Why does God hate the sinner and love the sin?

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Greatest I am

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Why does God hate the sinner and love the sin?

My premise is rather simple. God, if the above were not true, would not give infinite punishment for a finite sin and that hell is definitely against this scripture.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Hell is definitely not overcoming evil with good. Hell is an evil place and if God somehow uses it to overcome evil, he is reversing the interpretation of this quote.

I know that scripture says that God loves the sinner and hates the sin. I have reversed this to opposite way but to read it or believe it as written in scripture would be a tad silly I think.
If God loves the sinner and hates the sin then one would expect that the sin would have God’s wrath and that the sinner would keep God’s love.

The opposite is of course what happens.

The sinner is the one that god shows his wrath to when he sends him or he to hell.
Sin, what God supposedly hates, and presumably in Satan’s control, are left to go about creating a hell penalty for the next bath of sinners that God loves yet consigns to hell.

Something is either wrong with God, the notion that he loves sinners and hates sin or my view that god hates what he punishes and that is the sinners that he is said to love.

I admit that I could be wrong and invite you to straighten out my thinking if you think me wrong. Just show where my logic is taking the wrong turn please.

As I have tried to show; to read the quotes and scripture as written is illogical. Reversing them seems to make more logical sense.
Let us reason together.

Should I read them as given in scripture or should I reverse them to make logical sense?

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I wouldn't say God loves sin. But love and hell don't go together. Well, I suppose it depends on your concept of hell. Some Christians think hell is just a place non-Christians go until they come to their senses. It's not a place of torture, just a place without God... a lot like earth.

Greatest I am

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I wouldn't say God loves sin. But love and hell don't go together. Well, I suppose it depends on your concept of hell. Some Christians think hell is just a place non-Christians go until they come to their senses. It's not a place of torture, just a place without God... a lot like earth.

They would disagree with the 70 odd % of Christians that believe Satan to be real but let's hope they are right.



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They would disagree with the 70 odd % of Christians that believe Satan to be real but let's hope they are right.

A 2009 survey by the Barna Group found 35% of American adults believe Satan is real. 35% is still a lot but it's not as bad as 70%. There's hope for America. :)

A 2003 survey by the Barna Group found 32% of American adults believe hell is a place of torment. Another 52% believe in hell but do not think it's a place of torment (such as those who believe it's just separation from God). And the rest don't believe in hell.

It's hard to believe even a third of Americans think it's okay to torture someone. It shows how fundamentalism can harden a person's conscience. Fortunately the belief hell is a place of torture is dying. Give it another 20 years or so and that belief will be nothing but an embarrassing superstition from history. It ranks right up there with burning a nine year old girl alive because some dickhead thinks she's a witch.

Greatest I am

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Love sin? And he tells us not to sin? Logic.......not

Exactly the point when you see God letting sin and Satan run rampant as if he loved them while sending the sinners he is supposed to love to hell.

God seems to be by-polar or something.
He is sure not walking his talk. Then again, few Christians do.
look at your own case.


Greatest I am

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A 2009 survey by the Barna Group found 35% of American adults believe Satan is real. 35% is still a lot but it's not as bad as 70%. There's hope for America. :)

A 2003 survey by the Barna Group found 32% of American adults believe hell is a place of torment. Another 52% believe in hell but do not think it's a place of torment (such as those who believe it's just separation from God). And the rest don't believe in hell.

It's hard to believe even a third of Americans think it's okay to torture someone. It shows how fundamentalism can harden a person's conscience. Fortunately the belief hell is a place of torture is dying. Give it another 20 years or so and that belief will be nothing but an embarrassing superstition from history. It ranks right up there with burning a nine year old girl alive because some dickhead thinks she's a witch.

I am not surprised that many are not put off by the torture of souls.
Think Guantanamo and the fact that the west, during WWII allowed the torture of U S and Canadian prisoners so that they could study the methods and results used on their own men. That is sick and we still are.



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Exactly the point when you see God letting sin and Satan run rampant as if he loved them while sending the sinners he is supposed to love to hell.

God seems to be by-polar or something.
He is sure not walking his talk. Then again, few Christians do.
look at your own case.


I'm talking about your logic or lack of :thumbup

alice in chains

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Why does God hate the sinner and love the sin?

My premise is rather simple. God, if the above were not true, would not give infinite punishment for a finite sin and that hell is definitely against this scripture.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Hell is definitely not overcoming evil with good. Hell is an evil place and if God somehow uses it to overcome evil, he is reversing the interpretation of this quote.

I know that scripture says that God loves the sinner and hates the sin. I have reversed this to opposite way but to read it or believe it as written in scripture would be a tad silly I think.
If God loves the sinner and hates the sin then one would expect that the sin would have God’s wrath and that the sinner would keep God’s love.

The opposite is of course what happens.

The sinner is the one that god shows his wrath to when he sends him or he to hell.
Sin, what God supposedly hates, and presumably in Satan’s control, are left to go about creating a hell penalty for the next bath of sinners that God loves yet consigns to hell.

Something is either wrong with God, the notion that he loves sinners and hates sin or my view that god hates what he punishes and that is the sinners that he is said to love.

I admit that I could be wrong and invite you to straighten out my thinking if you think me wrong. Just show where my logic is taking the wrong turn please.

As I have tried to show; to read the quotes and scripture as written is illogical. Reversing them seems to make more logical sense.
Let us reason together.

Should I read them as given in scripture or should I reverse them to make logical sense?


I've seen Bible quotes analyzed forever and it's really a shitty thing to argue. First, if God is real, you have not the power to interpret his intentions. Second, how can you know for sure what was said and what not was said? You argue as if you believe in God, just disagree with him, which is fine. But if you do believe he's real, then why do you think you can understand his intentions? Perhaps when God sends you to hell, he no longer loves you. Your point of view is definately biased and if your argument was truly valid, you'd submit the info. you don't want to post.

Greatest I am

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I've seen Bible quotes analyzed forever and it's really a shitty thing to argue. First, if God is real, you have not the power to interpret his intentions. Second, how can you know for sure what was said and what not was said? You argue as if you believe in God, just disagree with him, which is fine. But if you do believe he's real, then why do you think you can understand his intentions? Perhaps when God sends you to hell, he no longer loves you. Your point of view is definately biased and if your argument was truly valid, you'd submit the info. you don't want to post.

I doubt very much that what is written is original and only use the words as a reference.
The issue is the logic of a God’s actions so the words are irrelevant.
God acts as if he hates sinners and loves sin.

If we cannot understand God, then we should reject him as we can never know what he wants of us.


alice in chains

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I can understand the p.o.v. of a mortal not following what he cannot understand with just pure 'faith'. My argument is to test all theories wether I agree or not. I'm sure you understand.

God tells people all they need to hear in the Bible. Could there be answers to the paradoxes? Yes, there could but if sin exists, maybe that's why there are questions that ultimately break religion: The goodness of reality in which man has succeeded and now lives in his/her self created hell.

Of course this is just a possible idea based on the possibility of one idea...The point is that it's the power of 'faith' itself and doesn't necessitate an explanation for every little thing.

Most Christians I know are not ignorant fools who ignore paradoxes. They like to search for answers in ways that donnot break their faith. I think it's beautiful.

Greatest I am

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I can understand the p.o.v. of a mortal not following what he cannot understand with just pure 'faith'. My argument is to test all theories wether I agree or not. I'm sure you understand.

God tells people all they need to hear in the Bible. Could there be answers to the paradoxes? Yes, there could but if sin exists, maybe that's why there are questions that ultimately break religion: The goodness of reality in which man has succeeded and now lives in his/her self created hell.

Of course this is just a possible idea based on the possibility of one idea...The point is that it's the power of 'faith' itself and doesn't necessitate an explanation for every little thing.

Most Christians I know are not ignorant fools who ignore paradoxes. They like to search for answers in ways that donnot break their faith. I think it's beautiful.

Sure. God speaking from a book that begins with a talking animal who provides more information than God himself who prefers man as an ignorant and dumb animal who would not know that it is autonomous.

Quite the fantasy.
