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When Edward Snowden was ready to leak the classified documents he’d stolen from the National Security Agency, the first journalist he contacted was Glenn Greenwald. Greenwald’s new book, No Place To Hide, tells the story of how he met Snowden, the editorial decisions he’s made and the revelations contained in the documents Snowden leaked.

One of the revelations was about how the NSA intercepts shipments of computer network devices (like servers and routers), redirects them to a secret location and implants surveillance equipment:

"This is one of the documents that I found the most remarkable… They literally interdict the package, take it back to the NSA’s location, they then open the package, (and these routers, servers and switches are intended to provide internet service to large groups of people, municipalities, or large corporations or companies or villages) —they physically implant a back door device internally in the product that would be undetectable to the eye. They then close the package, reseal it with the factory seal and then send it on to the unwitting user so that any communications that ever are transported over any of those products are automatically redirected into NSA repositories.

It’s a remarkably invasive program. There’s an entire unit and team in the NSA devoted to doing this on a regular basis… For many years, without evidence, the U.S. government was accusing the Chinese of doing exactly that with Chinese products and warning the world not to buy Chinese products—routers, switches and servers on the claim that that the Chinese government is implanting backdoors into it, and it turns out that it’s exactly what the U.S. government, through the NSA, is actually doing to American products.”


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Why are Americans so peeved?

Is it Obamacare?

Well, partly – and in a big way. One wonders, in fact, if that sign language interpreter at the Mandela funeral moonlighted as the lead IT consultant for

But it’s much more than just Obamacare. How do we explain America’s red-level economic and socio-political misery index?

Is it rising unemployment, or the shrinking economy?

Is it explosive debt and deficits, or pervasive government eavesdropping?

Is it the atrophy of individual liberty, or an unprecedented trampling of the First, Second, Fourth and nearly every other amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

Finally, is it the systematic assault on natural marriage and family, or government sanctioning of mass infanticide?


It’s all of these things and more.

Still, these things are only symptomatic of a far greater problem. There remains a broader explanation, a definitive catalyst, for this, the domestic winter of our discontent – and, as so often happens, a mere 14 words from the Holy Scriptures better elucidates that catalyst than ream upon ream of opinion page copy. The words are these: “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2).

America groans because the wicked rule.

Indeed, under this president, America’s chief export has become immorality. Sexual deviancy, murder of the unborn, redistribution of wealth and other evils have been sanitized and propagandized as “basic human rights.”

Thus, when this arrogant man stands before the U.N. and decries those nations that refuse to embrace his special brand of pagan relativism, we shouldn’t be surprised if those nations push back.

And so they push back.


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Hurray America!!!
Sexual Immorality is Destroying our Society

We, the United States of America, have been conquered! No, not by a foreign country, not by the Communist nor the Islamic, although those threats still exist. We have been enslaved by our own people and apparently the majority of Americans are supportive of the conquest.

The conquest gained ground 40 years ago when the Supreme Court legalized abortion, preventing the States from enforcing their laws against it. Now over 55,000,000 children have been murdered in their mother’s own womb.

In addition there is the relentless prosecution by the ACLU and the Courts to remove any mention of God in the public square.

The final nail in our nation’s coffin has been hammered in by the radical homosexuals. The following overview will give you an idea of what has happened. It is not easy reading!


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You know that you are doing your part in keeping animal porn atop in google searches for pk.

stop being peevish,,,,you are not stone's brother's keeper, or are you??

Read what Americans write about their own country,,,they are concerned and not cunts like you!!

The Man

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Why are Americans so peeved?

Is it Obamacare?

Well, partly – and in a big way. One wonders, in fact, if that sign language interpreter at the Mandela funeral moonlighted as the lead IT consultant for

But it’s much more than just Obamacare. How do we explain America’s red-level economic and socio-political misery index?

Is it rising unemployment, or the shrinking economy?

Is it explosive debt and deficits, or pervasive government eavesdropping?

Is it the atrophy of individual liberty, or an unprecedented trampling of the First, Second, Fourth and nearly every other amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

Finally, is it the systematic assault on natural marriage and family, or government sanctioning of mass infanticide?


It’s all of these things and more.

Still, these things are only symptomatic of a far greater problem. There remains a broader explanation, a definitive catalyst, for this, the domestic winter of our discontent – and, as so often happens, a mere 14 words from the Holy Scriptures better elucidates that catalyst than ream upon ream of opinion page copy. The words are these: “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Proverbs 29:2).

America groans because the wicked rule.

Indeed, under this president, America’s chief export has become immorality. Sexual deviancy, murder of the unborn, redistribution of wealth and other evils have been sanitized and propagandized as “basic human rights.”

Thus, when this arrogant man stands before the U.N. and decries those nations that refuse to embrace his special brand of pagan relativism, we shouldn’t be surprised if those nations push back.

And so they push back.
And pakistan is the new hot spot for immigration right.


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Will America’s Moral Bankruptcy Cause its First Real Revolution?

By Gilbert Mercier

Apr 14, 2012 at 11:21 am



Ordinary Americans will pickup the tab by getting critical social programs standing between them and dire poverty drastically cut. The US social safety net is already one of the worst in the industrial world and what could be left of it will put the United States on par with developing countries and banana republics.

If America is quickly rising again as the main global financial liability, the rot at the core of this is a lot more a moral issue than an economic one. What the United States ruling class is telling the huge majority of the population louder and clearer is a simple message: “If you are poor, sick or old-unless you are rich- you are on your own”. It is the old and simplistic American “philosophy” of “picking yourself up by your own bootstraps”. But how can you do this when you don’t have any shoes? How can you do this in a system where incarceration costs outspend public education budget by 6 to 1? How can you do this in a society which spend more than a third of its taxpayers money in funding the military and still do not have universal health care?


The continuing US financial crisis is just a mere reflection of a deep moral and ethic crisis decades in the making. When a society become so corrupt and amoral that it stops caring and protecting the weak, the sick, and the poor it should and will eventually collapse. Lasting social structures are based on very few key principles. The main one is that any progress and benefits must be shared by the majority of the people as opposed to just a few. Otherwise, if a system is build primarily on inequality it will eventually implode. The United States of America is almost at this systemic breaking point where the exploited and oppressed are finally seeing the myth of the “American Dream” as the ultimate charade to keep them slaving away for the sole benefit of about 1 percent of the population.


Of course Washington’s political class belongs to and does the bidding for this 1 percent of Americans for whom the concept of the American Dream is real. But from time to time some politicians strike a populist tone, and pretend to be on the side of the “little guy”.


These platitudes to the masses, masked as revolutionary calls for social and economic justice, are disingenuous. If they were honest, these servants of the oligarchs and plutocrats would say: “You get the sacrifice, we get the wealth”.

We might be at a boiling point when a real American revolution, the first real American Revolution, will just explode to change, by force if necessary, a system that is morally bankrupt and doesn’t have the intelligence or the ability to reform itself.

Editor’s Note: All photographs by Gilbert Mercier.

- See more at:

The Man

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Hurray America!!!
Sexual Immorality is Destroying our Society

We, the United States of America, have been conquered! No, not by a foreign country, not by the Communist nor the Islamic, although those threats still exist. We have been enslaved by our own people and apparently the majority of Americans are supportive of the conquest.

The conquest gained ground 40 years ago when the Supreme Court legalized abortion, preventing the States from enforcing their laws against it. Now over 55,000,000 children have been murdered in their mother’s own womb.

In addition there is the relentless prosecution by the ACLU and the Courts to remove any mention of God in the public square.

The final nail in our nation’s coffin has been hammered in by the radical homosexuals. The following overview will give you an idea of what has happened. It is not easy reading!
Straight from the guy that passes around animal sex

The Man

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stop being peevish,,,,you are not stone's brother's keeper, or are you??

Read what Americans write about their own country,,,they are concerned and not cunts like you!!
Damned right we are concerned. ..thus why the war..we had enough of pk exported terrorists.