Patriots In Exile Club

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DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

he was voted in so someone must like him

And I congratulate them on the person they wanted getting elected.

But he is what we call borderline socialist, and know it or not, we live in a free trade/capitalist society where socialism cannot really exist.

Back that with perhaps the furthest leaning left House Dems and Senatorial Dems, a Speaker that is fucking over the top liberal and what you have is a recipe for high taxes, HUGE fucking government and lots of little freebies onthe backs of the folks that the dems hate, the upper middle class and the wealthy.
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

My opinion...sorry you feel the way ya do. This is why i dont get involved in political debates...because there is so much anger and hostility.

Give the man a chance before you hang him.....thats not to much to ask anyone. Enjoy


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

My opinion...sorry you feel the way ya do. This is why i dont get involved in political debates...because there is so much anger and hostility.

Give the man a chance before you hang him.....thats not to much to ask anyone. Enjoy

I'm niether angry nor hostile, I honestly hope he does great things with this opportunity, but just as history has made us think he would never be where he is, it also dictates that we have a lot of years of burden ahead of us.

Personally I think he has the intellect to revolutionize politics, the idea of a united DC is epic, the reality is it won't happen.

If it does, I'd be the first one to line up and say I'm wrong;)

and I sure hope for the sake of my kids, that he is in fact all that and a re-distributed bag of chips

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

My opinion...sorry you feel the way ya do. This is why i dont get involved in political debates...because there is so much anger and hostility.

Give the man a chance before you hang him.....thats not to much to ask anyone. Enjoy
I am giving him the EXACT same chance the liberals gave Bush.

They were on Bush like stink on shit and white on rice before he even put the bible down on inauguration day.

The sooner he and the asshat liberals in congress get there pseudo socialist agenda exposed the better :thumbup

just sayin ;)


Back By Unpopular Demand
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

You know what i dont get....and ya can call me ignorant, stupid brit..etc etc..whatever you feel deems fit.

But you all knew this man was doing all knew he was a risk to get presidency....and he succeeded.He was elected by your own president. Your own people.......but i guess the majority must all be wrong?....or blinded?..etc etc.
What does that say about the country your suppose be honoring?, and what does that say about the people in it?

Nuff here all week;)
Yeah, I knew there was a chance he would win. Hell, it's been obvious for weeks. That doesn't mean I have to like it. I'm a very opinionated person, and my opinions vastly differ from his. What should I do, move to another country? No thanks, I'm good.

And before everyone jumps on my ass.....look outside the box...your degrading your own citizens by there choices...hes president...give the man a fucking chance before you start pulling him off his throne with non based facts of what you "think" hes gonna do to your country
What we "think" he's going to do is exactly what he's SAID he's going to do. I disagree with a number of his policies, and I've been saying it for months. Now you expect me to sit back and wait for him to become President before I can disagree with him again? Not gonna happen.

I'm not degrading anyone who voted for Obama. That's the beauty of America, we as a whole get to pick our leaders at every level. Doesn't mean I have to agree with the choices the majority reaches though. America got what it wanted, and I'm afraid for the results. If I'm wrong, in 4 years I'll be the first to admit it.

Im not saying you dont have a right Evan....of course you have a refering to the fact that all fucking day ive had to read thread upon thread of complete degrading of your soon to be president?

And as a "outsider" i think its fucking not on....k?*hugs*
I've put up with threads since this place was created bashing Bush. What's the difference? It's my turn to bash for a change. It feels good playing offense instead of defense for a change.


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Ok firstly..what president has ever done what they say there gonna do?? hahaha dream on

2ndly...the only way your nation is gonna be fucked is because you cant unite as a many thread have been obama bashing today??

And how many people can you blame??...your fellow americans?..people that type in this forum....its amazing.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Ok firstly..what president has ever done what they say there gonna do?? hahaha dream on

2ndly...the only way your nation is gonna be fucked is because you cant unite as a many thread have been obama bashing today??

And how many people can you blame??...your fellow americans?..people that type in this forum....its amazing.
the liberals have not had this large of control of congress since the 60's

that was the last large bastion of bull shit policies they placed. the great society pile of crap that LBJ infested us with.

with the wimpy ass psuedo conservative idiots in the rep party much of his agenda will be put in place.


Back By Unpopular Demand
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Ok firstly..what president has ever done what they say there gonna do?? hahaha dream on

2ndly...the only way your nation is gonna be fucked is because you cant unite as a many thread have been obama bashing today??

And how many people can you blame??...your fellow americans?..people that type in this forum....its amazing.
There is a HUGE difference between unity and blindly following. That's why free speech is so important. Our leaders MUST be questioned. Their power comes from our citizens, and they are accountable to us. Plain and simple. This country is united in the sense that we all want it to continue down the path of greatness, we just disagree about the path to take to get there. Nobody is starting a second Civil War over this election, we're still one country.

I don't "blame" anyone who voted for Obama. I disagree with them, but it's their right to vote for who they want. Just because I disagree with them doesn't mean I think they're all a bunch of drooling morons who don't deserve to vote (except for Tim :D )


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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Look, im not planning on having a debate with so many people against saying what it looks like from outside the box.

Wtf do i care?...i dont live before i get anything else thrown at me, plse respect that i understand your upset...but whats done is cant change it. so why not respect those who do support Obama??

Just a thought


DT3's Twinkie
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

To me it's simple, if you read the title of this thread...You should know right off the bat, that it's a hotbed of conservative thought.

and I have not degraded Obama one time that I know of.

His politics, yes. But he's soon to be the most powerful man in the world....I would hope he could take a little prodding.

Let's face it Wedz, in my opinion, regardless of what anyone says..MY OPINION is that all except Fox has been just shy of brutal on the McCain campaign, using soundbyte journalism to make fun of Palin, making fun of how awkward McCain looks, and letting Obama slide on a variety of topics that would have devastated the McCain campaign, in my opinion, McCain should not have had to bring it up, if the MASS media was doing its job.

In the end....Obama blamed Fox News, Sean Hannity and McCain for all the "false accusations"

So am I a little irritated...Yes

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

There is a HUGE difference between unity and blindly following. That's why free speech is so important. Our leaders MUST be questioned. Their power comes from our citizens, and they are accountable to us. Plain and simple. This country is united in the sense that we all want it to continue down the path of greatness, we just disagree about the path to take to get there. Nobody is starting a second Civil War over this election, we're still one country.

I don't "blame" anyone who voted for Obama. I disagree with them, but it's their right to vote for who they want. Just because I disagree with them doesn't mean I think they're all a bunch of drooling morons who don't deserve to vote (except for Tim :D )
ya but you do feel sorry for their ignorance don't ya. :D

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

To me it's simple, if you read the title of this thread...You should know right off the bat, that it's a hotbed of conservative thought.

and I have not degraded Obama one time that I know of.

His politics, yes. But he's soon to be the most powerful man in the world....I would hope he could take a little prodding.

Let's face it Wedz, in my opinion, regardless of what anyone says..MY OPINION is that all except Fox has been just shy of brutal on the McCain campaign, using soundbyte journalism to make fun of Palin, making fun of how awkward McCain looks, and letting Obama slide on a variety of topics that would have devastated the McCain campaign, in my opinion, McCain should not have had to bring it up, if the MASS media was doing its job.

In the end....Obama blamed Fox News, Sean Hannity and McCain for all the "false accusations"

So am I a little irritated...Yes

leave that to me

I can do the heavy lifting. :D


Toes in the water...
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

While I will admit that it is awesome for not only the black community, but America as a whole that we have come far enough in the past 200+ years to elect a black man to the highest office in the country, I can't say I want him to be my president. I will give him a shot, but I will not necessarily support him. Until he actually screws up, I'm going to bite my tongue, but I definitely voted for McCain, in my FIRST election ever!, and a little piece of me died last night while I sat watching this all happen on tv, crying out of fear of what will become of this nation.


OTz's Sexy Bitch
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

Look, im not planning on having a debate with so many people against saying what it looks like from outside the box.

Wtf do i care?...i dont live before i get anything else thrown at me, plse respect that i understand your upset...but whats done is cant change it. so why not respect those who do support Obama??

Just a thought
God Dammit i cant rep ya !!!! But i want to :thumbup:thumbup


Well-Known Member
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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

While I will admit that it is awesome for not only the black community, but America as a whole that we have come far enough in the past 200+ years to elect a black man to the highest office in the country, I can't say I want him to be my president. I will give him a shot, but I will not necessarily support him. Until he actually screws up, I'm going to bite my tongue, but I definitely voted for McCain, in my FIRST election ever!, and a little piece of me died last night while I sat watching this all happen on tv, crying out of fear of what will become of this nation.

Whats his Race got to do with presidency?

Shit wedz dont open another can of worms:24::24::surrender

Fox Mulder

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Re: The Conservatives In Exile Club

well then it cant get any worse:thumbup:thumbup

It can get ALOT worse--it was ALOT worse the last time the liberals ran government entirely (back in the 70s) we have double digit inflation, gas lines, 20 percent prime rate--we were literally 6 months from anothe depression--saved by Ronald Reagan.

Liberals say all the right things to make the rest of you feel all tingly--but their tax and spend policies end up spending YOUR money and most of you don't even realize it--you pay so much in taxes, you can't even survive and then these people put a man in office who is goint to add more taxes.