretics worthy of death and other religious and ethnic minorities as second-class citizens polluting their Islamic caliphate.

Middle East journalist Patrick Cockburn recently noted:

“ISIS now controls or can operate with impunity in a great stretch of territory in western Iraq and eastern Syria, making it militarily the most successful jihadi movement ever.”

Now that ISIS has invaded Iraq, a U.S. ally, you’d think a different approach would be used. But Obama’s hesitation to support the Iraqi government against ISIS may be a reflection of the U.S. having yet more shared goals with the terrorist organization.

For example, the U.S. has never trusted the Iraqi government. Ever since the Iraqi elections brought a Shia-dominated government to power, the Bush and Obama administrations have looked at Iraq as an untrustworthy pawn of Iran. And there is some truth to this: the Shia dominated Iraqi government has many close religious and political ties with Iran.

Further upsetting Obama is that Iraq hasn't prevented Shia fighters from traveling to Syria to fight on the side of Assad. Many in Shia-majority Iraq were stunned by the Sunni extremist massacres against the Syrian Shia population, which consequently drew Iraqi and Hezbollah Shia fighters into the Syrian war. Thus, Iraq was on the “wrong side” of the U.S. sponsored proxy war in Syria. In fact, Iraq went so far as to refuse Obama's "request" that Iraq deny Iran use of Iraqi airspace to fly military weapons to Assad. Iraq's consistent refusal to bend to key U.S. demands has strained relations with the U.S., which demands obedience from its "allies".

Most importantly, a strong independent Iraq is seen as a threat to U.S. “regional interests,” since Iraq is a potential ally to Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, the regional powers that the U.S. does not have influence over and consequently desires either their “regime change” or annihilation.

Thus, when the Iraqi president came to the U.S. to plead for aid in October to fight ISIS, he was largely given the runaround, as U.S. politicians shifted the focus away from ISIS toward the Iraqi president’s “authoritarian” government. Of course, this criticism was pure hypocrisy; the U.S. never questions its Gulf State allies about their “authoritarianism,” even as these countries continue to be ruled by the most brutal dictatorships on earth.

Some analysts have speculated that Obama will allow the Sunni terror groups to carve out a section of Iraq to help partition the country into smaller nations based on ethnic-religious regions, each represented by a Shia, Sunni, or Kurdish government. This would be the easiest way to ensure that Iraq remains weak and is not a threat to “U.S. interests.” Mike Whitney describes the Iraqi partition idea:

“The plan was first proposed by Leslie Gelb, the former president of the Council on Foreign Relations, and then-senator Joe Biden. According to The New York Times the ‘so-called soft-partition plan ….calls for dividing Iraq into three semi-autonomous regions…There would be a loose Kurdistan, a loose Shiastan and a loose Sunnistan, all under a big, if weak, Iraq umbrella.’”

The events in Iraq and Syria further prove that the Bush-Obama “war on terror” is not only a complete failure, but a fraud. Bush and Obama have not waged a war against terrorists, but wars against independent nation-states.

The secular nations of Iraq, Libya, and Syria were virtually free of terrorism before U.S. military intervention, and now they’re infested. The war on terror has done nothing but destabilize the Middle East, create more terrorists, and drain the U.S. economy of billions of dollars it could have otherwise used towards jobs and social programs.
I am not one to "name call"..but you are a moron..the only reason I am saying this is for the other readers benefit as they can see you have no clue how to make a rebuttal..and just toss out irrelevant copy and paste.

You should be be grateful that me and stone are willing to accommodate your terrorist loving sexual deviant trolling ass...but you rather try to insult us rather than make an effort to show a little gratitude.

At least make an effort to rebut a post maz....other members may jump in as well
...give it a try ole chap.

The Man

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A rebuttal requires intelligence mazHur doesn't seem to have.
Very polite way of putting it.
I feel bad having to label his as a moron...not intended as an insult but rather to get his attention with hopes he may put a little effort into a debate....sadly though I expect they will just be wasted keystrokes due to his 'inabilities'.:(


Well-Known Member
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Very polite way of putting it.
I feel bad having to label his as a moron...not intended as an insult but rather to get his attention with hopes he may put a little effort into a debate....sadly though I expect they will just be wasted keystrokes due to his 'inabilities'.:(

Quote mining, cherry picking particular articles and misrepresenting them in copy and paste arguments is all he knows.
I've not seen one of his posts where he generated his own thoughts and opinions.
He is lock step with extremists and denies even the most obvious of realities.

With all the extremists that exist in Pakistan, it's reasonable to think PK will be one of the next middle east/southeast Asian nations to fall .
mazHur's 'cushy' lifestyle will end and he will likely live like those in poverty that have been suppressed decade after decade.


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I am not one to "name call"..but you are a moron..the only reason I am saying this is for the other readers benefit as they can see you have no clue how to make a rebuttal..and just toss out irrelevant copy and paste.

You should be be grateful that me and stone are willing to accommodate your terrorist loving sexual deviant trolling ass...but you rather try to insult us rather than make an effort to show a little gratitude.

At least make an effort to rebut a post maz....other members may jump in as well
...give it a try ole chap.

Pot and kettle join hands together to paint a white picture black.

No one wants to insult you unless he wants to be .....
You ask for it and get it...
Just look at the foul mouthing you are/have done against me and my country and yet I have been acting with restraint, trying to show your real Frankenstein face in the mirror of world opinion. In fact you ought to be grateful to me for sourcing for you articles which may enlighten dead souls like you with sound opinions and information which your govt suppresses for its ignorant citizens.


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Quote mining, cherry picking particular articles and misrepresenting them in copy and paste arguments is all he knows.
I've not seen one of his posts where he generated his own thoughts and opinions.
He is lock step with extremists and denies even the most obvious of realities.

With all the extremists that exist in Pakistan, it's reasonable to think PK will be one of the next middle east/southeast Asian nations to fall .
mazHur's 'cushy' lifestyle will end and he will likely live like those in poverty that have been suppressed decade after decade.

Forsooth, you ill wisher of human being!!
May God's curse fall on you!

Do not provoke me to say anything bad about America as I love it...but not the morons like you which are eating it up.
Shame on your terrorist and racist outlook!


Well-Known Member
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Very polite way of putting it.
I feel bad having to label his as a moron...not intended as an insult but rather to get his attention with hopes he may put a little effort into a debate....sadly though I expect they will just be wasted keystrokes due to his 'inabilities'.:(

May I call you a moron too?? No, you are even worse than that ,,,a tolling ass hole!


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A repost...
36 Ways the US Is Losing the War on Terror

by Jon Basil Utley
Three years and half a trillion dollars later America is losing the war on terrorism. The 9/11 Commission has warned that more and worse acts of terrorism are to be expected. Bin Laden's planning always assumed that we, in reacting to him, would help him carry out his objectives. Well, we did. In his dreams he could not have imagined the damage done to America. So how are we losing the war?

1) Of course, turning most of the world against us is bin Laden's greatest achievement. From Africa to Latin America, from Europe to Asia, the swift collapse of confidence in America's moral leadership, and hatred for our government, is unparalleled in history. According to the July 26 issue of Time, "Bush and America are so unpopular overseas, polls show, that many foreign leaders can't agree to anything the president asks for without taking a hit in their own ratings." See also America Alone by Jonathan Clarke and Stefan Halper.

2) Al-Qaeda has now metastasized into new semi-autonomous groups in many nations, all motivated by hate for the U.S. and any nation or government that helps it. America's relations with the Muslim world, nearly a quarter of the planet's population, are subject to new hatred and fear as never before.

3) A threatening breakdown in globalization is occurring. The State Department has urged American civilians to flee from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and even the Philippines, nations where Americans have lived for generations. The long-term consequences mean loss of business contacts and investments with a chain reaction all over the world. As Fortune Magazine warned in 2001, "A Fortress America mentality in security matters could spill into economic ones ... a short hop from nationalism to protectionism ... all sorts of parochial interests in the U.S. are much more likely to get the upper hand. The effect on the economy will result in real declines in American living standards." There are growing threats to American interests in any nation with substantial Muslim populations, even now in the Far East.

4) America's governm

The Man

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Sadly I wont be able to have fun with maz for several I have to hit the road here soon in the dodge.


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Forsooth, you ill wisher of human being!!
May God's curse fall on you!

Do not provoke me to say anything bad about America as I love it...but not the morons like you which are eating it up.
Shame on your terrorist and racist outlook! hate western culture for being superior .
Western culture will always be superior because all your culture knows is how to destroy.
The beauty of your cultural past is exactly that.....of the past. Your people destroyed it.


And You are the only member at OTZ that expresses terrorist sympathies........ and racism, even in your sexual perversions.


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Oh my!

Another day with the mad man from Karachi :D

Mad is the one who calleth others Mad...

this is fresh from the oven....
What We've Lost Since 9/11
Taking Down the First Amendment in Post-Constitutional America
By Peter Van Buren

America has entered its third great era: the post-constitutional one. In the first, in the colonial years, a unitary executive, the King of England, ruled without checks and balances, allowing no freedom of speech, due process, or privacy when it came to protecting his power.

In the second, the principles of the Enlightenment and an armed rebellion were used to push back the king’s abuses. The result was a new country and a new constitution with a Bill of Rights expressly meant to check the government's power. Now, we are wading into the shallow waters of a third era, a time when that government is abandoning the basic ideas that saw our nation through centuries of challenges far more daunting than terrorism. Those ideas -- enshrined in the Bill of Rights -- are disarmingly concise. Think of them as the haiku of a genuine people's government.

Deeper, darker waters lie ahead and we seem drawn down into them. For here there be monsters.

Click here to read more of this dispatch.


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0.14z hate western culture for being superior .
Western culture will always be superior because all your culture knows is how to destroy.
The beauty of your cultural past is exactly that.....of the past. Your people destroyed it.


And You are the only member at OTZ that expresses terrorist sympathies........ and racism, even in your sexual perversions.

You have NO authority to be my Judge, SOAB!

You superiority complex will end soon....and if your new president lays a crunch on your med and charity you would be begging in the streets of karachi for bread crumbs and you will find only ME as your friend here...

I am glad that at least I do not belong to the leading nation of rapists and porn producers....Stay content with your dunghole, me with mine.

I live Like a Lord!!


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Mad is the one who calleth others Mad...

That Islamic witticism doesn't change anything, mazHur.

You are a hateful person fixated on the US while Russia re-invades it's neighbors, China begins agressive moves and Islamic forces tear up the middle east in a quest for a new Islamic paradise.

Not once have you criticized any other nation.
Not once have you admitted you nation was involved in orchestrating what lead to the current mess in the middle east.

For you, envy has hardened your soul and blinded you to reality.

Your countrymen live in fear and poverty while you support the terrorists accomplishing that nightmare.