A survey by LifeWay Christian Resources found most Millenials (people born from 1980 to 1991) are not religious and are leaving churches. I read an interesting blog from radicalramblings today which addresses why young people leave. Here's an excerpt.
Is inconsistent doctrine the problem? My nephew blames something else. My brother and his wife are and have been faithful church goers. Their oldest son who recently left home does not go to church now. I asked him why. He said the church is full of hypocrites. (I don't know about his church but mine isn't.)
How about you, why did you leave church?
You want to talk about cognitive dissonance and faith? Take a look at your Sunday School classes. You're the one trying to teach kids to take the Old Testament literally at face value, and then telling them Sunday is the Sabbath. Because some of the OT doesn't apply anymore. But the stuff about Homosexuals, that wasn't even in the commandments, that still applies. And Jesus loves everyone, unless they get remarried. Or dance at a party. Or drink alcohol. Even though King David had 144 wives - AT THE SAME TIME - and is said to be "after God's own heart." And even though Jesus' first miracle was turning water to wine. And even though the Psalms speak of singing, dancing, and making music as worship. See a problem yet? Because I do - and it has nothing to do with what the public schools are teaching, but with your own inconsistency in doctrine.
Is inconsistent doctrine the problem? My nephew blames something else. My brother and his wife are and have been faithful church goers. Their oldest son who recently left home does not go to church now. I asked him why. He said the church is full of hypocrites. (I don't know about his church but mine isn't.)
How about you, why did you leave church?