Always and Never

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Kitty Kat

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Always and Never

You said that our love was always and never, we'll always have these feelings for each other but, we'll never be together, and now you're gone and I don't know if I'll ever be able to move on, just wish that we had more time, I'll never forget you and the good times that we shared, I just wonder if you ever knew how much I cared about you, I'll always love you and I know that you'll live on inside of my heart, it just hurts so much to be apart.

I don't know if I can live on without you, it's like a part of me has died, I have cried so many tears whenever I think about you, it's hard for me to accept that we'll never be together in this life, what happened to forever? Why did you have to die? Why did you leave me behind? So much pain that I feel to know that I'll never be able to talk to you ever again.

You said that we'll always be there for each other... no matter what, so why aren't you here anymore? Why can't things go back to the way they were before? Oh, why can't we go on talking about all the good times that we had? I wish you were still here, cuz, I miss you so bad, I wanna hear your voice again over the phone, I wanna hear that laugh of yours when I say something funny, but, now all of my days are no longer sunny, it's like the sky is always gray ever since you left me.

People just don't understand this pain that I feel inside and they don't see why I'm so emotional whenever I think of you, I don't know what to do, sometimes I feel like I'm slipping off of the edge, losing control cuz, you're not there to catch me when I fall, almost feels as if I've lost it all, cuz, you're no longer here, we were supposed to have so many more years together, and now we've lost that forever...

Dedicated to: Nate Hivner (GameCrazed)

Note: This was supposed to be a song but most people say it sounds like a poem so there ya go.
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Kitty Kat

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Sounds like he left a huge void in your life.

He did. He was really important to me, I honestly feel like he was my true love which is why his death impacted me greatly. I'm still not over it, I don't think I ever will be in all honesty. I'm okay with that though, I don't want to ever forget him. I would like to be able to handle things in a way that it doesn't impact me in a negative way though. I have thought of seeing a therapist at some point but right now I can't cuz I lack the funds needed for such matters. For now I'll just write my feelings down, that's all I can do.

I wrote this 5 years ago by the way, I wrote it shortly after I found out he died.