I asked this because there is another topic about renting or owning a home. This got me to thinking that when it gets right down to it do we ever really own our homes. Lets face it if we don't pay our property taxes at the end of the year, guess what the state can come in and take ownership of our house because they own the land its standing on.
I don't know if this is really fair. After all, we paid for the house we made our payments on time. Yet we are told every year at least here in the United States that we have to pay our properties taxes. Yes, I know some who haven't paid them in awhile, and haven't had the state take their house, I guess the state has no reason for wanting their land at this time. But there is no denying that the state would have ever right to repossess the house all because the property taxes weren't paid.
I don't know if this is really fair. After all, we paid for the house we made our payments on time. Yet we are told every year at least here in the United States that we have to pay our properties taxes. Yes, I know some who haven't paid them in awhile, and haven't had the state take their house, I guess the state has no reason for wanting their land at this time. But there is no denying that the state would have ever right to repossess the house all because the property taxes weren't paid.