Would a moral God step up to his responsibilities?

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Greatest I am

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Would a moral God step up to his responsibilities?

God cannot do miracles. If he could, he would.

From God’s POV, all here must be perfect. He began in perfection and would not back slide to anything less. That’s scripture. It is to us to see things as he does.

From mankind’s POV, all here is not perfection. This contrary and wrong POV is promoted by religion and is generally accepted to some degree by most people. I tend to agree with God even as most do not.

From a moral stand point, most will agree, that if one sees a wrong that they can right; they will do the right thing and right the wrong. This is the right thing to do.

The fact that there are preventable human evil acts being perpetrated by mankind, supposedly created by God, and he does not act, means that a moral God does not exist.

A moral God takes responsibility and God is not stepping up. A moral God would. If he could that is. Just as all of us would. We are in his image and know that stepping up is a good idea.

Perhaps God is not the miracles working super God. You know the one. The one that man has created to hold all of his hopes and wishes, dreams and desires, loves, ---- and hates ---, and although never seen in any real way, --- believers will kill for Him. Insanity.

If God does exist, and is not moral, then what good is he to mankind or you?
Would you want life without morals?

No wonder then that Eve, the first to be as God/human, ----yes there is a difference, ---- had the wisdom to have adam/mankind, eat of it. What a wonderful myth.

Believers who follow a God without morals, Bible God, should question why they do.
God has a basis in reality but certainly not like the God without morals that has somehow been molded by what was initially, a rather beautiful ideas. The Bible.

To think and act God like, is to ----- do unto others.
If God creates man, then it should be for a best end. Not an evil end like hell. Fact is, many millions die daily of easily preventable cause. Allowed to by a miracle working God who just does not step up.

The fact that God, who by definition, would have the attribute of taking responsibility, as any good entity would, proves beyond any doubt that a moral miracle working God cannot exists.

And if there is a miracle working God, mankind should give him a thumbs down for his lack of morals.

Can a moral God exist?
Is it moral for God, who wants relevance to mankind, to not step up?
As a creator God does he have any responsibility to what he creates?

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This is completely out there. This entire post puts human ideas about responsibility and morals onto the potential higher being that may or may not have created us.

Even if I allow that there IS a higher being, for the sake of argument - we have absolutely zero idea what their own agenda, purpose or even ethics are like. Just because we have our own rules and guidelines, doesn't mean that some higher power is limited to those same goals or attributes.

Not to mention, it also assumes that we have some idea of our own importance in the grand scale of things and what the ultimate plan is. If there is one, it could be something that'll take several million years to evolve. We might be a step on the ladder to something even greater, not the end product we think we are.

Even if a God exists, trying to judge it by our own sense of morals and justice is ridiculous and pointless.

Greatest I am

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This is completely out there. This entire post puts human ideas about responsibility and morals onto the potential higher being that may or may not have created us.

Even if I allow that there IS a higher being, for the sake of argument - we have absolutely zero idea what their own agenda, purpose or even ethics are like. Just because we have our own rules and guidelines, doesn't mean that some higher power is limited to those same goals or attributes.

Not to mention, it also assumes that we have some idea of our own importance in the grand scale of things and what the ultimate plan is. If there is one, it could be something that'll take several million years to evolve. We might be a step on the ladder to something even greater, not the end product we think we are.

Even if a God exists, trying to judge it by our own sense of morals and justice is ridiculous and pointless.

Then how do theists choose the God to follow if moral‘s are not their guide and standard?
Whose morals should be used if not man’s?



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Then how do theists choose the God to follow if moral‘s are not their guide and standard?
Whose morals should be used if not man’s?

The morals of 'God' that people choose to follow are all based on scripture written by man. There is nothing on this earth to suggest a higher power has ever left us any actual direct proof of it's intentions and desires. I could write down some commandments right now and swear God told me what they were, that wouldn't make it true.

And even if it were a God that had dictated these morals (numerous and differing and sometimes contradictory in different religions) then it still doesn't follow that those are the morals that that higher power itself must adhere to. Just because the rules have been set for us doesn't mean that the one who set them is governed by the same ideals.

Personally, I believe the morals of man are perfectly adequate. It's common sense not to lie, steal and murder, we don't need a God to tell us that.

Peter Parka

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If there is a god (and I'm not talking about the god of the bible who is a proven arsehole) he probably is just as failable as the rest of us, given his creations.


In Memoriam - RIP
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What responsibilities? What about an individuals responsibilities? (no i didn't read that long ass boring post...)


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Even if a God exists, trying to judge it by our own sense of morals and justice is ridiculous and pointless.

That's the only thing we can judge God by. I agree it's ridiculous to think our judgments matter to God. But whether our opinions and judgments matter or not, we still form them. It's what people do.


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Sure, people will do it anyway because it's just how humans work, but I still think it's a futile exercise. It's like a colony of ants trying to explain Britney Spears using their limited knowledge and experience of the world she inhabits. They might make some educated guesses but ultimately their worlds are too different for them to be able to comprehend her desires and ideals.

Greatest I am

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The morals of 'God' that people choose to follow are all based on scripture written by man. There is nothing on this earth to suggest a higher power has ever left us any actual direct proof of it's intentions and desires. I could write down some commandments right now and swear God told me what they were, that wouldn't make it true.

And even if it were a God that had dictated these morals (numerous and differing and sometimes contradictory in different religions) then it still doesn't follow that those are the morals that that higher power itself must adhere to. Just because the rules have been set for us doesn't mean that the one who set them is governed by the same ideals.

Personally, I believe the morals of man are perfectly adequate. It's common sense not to lie, steal and murder, we don't need a God to tell us that.

I would take your statement further and say that man has surpassed any morals and justice that any of the old Gods laid out. We have evolved away from tyranny.



Greatest I am

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If there is a god (and I'm not talking about the god of the bible who is a proven arsehole) he probably is just as failable as the rest of us, given his creations.

We do have one advantage. We tend to recognize our mistakes where Bible God and his followers will not admit to God's mistakes.

That is how foolish Christians end up thinking that genocide against mankind is good justice.
Sick sick sick.


Greatest I am

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What responsibilities? What about an individuals responsibilities? (no i didn't read that long ass boring post...)

Not surprising. Too long for attention spans as short as yours.

You are a parent and in that way created someone.

Do you have any responsibility towards your children or would you let them kill each other, rape each other and just plain starve to death?

Now the question is, does God have a responsibility towards those he supposedly created.

I hope I did not go too long and lose your attention again.


Greatest I am

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Sure, people will do it anyway because it's just how humans work, but I still think it's a futile exercise. It's like a colony of ants trying to explain Britney Spears using their limited knowledge and experience of the world she inhabits. They might make some educated guesses but ultimately their worlds are too different for them to be able to comprehend her desires and ideals.


Your analogy is perfect and shows why man should do his will and not the will of a God that he cannot understand. Especially when he has already shown that he hold no more reverence for us than we do for the ants we kill.

That is why man's first God was a man and our last shall be as well.

What you recognize as foolish, sucking after a God that cannot be understood, the ancients knew from day one. We have just forgotten.
