Why do So Many People Hate on Muslims?

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Let me get this straight, I am Christian, I loves my Jesus

How come, with a majority of Americans (especially here in the South :/ ) when the very word "Muslim" is mentioned, a endless blabber of ignorance pours out of their mouths more than that of Niagra Falls?

I guess it's because the religion disagrees with Christianity/Catholicism/similar a little bit in places ( IDK. BOTH are VERY similar).

Or is it because of the terrorist attack?

Normally, and basically, the main, WONDERFUL LOGIC,:sarcasm there is that

Because the Terrorists who attack the very foundation of America, actively are against opposing religions, and are just bad in general are Muslim,
All Muslims, without a dash of a doubt, must, no, are the same way .

That's the same damn thing as me saying
"John is a good person. He plays tennis. Therefore, all tennis players are good people"
"People who have long beards are fierce warriors. Billy has a long beard. Therefore, he is a fierce warrior."
"Jack is a policeman. He's a corrupt one, however. Therefore, all policemen are corrupt."
or (this is more of a stereotype off of a video :/ )
"Ronnie's a ginger. He's not nice at all. Therefore, every ginger doesn't have a soul."
"This particular apple is green. Therefore, all apples are green."
"Chris is a Christian. He kills people if they don't quite agree that Jesus Christ is their savior. Therefore, all Christians kill people if they don't agree with them that Jesus Christ is their savior."
"Nate plays golf. He isn't a man whore. Therefore, all golf players aren't man whores" (haha, tiger, oh you)

That very idea makes my mind explode with anger. How can one be so "ignit".
Like I always say, those are the extremists, and you also have extremists within your own religion (are you one of them?). The media, however, will never show the normal side of a society. I don't see Moe the Muslim or Carl the Christian on top headlines, or for that matter, any news at all, because they woke up ate toast got in their car went to work did their job was a good samaritan went out to eat came home watched a movie and went to sleep. That's not fun. They have to show the extremists of one's culture and plow it into "It's Gotta Be Black or White" heads that everyone of that culture is like that.

So why? Discuss. I'm VERY curious.
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Because ignorance spreads faster than logic, Jim-Bob can spew his hatred to 30 people and it will spread to 15 and your logic may convert 1 person back.

Peter Parka

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It's to do with all the scaremongering about terrorism, too many people now have an irrational fear of scary, beardy Muslims trying to blow us all up. The vast majority of Muslims have about as much in common with these terrorists as most Christians have in common with Westboro Baptists.


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I would think a large part of it has to do with the Bush years - by conducting a "war on terror", with all the targets being mainly muslim, it creates the illusion that muslim = terrorist in the eyes of people not really aware of much beyond their own national borders.


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That's the thing man, when something like 9-11 happens, people take it to heart and lash out on the entire community of people that the offenders belong to. It's sad but true... hate spawns faster than anything in the world. Simply a direct result of being human. The thing that makes us human, our soul, our emotion is the very thing that will bring us down. Because, even though we're capable of feeling great love and compassion, it is also vulnerable to the seeds of hatred and evil. Kind of like when you leave your front door open so your dog can come in and out; because its open, the flies and bees can get in too...


Having way too much fun
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I would think a large part of it has to do with the Bush years - by conducting a "war on terror", with all the targets being mainly muslim, it creates the illusion that muslim = terrorist in the eyes of people not really aware of much beyond their own national borders.

That's the thing man, when something like 9-11 happens, people take it to heart and lash out on the entire community of people that the offenders belong to. It's sad but true... hate spawns faster than anything in the world. Simply a direct result of being human. The thing that makes us human, our soul, our emotion is the very thing that will bring us down. Because, even though we're capable of feeling great love and compassion, it is also vulnerable to the seeds of hatred and evil. Kind of like when you leave your front door open so your dog can come in and out; because its open, the flies and bees can get in too...

But it's more than that. There was concerted effort to link Muslims to terrorism, all Muslims. Just go back and look at all the irresponsible rhetoric that came out of the White house, let alone the media. There was a very successful campaign to use key words and phrases that did nothing to disassociate Muslims from terrorist. There were one in the same as far as the White house was concerned. It was beat into the heads of Americans since 9/11 that Muslims were to be feared, and it worked, they got the public support through hatred and fear.
You cannot gain the support of the American people to wage war on a Muslim country when the public knows that the majority of Muslims are of no threat. There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, with a large number residing here in the US. If Muslims were really a threat to our way of life, then why didn't we round them all up in America and lock them up?


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Most terrorists are Muslim, but nowhere near all Muslims are terrorists. Unfortunately a relatively small subset of extremists has given their religion a rather large and noticeable black eye.


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But it's more than that. There was concerted effort to link Muslims to terrorism, all Muslims. Just go back and look at all the irresponsible rhetoric that came out of the White house, let alone the media. There was a very successful campaign to use key words and phrases that did nothing to disassociate Muslims from terrorist. There were one in the same as far as the White house was concerned. It was beat into the heads of Americans since 9/11 that Muslims were to be feared, and it worked, they got the public support through hatred and fear.
You cannot gain the support of the American people to wage war on a Muslim country when the public knows that the majority of Muslims are of no threat. There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, with a large number residing here in the US. If Muslims were really a threat to our way of life, then why didn't we round them all up in America and lock them up?

Oh I fully agree man, it's way deeper than just 9-11. I think the news just further perpetuates our hatred of anything foreign too. All we see about Muslims is that they're blowing each other up on the news, and they're blowing us up on the news and blah blah blah. That's what they show people, and it makes everyone hate them. I hate what happened that day in September, but why is it the Muslim culture's fault? It's the Taliban's deal, they're the ones who took the planes over... I don't know man, we could go on all day about why and never come to any realization, hahaa. It's stupidity, that's what...


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But it's more than that. There was concerted effort to link Muslims to terrorism, all Muslims. Just go back and look at all the irresponsible rhetoric that came out of the White house, let alone the media. There was a very successful campaign to use key words and phrases that did nothing to disassociate Muslims from terrorist. There were one in the same as far as the White house was concerned. It was beat into the heads of Americans since 9/11 that Muslims were to be feared, and it worked, they got the public support through hatred and fear.
You cannot gain the support of the American people to wage war on a Muslim country when the public knows that the majority of Muslims are of no threat. There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, with a large number residing here in the US. If Muslims were really a threat to our way of life, then why didn't we round them all up in America and lock them up?

because your prisons are full already?



Having way too much fun
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Nah, there's plenty of internment camps around the country that could've held 'em all ;)

You sir are correct... that's actually what I was referring to. Has anyone ever explained why we have so many of these interment camps being built and maintained?


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You sir are correct... that's actually what I was referring to. Has anyone ever explained why we have so many of these interment camps being built and maintained?

It's something that I've brought up here before, and I was summarily laughed at if I remember correctly. Told that I was freaking out about nothing.


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I don't hate Muslims, per se, but if I'm on an airplane and see someone in Muslim garb.....yeah, I'm gonna feel uncomfortable.

I dated a Muslim a long time ago, he was a very nice man, actually I quit seeing him because he was to DULL for me ;)


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lol. all wondeful thoughts, everyone.

Yea, if govt. ever wants everything to be done they have to drill it into their citizens heads that it's cool to do so...

Peter Parka

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Funny this thread should come out now, there was this interesting article in the news today

Terrorists 'like football thugs'
Groups like al-Qaeda must be "de-glamorised" and shown as "incompetent, narcissistic and irreligious", a report by a UK think tank suggests.
The two-year international study of Islamic radicals said terrorism could be defeated by making it boring.
Demos interviewed 200 people - experts, young Muslims and 58 violent radicals.
It found violent radicals had a poor understanding of Islam, compared with non-violent radical followers, and had more in common with football hooligans.
The study found the "cool factor" was the biggest draw to al-Qaeda and that terrorism could be defeated by demystifying and deglamourising jihad.
Overseas volunteering
According to the researchers, violent radical Muslims were unlikely to have been brought up in a religious family, were less likely to have studied at university and to be employed and were more like members of a gang.
The study said the trick to fighting violent extremists was to show al-Qaeda-inspired terrorists could be incompetent and irreligious.
Satire could be used to undermine any "cool" image and governments should channel radical Muslims' rebellious tendencies into activities like overseas volunteering.

The trick for Western governments is to welcome non-violent forms of radicalism - indeed to provide opportunities for young Muslims to engage in exciting 'radical' activities
Jamie Bartlett
The report explored the roots of violent radicalism and the formation of terrorist cells in the UK, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands and France.
Jamie Bartlett, co-author of the report said: "Young people are drawn to radical causes, and to rebellion against authority.
"For most radical young Muslims this takes the forms of protest, argument and learning - but for a minority, al-Qaeda might seem a 'cool' gang to join, even though the truth is that its members are ignorant and incompetent.
"This does not make it any less serious or dangerous. Terrorist activity amounts, all too often, to teenage kicks that kill.
"The trick for Western governments is to welcome non-violent forms of radicalism - indeed to provide opportunities for young Muslims to engage in exciting, 'radical' activities such as overseas volunteering - while maintaining a zero-tolerance attitude to violence and terrorism."

Story from BBC NEWS: