That's pretty exorbitant... but hey, Murdoch is all about making ridiculous amounts of money. What I found amusing was this quote though...
Seriously? Now you decide to be fiscally responsible with $500,000... who cares about the fact that the President and Congress have thrown us into a pit of debt and deficits way beyond what even Bush could've ever dreamed of. But $500k is the breaking point? :24:
The Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal has jacked up the rate it charges the administration’s news clipping service by a jaw-dropping $600,000 per year — and is steering the White House towards a direct deal with News Corp., according to an administration official.
“Obviously, we’re not paying $500,000. This is taxpayer money,” the official said. “We have no idea how we’re going to handle this. We may have to drop [The Journal].”
Seriously? Now you decide to be fiscally responsible with $500,000... who cares about the fact that the President and Congress have thrown us into a pit of debt and deficits way beyond what even Bush could've ever dreamed of. But $500k is the breaking point? :24: