51 year old Green Mile/Lost actor marries 16 year old

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I find it interesting how adamant some people are about being"too young" to be married etc. when you consider the fact that it was quite common practice to marry and have babies at 13,14,15 probably no more than 100 years ago.

We tend to forget that our societal "norms" that we all hold so dear are relatively new things. The world has been around a long time. Things haven't always been played by the currently rules.

Yeah, and 100 years ago, kids weren't going to school full time, they were brought up helping their stay at home mothers raise children and were taught basic home making skills. Most 16 year olds today can't even wash their own underwear, let alone take care of a husband or keep a job even.
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Sarcasm is me :)
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Hmmmm aspiring career... needing media boost... marrying the guy that OWNS the production company you are signed to....

MAYBE some others are just starting to figure this whole thing out.

BINGO, the 16 year old may not be so stupid after all.. :D:nod:


Slightly Acidic
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Yeah, and 100 years ago, kids weren't going to school full time, they were brought up helping their stay at home mothers raise children and were taught basic home making skills. Most 16 year olds today can't even wash their own underwear, let alone take care of a husband or keep a job even.

Sure the lifestyles and circumstances have changed, but I fail to see how that has made it somehow morally wrong?


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if they are actors and models i dont care what they do
just as long as they dont bother me
is it right? NO
is it real i dont know
media publicity
gold diggin
actual love
wont last cause of money and age
its their choice let them F it up

It is probably publicity on the girl side, she is clearly trying to become famous, but I don't like speculating


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Sure the lifestyles and circumstances have changed, but I fail to see how that has made it somehow morally wrong?

I don't think it's necessarily morally wrong, to me anyway. It's just a matter of the 16 year old not being ready. Most 16 year old kids aren't emotionally ready to keep a relationship going longer than a few weeks. So to an adult who has been through high school and has relationships at 16 or who has a 16 year old, one would know that this situation is really odd. It would be one thing if this girl were mature, independent and was clearly ready for anything long term. When I see a barbie girl showing off her tata's and holding a dyed-pink dog, it makes me think she really doesn't know what she's getting herself into...... :surrender


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No they do NOT have the legal right. If my 16 y/o child ran away from home and the police picked them up as a runaway, they would be returned to their home by the police. Do you actually think the police would just say, "Oh, you ran away from home, that's fine, you are within your legal rights, carry on."

Count me as another parent that would not allow my 16 y/o child the permission to get married.
And who's to say they aren't mature enough?.... um let's see... maybe their fucking parents would.

I can tell you don't have any kids. The world looks a whole lot different once you become a parent.

In America, probably correct, but in the UK, if the parents can kick them out, sure enough they can also leave by their own accord.

Again, I don't like speculating in the future, I would probably have the same thought process if its legal, so be it, I won't be judging them, only time will tell whether it is true love or whether there is another part of the person I didn't see, probably not


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I don't think it's necessarily morally wrong, to me anyway. It's just a matter of the 16 year old not being ready. Most 16 year old kids aren't emotionally ready to keep a relationship going longer than a few weeks. So to an adult who has been through high school and has relationships at 16 or who has a 16 year old, one would know that this situation is really odd. It would be one thing if this girl were mature, independent and was clearly ready for anything long term. When I see a barbie girl showing off her tata's and holding a dyed-pink dog, it makes me think she really doesn't know what she's getting herself into...... :surrender



Sarcasm is me :)
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I don't think it's necessarily morally wrong, to me anyway. It's just a matter of the 16 year old not being ready. Most 16 year old kids aren't emotionally ready to keep a relationship going longer than a few weeks. So to an adult who has been through high school and has relationships at 16 or who has a 16 year old, one would know that this situation is really odd. It would be one thing if this girl were mature, independent and was clearly ready for anything long term. When I see a barbie girl showing off her tata's and holding a dyed-pink dog, it makes me think she really doesn't know what she's getting herself into...... :surrender

Taken for granted I know some 30+ year old like this !! :nod:


Having way too much fun
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Yeah, and 100 years ago, kids weren't going to school full time, they were brought up helping their stay at home mothers raise children and were taught basic home making skills. Most 16 year olds today can't even wash their own underwear, let alone take care of a husband or keep a job even.

Wait a second... you think most 16 year old kids can't even wash their own underwear, yet just last week you were arguing that they were mature enough to raise kids... so which is it? Here is your quote to refresh your memory...

I got pregnant with my son when I was 18. The moment I found out I was having a child any desire to want to be a child went out the door. My son is now 16 months old, happy, healthy, he gets everything he needs. He will never be without. Most of the time it has nothing to do with how old a parent is to be able to raise and care for a child, or even if that parent is single and doesn't have a spouse for support. It really all depends on the person. I know girls older than me that have a baby AND a husband to help them with everything and are doing worse than I am. I'll never understand why people look at me (or other young women with babies) and my son and shake their heads at me in public. :dunno That doesn't bother me, so much as the ignorance does. Oh well.


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Wait a second... you think most 16 year old kids can't even wash their own underwear, yet just last week you were arguing that they were mature enough to raise kids... so which is it? Here is your quote to refresh your memory...

Where in my quote did I say it was okay for 16 year olds to raise kids?


Sarcasm is me :)
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And I'm not saying it's right for them, either. Like I said in my post, it would be different if she were more mentally mature, and not just physically mature.

So your telling me you know this girl ? You know how mature she is ?

My 20 year old is by far less mature than my 7 year old.. YES I mean it.. And she is the first to admit it but than again my 7 year old is far advanced and my 20 year old has disabilities most people would not know unless they knew her medical record..

I am not saying a 51 year old marrying a 16 year old is right but until I know both sides of this story I wont condemn them either..

Hollywood has a great way to spin things and this has made for an interesting debate.. But how often do you see a 51 year old marrying a 16 year old.. :willy_nilly:


Having way too much fun
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Where in my quote did I say it was okay for 16 year olds to raise kids?

The entire thread was debating whether parents in their late twenties were better equipped to raise a child over parents in their late teens. No specific age was given but 16-17 fall in that range.

Or are you saying that you matured so much in the 2 years between 16 and when you got pregnant that people shouldn't question your ability to raise a child, a life time commitment as opposed to marriage which can be annulled by the stoke of a pen?


Having way too much fun
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Reading comprehension is your friend, Tim ;)

Actually my reading comprehension is fine... And I'm consistent with my stances...

To defend teen moms in one thread and condemn teen wives in another just blows my mind.


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The entire thread was debating whether parents in their late twenties were better equipped to raise a child over parents in their late teens. No specific age was given but 16-17 fall in that range.

Or are you saying that you matured so much in the 2 years between 16 and when you got pregnant that people shouldn't question your ability to raise a child, a life time commitment as opposed to marriage which can be annulled by the stoke of a pen?

When you say late teens, that would mean eight-TEEN, nine-TEEN. And yes I did. There's a big difference between going to Vegas to get hitched and having a kid. And yes, I matured quite a bit in those two years, during my pregnancy and even more so now as a mother. There are plenty of girls in their LATE TEENS that are fully mature enough to raise a child, versus a woman in her late twenties. I don't know this girl, but all of her pictures and her "music video" make her look like an airhead. So sorry that you don't agree, or see it, but that is my opinion and observation, the same as anyone else can give. And I'm not condemning anyone or asking God to strike lightning on their marriage because it's just so awful. I don't care about these people anyway, merely giving my opinion. You really now how to push buttons, don't you?


Sarcasm is me :)
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Not so much in the US... but actually quite common in the middle east. :D

Where's Maz when you need him?

Tim, not as common as people like Maz would want you to believe. And probably lost his computer in your raid of Osama :D

We have a large Indian and Pakistani as well as Afghan population here.. If you recall Maz stopped talking to me because he knew I realized his stuff was BS..

Radicals love to inflate and infuriate others.. Great propaganda but little truth behind the facts of the common folks in general..