:24: Per capita! We have 300 million people! GDP per capita is inherently misleading. Not to mention it does not mean thats how much income each person has. I also do not think your source is correct, as I've found other sources that are different, some don't even include Singapore. For the sake of argument we'll use your source. Here is total GDP I've calculate per country:
GDP Per Capita..........Population........................Total GDP
Norway ................57,500...............4,627,926................266,105,745,000
Ireland .................47,800...............4,109,086................196,414,310,800
San Marino ............46,100...................29,615....................1,365,251,500
Total GDP excluding the US: 1,011,875,805,300
Conclusion, the US is the wealthiest country in the world, not to mention more wealth than all the other top 9 countries combined.
Also, I know Obama isn't going to reduce taxes. I never expected him to. In fact, he said he was going to raise taxes. This thread is merely pointing out how reduced taxes improves a countries economy as Ireland has shown. It's the way to bring the US out of recession, not government spending and bailouts.