nice, very interesting points. to form a majority first we would have to definately educate people on what the government does with all this power that we bestow upon them and then im sure that most people would share at least one common goal, thats definately the first step as for others it would take much deliberation on how to put together a society and i dont know all the answers all i know is that for one thing the federal reserve has to go. before the federal reserve the country was accomplishing what it set out to do and that was a truly free democracy, since the federal reserve loans all money to out government at interest the government can never get outta debt thus creating more and more taxes because every year they create money the governement goes further into debt the only outcome of this cycle is an eventual economic bankruptcy.. if they paid every dollar back to the reserve that they owe there wouldnt be a single dollar left in cirulation and there would probably still be debt.. because of the interest