mazHur is upset over the drone strikes.
Obviously, they are becoming more and more efficient at taking out terrorist leaders.
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Again, mazHur is only arguing for terrorist advantage.
Obviously, they are becoming more and more efficient at taking out terrorist leaders.
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The Impact of U.S. Dro ne Strikes on Terrorism in
Pakistan and Afghanistan
Patrick B. Johnston
RAND Corporation
Anoop K. Sarbahi
Stanford University
February 11, 2014
A systematic analysis of the data reveals that drone strikes have succeeded in
curbing deadly terrorist attacks within the targeted territory in Pakistan. Specically,
the key ndings of our study show that drone strikes are associated with substantial
reductions in terrorist violence along four key dimensions. First, drone strikes are
generally associated with a reduction in the rate of terrorist attacks. Second, drone
strikes are also associated with a reduction in the number of people killed as a result
of terrorist attacks, i.e., the lethality of attacks. Third, drone strikes tend to be linked
to decreases in the use of particularly lethal and intimidating tactics, including suicide
and IED attacks. Fourth, the study nds that this reduction in terrorism is not the
result of militants leaving unsafe areas and conducting attacks elsewhere in the region;
on the contrary, there is some evidence to suggest that drone strikes have a small
violence-reducing eect in areas near those struck by drones.
Again, mazHur is only arguing for terrorist advantage.