Foolish man, Pakistan is not ME....
It is a part of the subcontinent of Indo_Pak....we are NOT Arabs!
You attacked and ruined Iraq on flimsy ground it had WMD but didn't even get a rat!
Then you started attacking and ruining other ME countries which were pretty secular before the war...
The incidence of 9/11 must also have some reason for the act...
there are several 'theories' floating on the internet etc regarding it...
You captured children and men and locked them up in Gitmo without charge....and never put them to adjudication...
All this and more added to the 'terror' you ostensibly are after...
you have thrust the whole world into jeopardy....Oil is what you want and you will do everything to get it.
Here is a bad news for you...
"The real problem posed by the offensive unleashed by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham is not what happens to Iraqi oil production this week, but whether OPEC's second-biggest producer can meet outsized production-growth expectations for the rest of the decade. If it can't, energy analysts say, the world's inexorable thirst for oil could soon collide with limited growth in supply, leading to higher prices and lower economic growth in the United States and around the world."
More here.