I consider this topic to be a very straight forward conversation that has been manipulated to be something else.
Let me explain. The first problem is that the facts always seem to be ignored or forgotten.
Islam does not equal terrorism, the religion as practiced by most do not condone such actions. It has been hijacked by the crazies to read into their own agenda and to fault the religion is ignorant at best. Over and over we here that Muslims are trying to convert the world to Islam, a take over if you will, but isn't that every religion? Just look at the Christians and their goal of spreading their religion, missionaries all over the world and churches being built in every corner of the globe. The whole goal of religion is to spread the word and to convert others to their religion.
I agree, and I don't believe that I said anything to the contrary.
As far as the Mosque in NYC... Again it's media manipulation to evoke an emotional response. It's not a mosque, it's a community center that will have a place for prayer. Yet it get's a bigger media foot print when you call it a mosque, so that's what you hear. And the fact that they have been using this building for the last year seems to be conveniently over looked. They aren't asking to establish this community center, they are requesting to refurbish the building with updated facilities. So even if the protesters win, they will still be in the building doing what they are doing, they just won't be able to update the building...
Actually, the website for Park51 only recently removed the word Mosque from their website, it was then changed to prayer center. Imam Rauf's wife was quoted as saying
We insist on calling it a prayer space and not a mosque, because you can use a prayer space for activities apart from prayer. You can't stop anyone who is a Muslim despite his religious ideology from entering the mosque and staying there. With a prayer space, we can control who gets to use it
My view on using the term "Islamic radicalism" I think the government was correct to drop the term from it's vocabulary. It does absolutely nothing to help the problem of terrorism, but it does create fear, hatred and resentment. Call these people what they are, killers, terrorists, radicals (ie people with extreme views outside the mainstream of their kind) but don't equate terrorism with those who are Islamic, it does nothing divide.
The fact that the majority of the terrorists in the world are Islamic radacalists is a fact though.
Maybe I just have an issue with things being ridiculously politically correct all the time. I take issue with a deference to a particular religion over another... and that's what the PC world of post-9/11 Muslim relations has turned into.