He brings up some interesting points. The best in my opinion, is the paradox that exists in which people speak accolades of their Congressman yet trash Congress. It's not their Congressman that's the problem, it's all the other ones. If their Congressman brings revenue to their district, they're doing a good job doing work/representing the district, if any other Congressman does the same, it's pork.
This is exactly why we get the same recycled congressional asshats election after election.
Basically, what the TEA party was able to do, but throughout the US, which would basically be a revolution.
The TEA Party recycled REPUBLICANS who still push supply side Economics. I and all of us that are old enough have watched Reagans Supply Side Economic policy FAIL for 30 years, yet they keep pushing it. How is that change FFS?
I can honestly say I have never voted based on the elected official being able to bring home the bacon so to speak. I am an equal opportunity basher. You likely will not see me say my official is ok and it is others that are the problem.
How many times have you voted for a Democrat or an Independent?
And look at how the left has demonized the Tea Party. The distortions are nothing more than emotional histrionics in most cases. IMO
The TEA Party is a bunch of deluded right wingers pissed off at the world and misdirecting their anger. They were co-opted by the Koch Brothers, and conservative foundations like Freedomworks, and Americans for Prosperity IMMEDIATELY and are too ignorant to realize they are the big political monies useful idiots.
They blame unions which are at a 20:1 disadvantage over corporations as far as campaign spending, while themselves being funded and controlled by big money conservative PACS. How much sense does that make?
They fight against Universal Health Care which most desperatly need because many of them can barely afford their own insurance premiums presently. One prime example is Mary Brown, a 56-year-old Florida woman who owned a small auto repair shop but had no health insurance, became the lead plaintiff challenging President Obama's healthcare law because she was passionate about the issue.
Brown "doesn't have insurance. She doesn't want to pay for it. And she doesn't want the government to tell her she has to have it," said Karen Harned, a lawyer for the National Federation of Independent Business....
But court records reveal that Brown and her husband filed for bankruptcy last fall with $4,500 in unpaid medical bills.
Obamacare? Please. Once the Public Option was removed, "Obamacare" became the EXACT SAME BILL the Republicans presented in 1995 to counter Hillarycare. They (TEA Partiers) were for it in 1995 but are against it now. How much sense does that make?
The TEA Party is a joke. It is sad to see millions of well meaning Americans duped into becoming the Useful Idiots of the big money PAC's and convinced to vote against their own best economic interests.