A bet you would win indeed. I left the Baptist Taliban cult permanently several years ago. You can tell me why if you like.
I can only guess that like most Ex Christians, you recognized that you were following a tradition more than a God and when you questioned anyone in your church on questions, you were told what they still tell women in many churches. This is not to say you are a woman. This I use as an analogy.
I have no idea if there is any god or not and neither does anyone else. I do like the Secular Humanist philosophy.
Pleased to know you as well.[/
This site is a bit quiet at the moment but there may some issues you might be interested in.
As to God's existence. I am not an atheist but have rejected, thanks to my apotheosis, the miracle working absentee super God.
You will find that my views are more secularist and humanist than Christian. My closest label would be Gnostic Christian naturalist.
I have no dogma to sell other than question everything as I, like anyone else who claims apotheosis, have no proof to show.