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It doesn't seem to be working for you.

No need for m e to wank....I can take 4 wives at a time and keep busy all the time!!
It's amazing to note the pleasure that white woman felt getting ass fucked by a dog and ending up in a tie!!

This is haraam in Islam.....moreover as a Muslimc an take 4 women as wives he or his women don't need dogs like that white woman who got ass fucked by a dog,,,
Obviiously that whi te femme was a disgrace to humanity..But wait it was mored isgusting to see some white men there pouring cold water over dog's dick and that white woman's ass hole to breako ff the tie!!
Never seen such white perversion,,,before..
Is it you culture that white women get ass fucked by dogs, end up in ties,,,and blow dogs??
What's sexually wrong with your men, sissies??
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I've read your words of support and quoted them to point them out.

Unashamedly you are forcing your interretaion and out of context words on me rather than sticking to Jimmy Carter's remarks about America....
If you are an American it also concerns you ..
The Man and You are bloody coward as both of you dont have the guts to post under you r names....anonimity is the trait of a coward and a pervert.


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What about you?? I never seen a better RAcist, a sanctimonious Satan , an apatheid and a ass hole like you and your side kick. Both of you are patently trolls,,,,,who won't stick to the topic and waver here and there asking stupid puerile questions and in return getting screwed ....

If you impose names on others and call them terrorists it shows you too are drowned in terrorist ideology...\

What about me?
I give reference to the claims I make. You don't.
You present racist statements, I don't.
You present sexual perversions of a racist nature as enjoyable video viewing, I don't.
You make claims that do not hold up under research, I do.

You are a terrorist loving racist pervert that lives in a morally decayed shit hole.
And every bit of that statement has been backed up by your own words and research of your claims.
Every bit!

And look at your intelligence:
If you impose names on others and call them terrorists it shows you too are drowned in terrorist ideology.
You just posted in that same vein:
I never seen a better RAcist, a sanctimonious Satan , an apatheid and a ass hole like you and your side kick.
What educational system would ever teach such fallacious logic?

Everything you are posting is about you saving face.


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It;s as clear as day how 'nice' you and your crony have been,,,
Better concentrate on what Jimmy carter spoke about America....
he cannot be wrong..after all he was your President...your God head.
Shame on you for puking nonsense against him and Obama,,,
Both are great personalities deserving respect....

Jimmy never met the likes of you or he wouldn't be posting his leftist rants in public :D

And If the reverend Jimmy saw what you think about dogs ass fucking white women and men too, he's drop his Bible in shock and run back to the safety of his peanut farm..


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No need for m e to wank....I can take 4 wives at a time and keep busy all the time!!
It's amazing to note the pleasure that white woman felt getting ass fucked by a dog and ending up in a tie!!

This is haraam in Islam.....moreover as a Muslimc an take 4 women as wives he or his women don't need dogs like that white woman who got ass fucked by a dog,,,
Obviiously that whi te femme was a disgrace to humanity..But wait it was mored isgusting to see some white men there pouring cold water over dog's dick and that white woman's ass hole to breako ff the tie!!
Never seen such white perversion,,,before..
Is it you culture that white women get ass fucked by dogs, end up in ties,,,and blow dogs??
What's sexually wrong with your men, sissies??

This is why Jimmy Carter has largely been forgotten in this thread, mazHur.

You start bragging on your sexual prowess which leads to your interest in the sexual abuse of men and women by dogs for your sexual viewing enjoyment when you start describing you animal-human porn collection.
And then, you claim you aren't racist about it so I ask:

Do you enjoy watching videos of dogs ass fucking Muslim women, and from another comment, would you enjoy watching a video of a dog being given a blow job by a Muslim woman?

And you won't reply.
Obviously you are a terrorist loving, racist pervert, mazHur


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How about posting the English speaking version :D

If rule of law was scant in the West there is every likelihood of you two stooges turning into monsters like the KKK clan

Because you are a racist by your own words does not make myself or Man racist.

Let me remind you of your racist statement:

I don't believe your mullato culture is a role model for others to follow. ...
Remove State patronage from the Western folk and see how their men become lesser than women!! Even today they can't maintain a family independently and their women are obliged to earn

You even carry that racism over into your deviant porn viewing pleasures.

But neither Man nor myself have presented racist statements or you would be quoting them.
Through conversations with you and research, it's evident you live in a shit hole of terrorist activity, abuse of women and children, honor killings, public executions of women in public places, racism and discrimination of religious minorities and many more attrocities....and it's a cultural pandemic in your nation.
Those are facts, not rants and I've provided reasonable authoritative sources.

You are only trying to save face with one accusation after another.


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Unashamedly you are forcing your interretaion and out of context words on me rather than sticking to Jimmy Carter's remarks about America....
If you are an American it also concerns you ..
The Man and You are bloody coward as both of you dont have the guts to post under you r names....anonimity is the trait of a coward and a pervert.

My name is Jack Stone and I stand by my words using authoritative sources.
And Jimmy does not speak for me.

You are mazHur, the terrorist loving racist pervert burned out poet whose posts are showing up in Google searches.
You do realize the NSA and Google have close ties concerning terrorism/terrorism lovers/terrorist lovers that turn up in Google searches?

If you try entering the US in the future, you might become a statistic on the Homeland Security watch list and be returned to your shit hole existence :D


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You cannot compare a Commodo dragon with a robin,,,,,
stick to the Jimmy Carter's remarks against his own country ..

I don't need to rationalize the words of Jimmy.
This is a debate forum and I choose to debate you.


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What about me?
I give reference to the claims I make. You don't.
You present racist statements, I don't.
You present sexual perversions of a racist nature as enjoyable video viewing, I don't.
You make claims that do not hold up under research, I do.

You are a terrorist loving racist pervert that lives in a morally decayed shit hole.
And every bit of that statement has been backed up by your own words and research of your claims.
Every bit!

And look at your intelligence:

You just posted in that same vein:

What educational system would ever teach such fallacious logic?

Everything you are posting is about you saving face.

By your standards, Jimmy Carter remarking America as WAr Monger NO 1 could also be termed unpatriotic and revolting..But that isn't so,,,,it's your poor schooling which lets you misconstrue and malign others for your lowly ego.

What do you say about Jimmy Carter's statement??
In other words wouldn't you call a war-monger or war lord as a 'terrorist''??

Racist or pervert , that's not the issue here,,,,a dog ass fucking a white woman is pretty normal on the porn site,,,,you make it, you release it for viewers ....and then you cry in pain!! Shame on you, cheats and hypocrites!


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I don't need to rationalize the words of Jimmy.
This is a debate forum and I choose to debate you.

The issue in point is America as war monger No 1...therefore it is quuite logical that we debate on the topic and refrain from a dog ass fucking a white woman shit!!


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The issue in point is America as war monger No 1...therefore it is quuite logical that we debate on the topic and refrain from a dog ass fucking a white woman shit!!

That subject ( Jimmy's claim) was already debated and found to be incorrect.
PK is the current leader in the world with Russia ramping up and AFG likely to follow, too..

And that's where you stepped in moralizing, because of your hatred for the west.
And that lead to your own morality and those of your PK culture.

Blame yourself.
Enjoying ass fucking videos abusive to men and women by animals is not the trademark of a stable mind or society and that obviously leads to the abominable violence we see in your culture, mazHur. I even gave you a link on the impact of porn to the family showing the same symptoms we see in PK in large scale.

You really would be better off being honest with the forum, mazHur


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By your standards, Jimmy Carter remarking America as WAr Monger NO 1 could also be termed unpatriotic and revolting..But that isn't so,,,,it's your poor schooling which lets you misconstrue and malign others for your lowly ego.

What do you say about Jimmy Carter's statement??
In other words wouldn't you call a war-monger or war lord as a 'terrorist''??

Racist or pervert , that's not the issue here,,,,a dog ass fucking a white woman is pretty normal on the porn site,,,,you make it, you release it for viewers ....and then you cry in pain!! Shame on you, cheats and hypocrites!

By your standards, Jimmy Carter remarking America as WAr Monger NO 1 could also be termed unpatriotic and revolting.
Yes, it could. Jimmy was a poor example of a 1 term President.

.But that isn't so
It is so. The American public rejected Carter in his bid for a second term as President because he was ineffectual with both the economy and foreign policy. And the Iranians obviously hated his guts.
Or did you miss that part of history in your government dictated education?

What do you say about Jimmy Carter's statement??
Bogus as stated. PK obviously wages war through terrorism on more of it's neighbors and the world as a whole than any nation in the east or west. That has been presented to you in this thread.
But oh no, you wanted to moralize issues and sure enough, in this forum you started posting statements of yourself supporting terrorist movements, rationalizing the creation of terrorist movements, deny you made those comments, and of all the crazy things to do, posted racist statements along with a proclivity for watching and enjoying perverted sex, specifically dogs ass fucking men and women, dogs getting blow jobs from a white woman with a racist implication to it.
When asked to state if you enjoyed watching Muslim women being ass fucked by a dog, in order to find out if the issue was indeed racist, you declined to answer.

Racist or pervert , that's not the issue here,,,,a dog ass fucking a white woman is pretty normal on the porn site
I disagree. A culture that finds the enjoyment from watching that type of perversion is also perverted and of an unstable mentality......not recognizing that type of mentality is dehumanizing and self destructive, which you and PK both demonstrate through acceptance.

you make it, you release it for viewers ....and then you cry in pain!!
No, you don't seem to understand that I personally have no connection with the porn industry. I criticize it as I criticize you and your nation.
Your pain is self inflicted by your perversions. No doubt leading to a lot of abuse of women, abuse of children, honor killings, public executions of women...on and on.

Shame on you, cheats and hypocrites!
Feel better?

go pet your doggy ;)
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When a Stone Smiles.....the Man gets piles.

Do you think this was on topic?

Yeah, you whine a lot.
You can dish it out but can't take reality.