America's Failed War of Attrition in Afghanistan
"In the past nine years, the invaders could not establish any system of governance in Kabul and they will never be able to do so in future."
JEREMY SCAHILL | The Obama administration is trying to kill its way to victory in Afghanistan.
Afghan Farce
"You know, Omar, I can make them look silly!"
ROBERT DREYFUSS | Talking is still the way out. But, as Casey Stengel said, can't anyone here play this game?
Making Afghanistan Real
What is striking is that the decision to essentially stay the course in this failing war comes at a moment when a majority of Americans believe the war isn’t worth fighting.
KATRINA VANDEN HEUVEL | A Congressional proposal to establish a Veterans Trust Fund is driving home the message that the war in Afghanistan is not worth the havoc it has wreaked on thousands of troops.
"In the past nine years, the invaders could not establish any system of governance in Kabul and they will never be able to do so in future."
JEREMY SCAHILL | The Obama administration is trying to kill its way to victory in Afghanistan.
Afghan Farce
"You know, Omar, I can make them look silly!"
ROBERT DREYFUSS | Talking is still the way out. But, as Casey Stengel said, can't anyone here play this game?
Making Afghanistan Real
What is striking is that the decision to essentially stay the course in this failing war comes at a moment when a majority of Americans believe the war isn’t worth fighting.
KATRINA VANDEN HEUVEL | A Congressional proposal to establish a Veterans Trust Fund is driving home the message that the war in Afghanistan is not worth the havoc it has wreaked on thousands of troops.