27 Shocking Images Of The Israel-Gaza Conflict

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27 Shocking Images Of The Israel-Gaza Conflict
July 31, 2014
Dark times have befallen the people of the Gaza Strip, a Detroit-sized area of land that is at the center of some of the most devastating, heated Israeli-Palestinian clashes in the world. While the Israel-Gaza conflict is unfortunately not a new one, recent developments have sent tensions soaring even higher than before, as Israel continues to launch airstrikes into densely packed cities and neighborhoods filled predominantly with civilians. In the past couple of weeks alone, Israeli airstrikes have hit mosques, hospitals and even schools. As fighting intensifies, the death toll continues to rise. Here are some of the most shocking pictures of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

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Source: NPR

For more of a historical perspective on the conflict, be sure to watch

Read more at http://all-that-is-interesting.com/israel-gaza-conflict#hr5vrRZh8CubMkge.99
Read more at http://all-that-is-interesting.com/israel-gaza-conflict#hr5vrRZh8CubMkge.99
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The Man

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The terrorists you support use human shields. .they akso have fired thousands of rockets at the citizens of Israel....this is minor compared to the holocaust that you bless Hitler for.


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The terrorists you support use human shields. .they akso have fired thousands of rockets at the citizens of Israel....this is minor compared to the holocaust that you bless Hitler for.

Killing more than 1800 innocent unarmed children and women (80% of all) in sanctuaries and wounding more than 10000 is 'minor' for you? You ought to be ashamed of yerself and apologise to your God for your immoral and inhumane act of tyranny which ashames Hitler..

as far as Holocaust is concerned ,,,,I have already posted enough material to prove that the so called event was nothing more than a Holohoax!

The Man

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Yes it is pretty minor considering the Hamas strategy is human shielding..by firing from schools hospitals and such..mosques as well..then we have always been lied to in the past about death numbers..always turns out to be way exaggerated.
The holocaust was millions maz..they were slaughtered only because they were jews.
Israel had to attack Hamas as it has been launching rockets into Israel at the jewish settlements...Gaza declared war on Israel..Blame Hamas the terrorist organization that gaza voted in.
This thread is nothing more than part of your hate campaign of jews.

Here is the only picture you need.

As we can see they begged for Israel to invade...Israel begged them to stop firing rockets but they continued for years to fire rockets into the Jewish areas of Israel....Sorry Maz Israel is not the bad guy here.
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Yes it is pretty minor considering the Hamas strategy is human shielding..by firing from schools hospitals and such..mosques as well..then we have always been lied to in the past about death numbers..always turns out to be way exaggerated.
The holocaust was millions maz..they were slaughtered only because they were jews.
Israel had to attack Hamas as it has been launching rockets into Israel at the jewish settlements...Gaza declared war on Israel..Blame Hamas the terrorist organization that gaza voted in.
This thread is nothing more than part of your hate campaign of jews.

Here is the only picture you need.

As we can see they begged for Israel to invade...Israel begged them to stop firing rockets but they continued for years to fire rockets into the Jewish areas of Israel....Sorry Maz Israel is not the bad guy here.
Your reply embodies feelings that are most inhumane and criminal ,,,,,You don't feel remorse at the mass killing of thousands of innocent children in Gaza ....
Use of wild force, as used by the US in Japan during WWII, might give you a feeling of victory but in fact you have lost ,,,,the Jewish values could be so lowly that they would even make Hitler turn in his grave...bad for you ,,,

Israel is an illegal occupier of Palestinian land, a colony force carved out as Jewish settlement,,,,
the Palestinian have their right to defend and they will shoot,...in self defense,
The Jews too have the right to self defense but targetting innocent unarmed children, women in UN shelters was a heinous horrendous act of terrorism for which not only Obama condemned the arrogant Jews but also the world conscience have been condemning and censuring them deeply,,,
O Israel, the shameless illegitimate baby of a super power!! Were thou born to kill innocent children and women or defend your usurped land from the Palestinian defenders of their own land??


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Here is the only picture you need.

As we can see they begged for Israel to invade...Israel begged them to stop firing rockets but they continued for years to fire rockets into the Jewish areas of Israel....Sorry Maz Israel is not the bad guy here.[/QUOTE]

If so many rockets were fired then there ought to be a big number of Jews killed, Why don't you post the exact figures of Jews killed by this rocket fire??
If you don't furnish true stats from a reliable source then not only that your hoax of rocket fire would be fraudulent but you too would be a most untrustworthy inhumane jew story teller. a troll

The Man

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Your reply embodies feelings that are most inhumane and criminal ,,,,,You don't feel remorse at the mass killing of thousands of innocent children in Gaza ....
Use of wild force, as used by the US in Japan during WWII, might give you a feeling of victory but in fact you have lost ,,,,the Jewish values could be so lowly that they would even make Hitler turn in his grave...bad for you ,,,

Israel is an illegal occupier of Palestinian land, a colony force carved out as Jewish settlement,,,,
the Palestinian have their right to defend and they will shoot,...in self defense,
The Jews too have the right to self defense but targetting innocent unarmed children, women in UN shelters was a heinous horrendous act of terrorism for which not only Obama condemned the arrogant Jews but also the world conscience have been condemning and censuring them deeply,,,
O Israel, the shameless illegitimate baby of a super power!! Were thou born to kill innocent children and women or defend your usurped land from the Palestinian defenders of their own land??

Your reply embodies feelings that are most inhumane and criminal ,,,,,You don't feel remorse at the mass killing of thousands of innocent children in Gaza
Why should I?..I was no where around.

Israel is an illegal occupier of Palestinian land
You have stated this dozens of times...but always fail to back your statement when asked..provide me proof of an illegal occupation.
And even if you could it gives Gaza no right to target Jewish civilians with thousands of rockets..the should attack the military Of Israel.
Hamas has stated they are only interested in killing Jews..thus why the target Jewish civilian populations with rockets..these are war crimes.
Hamas uses human shields while invaded...more war crimes.
Hamas uses civilian structures schools hospitals and mosques to initiate attacks.,,,intentionally using people as human shields..more war crimes.
Gaza was not occupied by Israel...they left several years ago...Gaza has been firing rockets by the thousands into Israel..these is no illegal occupation of Gaza..Gaza does not own Israel as well..they never have.
If you want to moan..moan about Crimea being illegally occupied by Russia.

Its sad that people had to die in Gaza it really is..but do not blame Israel as they have had thousands of rockets fired at them and hamas uses human shielding for strategy....loss of civilian life in Gaza is very low given the circumstances of a 1 month war.

The Man

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If so many rockets were fired then there ought to be a big number of Jews killed, Why don't you post the exact figures of Jews killed by this rocket fire??
Those stats are real...how many jews killed?...you look it up..while you are at it be sure to include those by suicide bombing etc as well.
Back to the rockets..the early rockets had short range and also caused less damage..the new rockets the terrorist have that you support have alot of potential to do serious damage and can travel long distances..these have to be intercepted after launch.
Your complaint is less jews died that gazians..as if they are supposed to go ahead and get killed on purpose to even the tally.
While the idiots you support might do such {martyr} as evidences by the many suicide bombings by children against Israel..A jew will not get killed intentionally to build propaganda and go to paradise to be surrounded by virgins.
I am not sure about the jewish faith..but I do believe with the christian faith it is a sin to commit suicide.

Anyway..you have already shown you hate jews..you call them big foots..as islam refers to them as apes.
You bless Hitler for slaughtering them..but say that was a hoax
You claim illegal occupation by Israel..the fact remains gaza is not occupied by Israel and gaza has its own govt..which is Hamas a terrorist organization whose mission is to eradicate jews from the earth...you support Hamas.
Hitler slaughtered Jews long before Israel existed as a state....showing you hate Jews before your false claim of illegal occupation
You claim 911 was a hoax.
You claim there is/was no AQ.
You support Govt provided reservations for terrorists in PK..you also support them not having to abide by PK law.
You lie about Apostasy and blaspheming death sentences.
While encouraged to lie to the enemy in regard to Islam...You have placed all non Muslims as your enemy as you lie/ as Apostasy carries death in PK you have constantly lied in regard to Islam which is only permitted to the enemy....thus by your actions we are the enemy.
You mazHur butt are an actual terrorist or have committed the crime of Apostasy which is punishable by death...Best go with the terrorist route...you are small change no one gives a fuck anyway.
You should have started this in the debate section Maz.
Sorry the other readers have to see this shit.


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Those stats are real...how many jews killed?...you look it up..while you are at it be sure to include those by suicide bombing etc as well.
Back to the rockets..the early rockets had short range and also caused less damage..the new rockets the terrorist have that you support have alot of potential to do serious damage and can travel long distances..these have to be intercepted after launch.
Your complaint is less jews died that gazians..as if they are supposed to go ahead and get killed on purpose to even the tally.
While the idiots you support might do such {martyr} as evidences by the many suicide bombings by children against Israel..A jew will not get killed intentionally to build propaganda and go to paradise to be surrounded by virgins.
I am not sure about the jewish faith..but I do believe with the christian faith it is a sin to commit suicide.

Anyway..you have already shown you hate jews..you call them big foots..as islam refers to them as apes.
You bless Hitler for slaughtering them..but say that was a hoax
You claim illegal occupation by Israel..the fact remains gaza is not occupied by Israel and gaza has its own govt..which is Hamas a terrorist organization whose mission is to eradicate jews from the earth...you support Hamas.
Hitler slaughtered Jews long before Israel existed as a state....showing you hate Jews before your false claim of illegal occupation
You claim 911 was a hoax.
You claim there is/was no AQ.
You support Govt provided reservations for terrorists in PK..you also support them not having to abide by PK law.
You lie about Apostasy and blaspheming death sentences.
While encouraged to lie to the enemy in regard to Islam...You have placed all non Muslims as your enemy as you lie/ as Apostasy carries death in PK you have constantly lied in regard to Islam which is only permitted to the enemy....thus by your actions we are the enemy.
You mazHur butt are an actual terrorist or have committed the crime of Apostasy which is punishable by death...Best go with the terrorist route...you are small change no one gives a fuck anyway.
You should have started this in the debate section Maz.
Sorry the other readers have to see this shit.




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Those stats are real...how many jews killed?...you look it up..while you are at it be sure to include those by suicide bombing etc as well.
Back to the rockets..the early rockets had short range and also caused less damage..the new rockets the terrorist have that you support have alot of potential to do serious damage and can travel long distances..these have to be intercepted after launch.
Your complaint is less jews died that gazians..as if they are supposed to go ahead and get killed on purpose to even the tally.
While the idiots you support might do such {martyr} as evidences by the many suicide bombings by children against Israel..A jew will not get killed intentionally to build propaganda and go to paradise to be surrounded by virgins.
I am not sure about the jewish faith..but I do believe with the christian faith it is a sin to commit suicide.

Anyway..you have already shown you hate jews..you call them big foots..as islam refers to them as apes.
You bless Hitler for slaughtering them..but say that was a hoax
You claim illegal occupation by Israel..the fact remains gaza is not occupied by Israel and gaza has its own govt..which is Hamas a terrorist organization whose mission is to eradicate jews from the earth...you support Hamas.
Hitler slaughtered Jews long before Israel existed as a state....showing you hate Jews before your false claim of illegal occupation
You claim 911 was a hoax.
You claim there is/was no AQ.
You support Govt provided reservations for terrorists in PK..you also support them not having to abide by PK law.
You lie about Apostasy and blaspheming death sentences.
While encouraged to lie to the enemy in regard to Islam...You have placed all non Muslims as your enemy as you lie/ as Apostasy carries death in PK you have constantly lied in regard to Islam which is only permitted to the enemy....thus by your actions we are the enemy.
You mazHur butt are an actual terrorist or have committed the crime of Apostasy which is punishable by death...Best go with the terrorist route...you are small change no one gives a fuck anyway.
You should have started this in the debate section Maz.
Sorry the other readers have to see this shit.

Like your dog bone stone you too are on to personal aspersions and exposing yerself to law...
if you continue with such personal accusations which are baseless , false , unfounded , malafide and uncalled for you too will soon have to go and see your lawyer to give you some sense,

this is a warning message to you,,,

Here you are reminded again to reply .and control your insanity.

If so many rockets were fired then there ought to be a big number of Jews killed, Why don't you post the exact figures of Jews killed by this rocket fire??
If you don't furnish true stats from a reliable source then not only that your hoax of rocket fire would be fraudulent but you too would be a most untrustworthy inhumane jew story teller. a troll

The Man

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So Maz....you seem pretty frustrated ...not enough dead jews?
You claim the holocaust was a hoax..why should I bother giving you the dead number of Jews killed by Gaza, due to rockets, roadside bombs, snipers and suicide bombs by children.

The Man

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Like your dog bone stone you too are on to personal aspersions and exposing yerself to law...
if you continue with such personal accusations which are baseless , false , unfounded , malafide and uncalled for you too will soon have to go and see your lawyer to give you some sense,

this is a warning message to you,,,

Here you are reminded again to reply .and control your insanity.

If so many rockets were fired then there ought to be a big number of Jews killed, Why don't you post the exact figures of Jews killed by this rocket fire??
If you don't furnish true stats from a reliable source then not only that your hoax of rocket fire would be fraudulent but you too would be a most untrustworthy inhumane jew story teller. a troll

Like your dog bone stone you too are on to personal aspersions and exposing yerself to law...
if you continue with such personal accusations which are baseless , false , unfounded , malafide and uncalled for you too will soon have to go and see your lawyer to give you some sense,

So maz you are aware of the penalty for apostasy and blasphemy....death.
So maz...I ask you again..are jews apes.
If you say yes...you are not committing blasphemy or apostasy...if you say no then you are declaring me the enemy.
See how it works maz...best just get it out of the way bro...you hate jews because you pretty much have to...if you dont hate em you have to keep your mouth shut.
So maz are jews apes?
You have stated the holocaust was a hoax.
You have stated 911 was a hoax.
You have stated that AQ never existed.
You support Govt provided reservations for terrorists in PK.
You support those terrorist not having to abide by law.
You bless Hitler for slaughtering Jews even though you claim it didn't happen.
So maz are Jews apes...yes or no...and yes when you call them bigfoot...its the same thing.
I dont condemn you for your hate...just be honest it about bro...people will say hey...he may not hate them after all..he just has to act like he does...its your image bro...the canvas is yours...start painting.

The Man

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a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism

At minimum you advocate terrorism Maz by the posts in many of your threads...you support terrorism..you advocate terrorism..by definition that makes you a terrorist


If you want to sue...sue the dictionary lol
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So maz you are aware of the penalty for apostasy and blasphemy....death.
So maz...I ask you again..are jews apes.
If you say yes...you are not committing blasphemy or apostasy...if you say no then you are declaring me the enemy.
See how it works maz...best just get it out of the way bro...you hate jews because you pretty much have to...if you dont hate em you have to keep your mouth shut.
So maz are jews apes?
You have stated the holocaust was a hoax.
You have stated 911 was a hoax.
You have stated that AQ never existed.
You support Govt provided reservations for terrorists in PK.
You support those terrorist not having to abide by law.
You bless Hitler for slaughtering Jews even though you claim it didn't happen.
So maz are Jews apes...yes or no...and yes when you call them bigfoot...its the same thing.
I dont condemn you for your hate...just be honest it about bro...people will say hey...he may not hate them after all..he just has to act like he does...its your image bro...the canvas is yours...start painting.
If you can unashamedly call me a 'terrorist' I too can call you an Ape....a wild killer beast!


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a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism

At minimum you advocate terrorism Maz by the posts in many of your threads...you support terrorism..you advocate terrorism..by definition that makes you a terrorist


If you want to sue...sue the dictionary lol

Legal dictionary is not the same as the ordinary dictionary,,,Legal interpretation of words and clauses have their own connotation and can lead one to gallows!
Mind it then and don't try to fiddle with Law......
Hate mongering and trolling is not acceptable....either in common etiquette and never in Law


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Israel is a terrorist and a tyrant....it is illegal occupier of Palestinian land and was carved out of it by the colonial British,,,,,
mass murder of Palestinian unarmed innocent Palestinian children is not bravery but cowardice of the worst type....

Obama condemned Israel for its war crimes and the whole world as well.
Whether Obama's condemnation of Israel was sincere or not is yet another question.....
future historians will write Israel's name alongwith Hitlers,....marking Hitler a lesser killer than Zionist Israel,

Shame on Israel, the genocidal maniac!

The Man

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Legal dictionary is not the same as the ordinary dictionary,,,Legal interpretation of words and clauses have their own connotation and can lead one to gallows!
Mind it then and don't try to fiddle with Law......
Hate mongering and trolling is not acceptable....either in common etiquette and never in Law
Thats something you will have to work out with the dictionary maz,,thats your problem..by definition you are a terrorist...I suggest you contact them if you are unhappy with the definition.

The Man

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Israel is a terrorist and a tyrant....it is illegal occupier of Palestinian land and was carved out of it by the colonial British,,,,,
mass murder of Palestinian unarmed innocent Palestinian children is not bravery but cowardice of the worst type....

Obama condemned Israel for its war crimes and the whole world as well.
Whether Obama's condemnation of Israel was sincere or not is yet another question.....
future historians will write Israel's name alongwith Hitlers,....marking Hitler a lesser killer than Zionist Israel,

Shame on Israel, the genocidal maniac!
By definition Israel is not a terrorist,,,but rather victims of the known terrorist organization Hamas that you openly support.
You yet to have shown an illegal occupation although you have claimed it numerous times.
As far as Obama who cares...The fact remains the Hamas is a terrorist organization that has fired thousands of rockets into Israel targeting Jewish Areas..and has announced their only interest is killing Jews...This is one of those situations where Obama needs to sit back and watch rather than try to look important.
When the official count death toll comes in later down the road..we will find the death toll to be 5 to 10 percent of what is claimed if the trend follows as in the past....Hamas is responsible for those deaths Maz as they battle from areas packed with civilians...hamas is guilty of one war crime after another.


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By definition Israel is not a terrorist,,,but rather victims of the known terrorist organization Hamas that you openly support.
You yet to have shown an illegal occupation although you have claimed it numerous times.
As far as Obama who cares...The fact remains the Hamas is a terrorist organization that has fired thousands of rockets into Israel targeting Jewish Areas..and has announced their only interest is killing Jews...This is one of those situations where Obama needs to sit back and watch rather than try to look important.
When the official count death toll comes in later down the road..we will find the death toll to be 5 to 10 percent of what is claimed if the trend follows as in the past....Hamas is responsible for those deaths Maz as they battle from areas packed with civilians...hamas is guilty of one war crime after another.

I know you , the Jews and the terrorist Israeli's and their supporters don't care for anybody, incl Obama but when someone strikes them they run and sit in the US crotch,.,,,

Israel is the biggest terrorist and mass murderer of innocent unarmed children and women,,,
You are not ashamed because you are shameless....

What is holding back to post the number of Israeli Jews killed by the alleged rocket fire stats you are so possessed with??

Until you tell us that you will be deemed to be one of the killer gang sympathizer and surely such rogues would go to hell,,,,,,bloody inhumane and immoral bunch of thugs.