Re: $1.8 Million Bonus Payout Plan Approved For Hostess Execs As The Company Liquidat
Do you NOT understand???
You SUPPORT it when the upper management pressure for more wages when the company is failing but you condemn the union for doing it.
Who the fuck would pressure for more wages when the company is failing? Apparently the upper management which you support.
Not only did they increase their salaries by 300% in some cases, they petitioned the bankruptcy court to allow $1.8 million in bonuses.
and if you want the honest truth. The union did NOT ask for more money. The workers wages went down during the first restructuring and were going down AGAIN. The union disagreed with how much they were going down.
They did not ask for more money.... I mean if you want to be honest here
man you really do have a disability sorry about that.
The unions were demanding more money for union you follow
The corp wouldn't agree as they are in huge more you follow
The union people went on you follow
Interstate bakeries filed bankruptcy you follow
Failed you follow
Ceos awards are given out.....AFTER THE FAIL....they didnt pressure a failing company...the company failed due to union you follow.
To further....its is chump change given the size or the you follow.
It is chump change to to what the yearly payroll was you follow.
19000 workers at union you follow
You do the math.
19000 workers/ times wages per hour/ times 40/ times 52
Then either 100M or 160m {i dont remember in benefits}
And what the ceos got was you follow.
You could take away all ceo wages....and it was only enough to give the workers a 2 cent an hour you follow.
These awards are fucking chump change you follow/
The ceos were already you follow