By your standards, Jimmy Carter remarking America as WAr Monger NO 1 could also be termed unpatriotic and revolting..But that isn't so,,,,it's your poor schooling which lets you misconstrue and malign others for your lowly ego.
What do you say about Jimmy Carter's statement??
In other words wouldn't you call a war-monger or war lord as a 'terrorist''??
Racist or pervert , that's not the issue here,,,,a dog ass fucking a white woman is pretty normal on the porn site,,,,you make it, you release it for viewers ....and then you cry in pain!! Shame on you, cheats and hypocrites!
By your standards, Jimmy Carter remarking America as WAr Monger NO 1 could also be termed unpatriotic and revolting.
Yes, it could. Jimmy was a poor example of a 1 term President.
It is so. The American public rejected Carter in his bid for a second term as President because he was ineffectual with both the economy and foreign policy. And the Iranians obviously hated his guts.
Or did you miss that part of history in your government dictated education?
What do you say about Jimmy Carter's statement??
Bogus as stated. PK obviously wages war through terrorism on more of it's neighbors and the world as a whole than any nation in the east or west. That has been presented to you in this thread.
But oh no, you wanted to moralize issues and sure enough, in this forum you started posting statements of yourself supporting terrorist movements, rationalizing the creation of terrorist movements, deny you made those comments, and of all the crazy things to do, posted racist statements along with a proclivity for watching and enjoying perverted sex, specifically dogs ass fucking men and women, dogs getting blow jobs from a white woman with a racist implication to it.
When asked to state if you enjoyed watching Muslim women being ass fucked by a dog, in order to find out if the issue was indeed racist, you declined to answer.
Racist or pervert , that's not the issue here,,,,a dog ass fucking a white woman is pretty normal on the porn site
I disagree. A culture that finds the enjoyment from watching that type of perversion is also perverted and of an unstable mentality......not recognizing that type of mentality is dehumanizing and self destructive, which you and PK both demonstrate through acceptance.
you make it, you release it for viewers ....and then you cry in pain!!
No, you don't seem to understand that I personally have no connection with the porn industry. I criticize it as I criticize you and your nation.
Your pain is self inflicted by your perversions. No doubt leading to a lot of abuse of women, abuse of children, honor killings, public executions of women...on and on.
Shame on you, cheats and hypocrites!
Feel better?
go pet your doggy