Greatest I am
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Why does God create sub standard souls?
In the beginning, God judged his creations good. Gen 1; 31
Scripture says that God is perfect and that his works are as well. Matt 5; 48, Deu 32; 4
Many do not think that things are particularly good or perfect yet scripture says they must be. Matt 7; 18
You will likely agree with those who say that there is more evil than good in the world. I tend to disagree but few see things as I do.
Many think that things are bad but that they are going exactly the way God wants and if you are in this camp, I thank you for your opinion and discard it as quite illogical.
In fact, if you look at the system God created from afar, you would have to say, if theist opinion is true, that God has screwed up fairly badly because more of the souls he is reported to love, go to hell rather than heaven. You might also wonder why God could not control heaven when only the angels were there and why he also lost control of the earth and had to use genocide on man in Noah’s day. God, after all, is supposed to be master of all, yet things do not go his way.
This observation of our system being corrupted, that you likely see, contradicts scripture and God’s judgment of good, which is upgraded to perfect. Deu 32; 4
The logic trail of the scriptures quoted says that the initial perfection or good that God created will maintain itself in that condition and pass it up over time. It cannot backslide.
It happens that some have asked themselves this before. A group of Jews whose culture was instrumental in shaping Christian belief. Scripture is based on their theories of God. I do not know if you would give them regard for a higher insight because of that but I give you this link to help jog the mind. I would not call it entertaining so much as enlightening. In fact, if you are not disturbed by it you will not likely be able to contribute a sound answer to this post. Unfortunately, I do not have the complete series but I do have the pertinent part. They found that God was guilty of abandoning them.
It appears that God has also abandoned the rest of us.
For those who think that God should not be judged, I offer this.
Adults can and should judge God’s performance.
As bad as things were for the Jews in the holocaust, I would remind you that about 16,000 of us starve to death daily while God, as in WWII, does nothing. This about equals in one year the number of Jews that were exterminated. We have been losing that many for some years now.
Who is correct?
God, who judged all things good or perfect.
Most theists, who think that things are not good or perfect and that they will not get better till end time.
As a bonus question, why can God not produce one obviously good man without pestering a virgin and why does he keep producing sub standard souls or does he make them as perfect as scripture says?
In the beginning, God judged his creations good. Gen 1; 31
Scripture says that God is perfect and that his works are as well. Matt 5; 48, Deu 32; 4
Many do not think that things are particularly good or perfect yet scripture says they must be. Matt 7; 18
You will likely agree with those who say that there is more evil than good in the world. I tend to disagree but few see things as I do.
Many think that things are bad but that they are going exactly the way God wants and if you are in this camp, I thank you for your opinion and discard it as quite illogical.
In fact, if you look at the system God created from afar, you would have to say, if theist opinion is true, that God has screwed up fairly badly because more of the souls he is reported to love, go to hell rather than heaven. You might also wonder why God could not control heaven when only the angels were there and why he also lost control of the earth and had to use genocide on man in Noah’s day. God, after all, is supposed to be master of all, yet things do not go his way.
This observation of our system being corrupted, that you likely see, contradicts scripture and God’s judgment of good, which is upgraded to perfect. Deu 32; 4
The logic trail of the scriptures quoted says that the initial perfection or good that God created will maintain itself in that condition and pass it up over time. It cannot backslide.
It happens that some have asked themselves this before. A group of Jews whose culture was instrumental in shaping Christian belief. Scripture is based on their theories of God. I do not know if you would give them regard for a higher insight because of that but I give you this link to help jog the mind. I would not call it entertaining so much as enlightening. In fact, if you are not disturbed by it you will not likely be able to contribute a sound answer to this post. Unfortunately, I do not have the complete series but I do have the pertinent part. They found that God was guilty of abandoning them.
It appears that God has also abandoned the rest of us.
For those who think that God should not be judged, I offer this.
Adults can and should judge God’s performance.
As bad as things were for the Jews in the holocaust, I would remind you that about 16,000 of us starve to death daily while God, as in WWII, does nothing. This about equals in one year the number of Jews that were exterminated. We have been losing that many for some years now.
Who is correct?
God, who judged all things good or perfect.
Most theists, who think that things are not good or perfect and that they will not get better till end time.
As a bonus question, why can God not produce one obviously good man without pestering a virgin and why does he keep producing sub standard souls or does he make them as perfect as scripture says?