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It really makes you feel good to find fault with the US on such a large scale, doesn't it, living in the terrorist cesspool you do.
The US has it's problems like all cultures, but as a people we do strive to correct them.

Our war on drugs has been too draconian leading to that 800% increase Carter wrote of and is about to change, and likely not for the betterment of our society.

Wars do dehumanize a society and I think the world suffers from this, not just the US.

As far as Carter goes, the US probably hasn't had a bigger hypocrite in the oval office in my life time.
The man never should have been allowed to influence foreign policy let alone our own internal policies.
He was so ineffectual, it set the stage for an ascending neocon influenced right-wing Reagan administration that undoubtedly eventually lead to the GW Bush fiasco.


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It's also ironic you posted this at a time when Russia has obviously decided to take back the old Soviet Republics by force and intimidation........with out any acknowledgement.

The Man

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“America as the No. 1 warmonger”: President Jimmy Carter talks to Salon about race, cable news, “slut-shaming” and more
Exclusive: The former president on Democrats' white male problem, sexual assault on
Nothing new here ...if you read the story its merely a rant....he seems to intentionally not point out that all prison population has gone up..just not minorities.

Then he goes on to hint a woman shouldn't have to testify in a rape case with specific questions.
This is nothing more than the bleeding heart approach used by liberals.
According to Jimmy everyone is treated unfairly except the right white man.
Goes on to say that white men vote Republican because it is about race..using the race card trying to imply republicans are racists....Jimmy as worthless now as he was then.
If he really had a heart his interest would be in society itself and not special groups.


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It really makes you feel good to find fault with the US on such a large scale, doesn't it, living in the terrorist cesspool you do.
The US has it's problems like all cultures, but as a people we do strive to correct them.

Our war on drugs has been too draconian leading to that 800% increase Carter wrote of and is about to change, and likely not for the betterment of our society.

Wars do dehumanize a society and I think the world suffers from this, not just the US.

As far as Carter goes, the US probably hasn't had a bigger hypocrite in the oval office in my life time.
The man never should have been allowed to influence foreign policy let alone our own internal policies.
He was so ineffectual, it set the stage for an ascending neocon influenced right-wing Reagan administration that undoubtedly eventually lead to the GW Bush fiasco.

Now you come to know where the shoe pinches. No excuses please.


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Nothing new here ...if you read the story its merely a rant....he seems to intentionally not point out that all prison population has gone up..just not minorities.

Then he goes on to hint a woman shouldn't have to testify in a rape case with specific questions.
This is nothing more than the bleeding heart approach used by liberals.
According to Jimmy everyone is treated unfairly except the right white man.
Goes on to say that white men vote Republican because it is about race..using the race card trying to imply republicans are racists....Jimmy as worthless now as he was then.
If he really had a heart his interest would be in society itself and not special groups.

Plz put your questions to the author who is the right person to appease you..

Here is some more news for you...from an American only.

No one can live on past glories. And the same is true for countries.

America is living today as if it were the same great power that defeated fascism and communism. But the truth is that very troubling day of reckoning is fast approaching our country.

With $127 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the United States is a house of cards, built atop a sandcastle — and a hurricane is approaching the coast.

Unlike equity that can simply vanish in a blink, debt has but two paths: Pay it off … or default.

And America simply has no ability through taxation or economic growth to repay history’s largest sum of debt. The math simply does not work.

Sooner rather than later, the bills come due … and when that happens, the once-proud U.S. empire will, sadly, begin to unravel …

No one can live on past glories. And the same is true for countries.

America is living today as if it were the same great power that defeated fascism and communism. But the truth is that very troubling day of reckoning is fast approaching our country.

With $127 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the United States is a house of cards, built atop a sandcastle — and a hurricane is approaching the coast.

Unlike equity that can simply vanish in a blink, debt has but two paths: Pay it off … or default.
This is not “if.” It’s a “when.” At this point, collapse is built into our future


And America simply has no ability through taxation or economic growth to repay history’s largest sum of debt. The math simply does not work.

Sooner rather than later, the bills come due … and when that happens, the once-proud U.S. empire will, sadly, begin to unravel …
This is not “if.” It’s a “when.” At this point, collapse is built into our future ...


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Now you come to know where the shoe pinches. No excuses please.

Translation: Reality exists for all but mazHur.

It's interesting that a current story you referenced, is gaining traction. You know, the cesspool of a terrorist nation you hail from is actually responsible for the current state of affairs of Afghanistan and your own complaints and state of being.

I've been reading where cannibalism is now a social activity in Pakistan.
There is no specific law against cannibalism in Pakistan's penal code
Imagine that, cannibalism is legal in Pakistan.

Looks like your culture swings from bare feet to jackboots, to dining out on your fellow man with out ever considering the concept of civility. excuses, please


Well-Known Member
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Plz put your questions to the author who is the right person to appease you..

Here is some more news for you...from an American only.

No one can live on past glories. And the same is true for countries.

America is living today as if it were the same great power that defeated fascism and communism. But the truth is that very troubling day of reckoning is fast approaching our country.

With $127 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the United States is a house of cards, built atop a sandcastle — and a hurricane is approaching the coast.

Unlike equity that can simply vanish in a blink, debt has but two paths: Pay it off … or default.

And America simply has no ability through taxation or economic growth to repay history’s largest sum of debt. The math simply does not work.

Sooner rather than later, the bills come due … and when that happens, the once-proud U.S. empire will, sadly, begin to unravel …

No one can live on past glories. And the same is true for countries.

America is living today as if it were the same great power that defeated fascism and communism. But the truth is that very troubling day of reckoning is fast approaching our country.

With $127 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the United States is a house of cards, built atop a sandcastle — and a hurricane is approaching the coast.

Unlike equity that can simply vanish in a blink, debt has but two paths: Pay it off … or default.
This is not “if.” It’s a “when.” At this point, collapse is built into our future


And America simply has no ability through taxation or economic growth to repay history’s largest sum of debt. The math simply does not work.

Sooner rather than later, the bills come due … and when that happens, the once-proud U.S. empire will, sadly, begin to unravel …
This is not “if.” It’s a “when.” At this point, collapse is built into our future ...

I suspect that makes you smile while your countrymen kill and eat each other.
Things are bad and could look a lot worse for the US, but let's face it, Pakistan beat the world to a state of primal depravity that's probably difficult to surpass.
Aside from your nation's proclivity for terrorism, your culture beats it's women and eats their babies.

The Man

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
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Plz put your questions to the author who is the right person to appease you..

Here is some more news for you...from an American only.

No one can live on past glories. And the same is true for countries.

America is living today as if it were the same great power that defeated fascism and communism. But the truth is that very troubling day of reckoning is fast approaching our country.

With $127 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the United States is a house of cards, built atop a sandcastle — and a hurricane is approaching the coast.

Unlike equity that can simply vanish in a blink, debt has but two paths: Pay it off … or default.

And America simply has no ability through taxation or economic growth to repay history’s largest sum of debt. The math simply does not work.

Sooner rather than later, the bills come due … and when that happens, the once-proud U.S. empire will, sadly, begin to unravel …

No one can live on past glories. And the same is true for countries.

America is living today as if it were the same great power that defeated fascism and communism. But the truth is that very troubling day of reckoning is fast approaching our country.

With $127 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the United States is a house of cards, built atop a sandcastle — and a hurricane is approaching the coast.

Unlike equity that can simply vanish in a blink, debt has but two paths: Pay it off … or default.
This is not “if.” It’s a “when.” At this point, collapse is built into our future


And America simply has no ability through taxation or economic growth to repay history’s largest sum of debt. The math simply does not work.

Sooner rather than later, the bills come due … and when that happens, the once-proud U.S. empire will, sadly, begin to unravel …
This is not “if.” It’s a “when.” At this point, collapse is built into our future ...
You sound jealous.
It is in your nations best interest we dont....without the US your nation loses a large source of free funds.
As if food isnt hard enough to get already...while eating the dead in your nation can provide the nourishment needed..however as death tolls rise..the population with falter and the culture within your borders will become extinct.
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Well-Known Member
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Translation: Reality exists for all but mazHur.

It's interesting that a current story you referenced, is gaining traction. You know, the cesspool of a terrorist nation you hail from is actually responsible for the current state of affairs of Afghanistan and your own complaints and state of being.

I've been reading where cannibalism is now a social activity in Pakistan. cannibalism&btnG=

Imagine that, cannibalism is legal in Pakistan.

Looks like your culture swings from bare feet to jackboots, to dining out on your fellow man with out ever considering the concept of civility. excuses, please

No need to tell me what i know about my country and its people...

British made laws are enforced in Pakistan,,,,and there are countless laws here but enforcement is poor. As i have been telling you rule of law lacks over herre hence the occassional problems you read in the press. (good we don't hide our mistakes like you do)

There is NO cannibalism but a few cults do indulge in malpractices of all sorts.
They are committing crime against the laws and when apprehended action is taken against them.

I also told you some unscrupulous people here do all sorts of food adulteration and I know they sell dead poultry , buffalo and sheep meat to cheap eateries; they sell recycled bad cooking oil; they fuck freshly burried women dead bodies in their graves; they kill crows and sell them skinned as 'quail' meat; they make fakes of famous brands; all sorts of bad things are happening here covertly by a few unscrupulous people who want to get rich over night....this is all due to lack of rule of law and justice; corrupt functionaries...etc

Ours is almost a disorganized society.....with a few bad ones there.

Poor economy , unemployment and poverty finds its way out in vile activities...then on top of this Pakistan is plunged into YOUR war , a frivolous war , a meaningless war....which hasn't and will not bring any peace to the world.

If the rich nations want to help the poor nations they must give them economic help and not military do the latter and that is bad. Surely as you ssee I am not defending the illth found in Pakistan society ...
Only you talk tall of your country ...and draw comparisons and presumptions of your own...that's gross.


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No need to tell me what i know about my country and its people...

Well, your denials of reality speak volumes, mazHur........
I've actually learned much about your present culture in the past couple of months from checking out the validity of your denials.
I'm now wondering just how 'golden' the Islamic Golden Age was for the common citizen in the Middle East in that time frame.

Perhaps your culture is merely the de-evolution of long ago intellectual oligarchies.
And the inmates now run the asylum?

Pumping money into a culture with such low morality/ethics is likely to only facilitate their achieving greater heights of antagonistic acts, imo.
You complained about liberal fascism, but demand the welfare at the same time.
Maybe you guys ought to be kissing Obama's ass instead of protecting terrorists like al Qaeda and the Taliban?


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Hurtling Into Darkness: America's Great Leap Towards Global Tyranny
By John Chuckman

There is evidence, in America especially, that something altogether new is emerging in human affairs. The real middle class, at least a critical mass of it, has been folded into the interest of the modern elites, the relatively small number of people who own a great portion of all wealth just as they did in the 17th century, wealth today being generated by great global enterprises rather than the ownership of vast national estates

Guantanamo Bay: America’s Sevastopol?
By Sean Fenley

Not only is Guantanamo Bay an illicit torture and concentration camp for alleged terrorists, but numerous legitimately recognized legal scholars have called into question the continued acceptance for the US government to still be occupying its military enclave there


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Hurtling Into Darkness: America's Great Leap Towards Global Tyranny
By John Chuckman

There is evidence, in America especially, that something altogether new is emerging in human affairs. The real middle class, at least a critical mass of it, has been folded into the interest of the modern elites, the relatively small number of people who own a great portion of all wealth just as they did in the 17th century, wealth today being generated by great global enterprises rather than the ownership of vast national estates

Guantanamo Bay: America’s Sevastopol?
By Sean Fenley

Not only is Guantanamo Bay an illicit torture and concentration camp for alleged terrorists, but numerous legitimately recognized legal scholars have called into question the continued acceptance for the US government to still be occupying its military enclave there

Isn't just another way of spelling ??