Women. God’s afterthought and man’s curse to rule.

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Greatest I am

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Women. God’s afterthought and man’s curse to rule.

I think it quite ironic that God, who tells us to reproduce as his first commandment to man in Genesis 1, does not give us something to reproduce with till Genesis 2; 18. Further, only after a severe chastisement without correction, even to death, an immoral concept, after we ate of the tree of knowledge, are men given what is required for reproduction; the desire and mental capacity to do so.

God never tells Adam why he is being chastised. This is an expression of hate on God’s part because there is no evil in wanting to become as God as scriptures urge us to do. Note here that I take the Jewish view of our elevation in Eden and not the fall interpretation that Christianity mistakenly puts on it.

Chastisement without correction is just cruelty and thus unjust on God’s part. That is the message of Eden. God is unjust. If so, the inequality built into the bible, where men are cursed to rule over women, ----- is unjust.

Genesis 3;16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

As a man, I am not pleased that God has cursed my fellow man to have to suffer ruling over women. To ruleover women is to be responsible to them and their demands. I think we should stop being slaves to women and give them full equality. Men owe it especially to men and to a lesser degree to women and between you and I, justice demands it------, and so would all just people.

As a man, are you ready to shed your yoke of slavery to women and reject God’s command to rule over them?

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Since your activities go well beyond this forum with identical arguments, unless OTZ management disagrees, I'm going to use your comments from threads at other sites where you've started identical arguments.


Yes but you sound like an idiot and I did not wright for you.

If you are not fighting religions then you have no social conscience and are not only stupid, from what I see here, but also immoral.

I asked you once before if your attack upon societies extended past the US and included all of Western Society.
Indeed, it does appear so.
Obviously because religion is a cornerstone of it.

So......what society are you silently championing?

The Man

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GIA formatting.jpg
Women. God’s afterthought and man’s curse to rule.

I think it quite ironic that God, who tells us to reproduce as his first commandment to man in Genesis 1, does not give us something to reproduce with till Genesis 2; 18. Further, only after a severe chastisement without correction, even to death, an immoral concept, after we ate of the tree of knowledge, are men given what is required for reproduction; the desire and mental capacity to do so.

God never tells Adam why he is being chastised. This is an expression of hate on God’s part because there is no evil in wanting to become as God as scriptures urge us to do. Note here that I take the Jewish view of our elevation in Eden and not the fall interpretation that Christianity mistakenly puts on it.

Chastisement without correction is just cruelty and thus unjust on God’s part. That is the message of Eden. God is unjust. If so, the inequality built into the bible, where men are cursed to rule over women, ----- is unjust.

Genesis 3;16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

As a man, I am not pleased that God has cursed my fellow man to have to suffer ruling over women. To ruleover women is to be responsible to them and their demands. I think we should stop being slaves to women and give them full equality. Men owe it especially to men and to a lesser degree to women and between you and I, justice demands it------, and so would all just people.

As a man, are you ready to shed your yoke of slavery to women and reject God’s command to rule over them?


What the fuck is up with your formatting?
Why cant you just drop in a normal post?
Do you really have to use all that shit "just because it is there"
Responding to your posts suck...or is that your plan as an effort to biilboard forward with your agenda
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What the fuck is up with your formatting?
Why cant you just drop in a normal post?
Do you really have to use all that shit "just because it is there"
Responding to your posts suck...or is that your plan as an effort to biilboard forward with your agenda

This is odd......when I view GIA's post, I don't see any unusual formatting, but in the screen shot within your post, I do.


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Just Booted into Knoppix and still don't see the formatting you do, The Man..........

Iceweasel is the default browser I'm using.

The Man

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I can kill his formatting code being visable by toggling the editor mode but then the text is real small within the editor.
But why is it formatted as such to begin with?...seems like it would be easier to just type the post and use the editor to emphasize certain areas etc if need be

Minor Axis

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Women. God’s afterthought and man’s curse to rule...

These are man's ideas, no more. Biology chained women to a role, and men capitalized upon it. See the Middle East for the extreme result. There were always exceptions (to accepting a sex based role), but now a days, I can easily see it going either way with flexible roles. In contrast, technology will free women and turn traditional roles up side down. Birth Control has been around for 40 years (?) and it seems like it's finally having a significant effect on society. No wonder Republican's are trying to ban it. wink.gif

What does God really think about casual sex without pregnancy and the ability to avoid disease? From a biological stance (penetration) what is the significant difference between a French kiss and sexual intercourse if there are no resulting "accidents"? Traditional roles, traditional marriage, was this God's or Man's idea of what stable society should be? Why was it so important that sex and procreation be within the realm of spiritually sanctified, but civilly and officially recognized unions? And should the focus be on spiritual development of the individual or the insistence of traditional family? This Zach Wahls Video impressed me.

Zach Wahls Video

Time to rebut. Did you hear about the story about the mare, Genuine Risk, who had the audacity to eat an apple from the forbidden tree and talked her male companion, Mr. Ed into following suit? This is why mares suffer the ever lasting pain of childbirth.... ;)

Could God have chained women into their biological role as punishment? Hmm, then you'd have to ask, are all species where the female gives birth, an example of God's punishment? The other problem with belief in the Garden of Eden is to dismiss millions of years of human development. Was God chastising humans of a type who existed 6000 years ago or great ape variants (Hominidae) that are believed to have appeared about 15 million years ago? There is enough to question that belief in the Garden becomes a fantasy attempting to explain our existence on Earth and does a terrible job of it. And if true, it reveals God's lack of empathy, humanity, and parental love.

Despite my dismissal of any fact basis for the Garden of Eden story, I find it interesting that one religious group considers it the "rising" of mankind, while another group views it as a "fall". God should get off his duff and clarify what his intention was... :)

Greatest I am

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I can kill his formatting code being visable by toggling the editor mode but then the text is real small within the editor.
But why is it formatted as such to begin with?...seems like it would be easier to just type the post and use the editor to emphasize certain areas etc if need be

The procedure I have to use here is post and then do a quick edit.
It then shows properly as you can see above.

More than that I cannot do.


Greatest I am

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No argument on all.

I did note this.
"These are man's ideas, no more. Biology chained women to a role, and men capitalized upon it."

In our recent history, I agree.
But just from the time man and technology allowed for the forging of weapons large enough for humans to kill humans. Before that, for about 25,000 years, we lived in matriarchal societies with Goddess worship in non-fortified settlements.

I have a link to a scholar somewhere if you want it to confirm my words but I warn you that it is over an hour to watch and she is a plodder and that makes it seem even longer.

As to Eden. I find this theologian and her theory compelling and it may explain the bulk of the myths.



Greatest I am

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A good link and I like his parting remark.

One should be judged by his character for sure and not by whom one is having a loving relationship with.



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One should be judged by his character for sure..............................

Ironic?......good one, Francis :D

GIA.......you do argue for the promotion of legalized abuse and addiction of harmful drugs.
GIA....applying that to yourself, your character takes one hell of a hit and you do look rather evil for it, imho.

BTW..... Francesca Stavrakopoulou is actually a self proclaimed atheist and from some claims, a likely nut case.
Where in the world did she come up with this Biblical claim:
"God had a wife – making him part of a ‘divine pair’. "
In a recent article she wrote: 'Archaeological evidence including inscriptions, figurines and ancient texts as well as details in the Bible, indicate not just that he was one of several worshipped in ancient Israel, but that he was also coupled with a goddess. She was worshipped alongside him in his temple in Jerusalem.

Sounds like she had correspondence with GIA......:D

Minor Axis

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It's too bad we can't have discussion in this forum on a mature level without using sarcasm as the primary method of rebuttal. Instead of belittling a view, how about showing civility and politeness? It's faith, not fact. Until we inject facts into the discussion, every spiritual view has as much validity as any other. If you disagree, just say so.

Most of GIA's posts are Bible based and I acknowledge critical of it. Once you have a book to analyze, it provides a basis using logic or lack of to find/imagine truth or pick it apart based on it's words. Individual feelings about the possibilities of the events described in the Bible are just that, a feeling. They are good to describe, but not worth a debate imo. However words coming from the official guide of a religion can and should be debated.

For example does anyone here believe in a factual basis for Noah's Ark? If not, then what is the purpose of this story? How can we benefit from it?

Regarding Adam and Eve, it describes a stern Old Testament God who I wonder if anyone even believes in any more? Before you critique this statement focus on "Old Testament" not "God". I see no benefit from this story either. It teaches a story about God, that I believe many modern Christians have trouble relating with. Of course I could be wrong... ;)

Greatest I am

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At one time those debate and discussion qualities you speak to were here but lately---------

Perhaps that is why with the churches losing their members in droves, they are asking their apologists to step up with reasoned responses.

They have yet to do so.

Good in a sense for you and I but it makes for poor dialog where no one learns anything.
All too quickly it gets into just the personal garbage.



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.................. Instead of belittling a view, how about showing civility and politeness? It's faith, not fact. Until we inject facts into the discussion, every spiritual view has as much validity as any other. If you disagree, just say so.

I suggest you take me off ignore and take your beatings like a man :p.......:D

Facts?.......Like GIA's atheist source claimed God had a wife?
Get real.
You take your shots against God from time to time and your post only makes you look silly.


Well-Known Member
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At one time those debate and discussion qualities you speak to were here but lately---------


Good in a sense for you and I but it makes for poor dialog where no one learns anything.
All too quickly it gets into just the personal garbage.


At one time those debate and discussion qualities you speak to were here but lately
A debate with like minded people isn't much of a 'debate' (and fortunately there's only 'one' of you here :D ) and all I've seen of your threads is the billboarding across the internet of your gnostic beliefs, twisted versions of Biblical scripture, and your personal literal translations.
GIA.....conceptually, you are just as 'fundamentalist' as the right wing Christian fundamentalists your rants are supposedly addressing. It's rather obvious to me that you translate Biblical scripture to your own benefit.

Good in a sense for you and I but it makes for poor dialog where no one learns anything.
Isn't it rather obvious your acceptance as the forums spiritual teacher has been rather....rocky?
I have learned a lot about you, however.

All too quickly it gets into just the personal garbage.
How many times have you called me a liar? Every time you did, I went the distance to show I was correct and in effect, ad hominems were your tools of debate.
You post shit ( in polite terms, logical fallacies ) and expect everyone to agree.
